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Pelican Bay State Prison

Located in Northern California

Pelican Bay State Prison is California's modern day Alcatraz. Home to the worst of the worst convicted felons in the state,PBSP is nestled in the giant redwoods of Crescent City, California.

Charles Manson

Charles Manson is a person with an unusual ability to dominate others. He assembled a destructive, doomsday cult around himself, called The Family. Manson found sections within the Beatles' song Helter Skelter and within the last book in the Christian Bible, Revelation which he felt referred to a devastating future race war between blacks and whites. He expected to take over control of what was left of the world after the inter-racial fighting ended. By murdering some high-profile people, he expected to trigger the "final days" conflict. Although Manson is not believed to have killed anyone directly, his followers committed the famous Tate and LaBianca murders. In 1997-MAR, Charles Manson, 62, made his ninth unsuccessful request for parole. Apparently, he wasn't too disappointed. He is busy working on his Web site. In 1997-AUG, Manson was transferred from Corcoran State Prison to the tougher Pelican Bay State Prison as punishment for his recent drug bust. He will be placed in a segregated Security Housing Unit where he will have little contact with other inmates. A group with Christian beliefs. Total body count (1969): at least 8.

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