did you do?
- Charlie's boss is Mr. Jopeck
- Lock combinations:99-44-100% pure, Mrs. TeeVee
comments that the musical lock combination is from
Rachmaninoff, but it is actually from The Marriage
Figaro by Mozart
- Charlie's teacher is Mr. Turkentine
- The
eggdecator can tell the difference between a
good egg and a bad one.
- Grandma Josephine knitted the tassles on
Charlie's scarf
- Charlie bought his lucky Wonka bar at Bill's
Candy Shop
- Charlie violated section 37b of the contract
he drank
fizzy lifting drink
- Agustus got his fat ass sucked up a pipe into
the fudge room
- Charlie bought a loaf of bread with his first
- The man the children thought was Mr. Slugworth
was actually Mr. Wilkinson who worked for Mr. Wonka
- Mr. Wonka mixed his chocolate by
- Mr. Gloop is his towns most prominant parve
- Mike TeeVee is from Marble Falls, Arizona
- Violet broke the record held by Miss Cornelia
- Charlie's Grandparents: Grandpa George, Grandma
Georgina, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine
- Verucha's father is Henry Salt
- Mr. Turkentine was making wart remover
Charlie bought his lucky Wonka bar with money he
found in a drainage sewer
- Mr. Wonka's boat is the Wonkatania
- The computer programmed to locate the Golden
Tickets and the machine that made the "three course
dinner" gum were both refered to as "the greatest
invention of the machine age"
Charlie's mother washed laundry for a living
- The factory tour began at 10 a.m. the first day
of October
- Mrs. TeeVee is a geography teacher
- Three course dinner gum: Tomato soup, roast
beef and baked potato. blueberry pie and cream
- What happened to the man who suddenly got
everything he ever wanted? He lived happily ever
Bonus Answer: The tinker quotes from the poem
"The Fairies" by William Allingham
Think you can stump Boozit on Wonka trivia? If you
do, I'll buy you a beer!
If you still think you know everything about
Willy Wonka, then click
on the link below to visit WONKA-FACTS. This
is the most informative (and impressive) Wonka site
on the internet! You'll be amazed at what this guy