Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Page created December 25, 1998 at 9:25 AM. It has been updated on April 10, 2010. This page is ALWAYS Under Construction.
If you click on "visit this author's gallery," the little blue square just to the right of the "Catalog of Hogg Cachets" caption immediately under the photos above, you can get a larger size slideshow with picture captions. It will open my gallery in a new tab. Just click on the Hogg Cachets Album, wait for it to load, and off you go!!
This is a complete photo catalog of all Hogg Cacheted First Day Covers produced for US Stamps by James Hogg. As those who know me well know, I have been a stamp collector for years specializing in US first day covers. I also have my own line of cachets that I have produced over the years for various US stamp issues. If you have any questions, or need to acquire some of these covers, please contact me. Unfortunately, many of these illustrated covers are sold out and no longer available.
This photo showcase is here to aid first day cover collectors in identifying Hogg Cacheted FDCs for their collections. NOTE: I have a special page devoted specially to my FDCs and that is accessible by clicking here. Updated January 24, 2009. On this page, you will find a complete illustrated history of Hogg Cachets.
Those of you who know me personally know that I always enjoy great food and that I seek out great places to eat. Well, I've decided to place my world class finds here for you to try out and enjoy. Click here for my HONOR ROLL of world class places to eat. Updated August 1, 2008.
Click here for FORT MYERS YORK RITE BODIES HOME PAGE. Updated May 15, 2008.
I am the senior PDDGM of this lodge and I maintain a special website for their benefit. This lodge is currently one of the most successful lodges in the State of Florida with a young and dynamic leadership. Our Lodge’s membership is growing and our members are enthusiastic about Freemasonry. Additionally, every month, I hold a special “Masonic Enlightenment” session at the lodge where I teach and discuss the symbolism and what the three degrees of Freemasonry mean. All Masons belonging to a regular lodge whose grand lodge is recognized by "The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Florida" are welcome.
Click here to access Fort Myers Beach Lodge’s homepage that I maintain on their behalf.
Click here for the Scottish Rite Valley of Guthrie, Oklahoma photo and information page.
I am VERY PROUD to be a Plural Perpetual Member of this Scottish Rite Valley. They are the Platinum Standard for the Scottish Rite in the entire Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in the United States!
Click here for the Scottish Rite Valley of Lake Worth, Florida photo and information page. These fellows are a friendly and hospitable group of Brothers who enjoy receiving visitors. You will not be sorry you visited them. And, as of March, 2010, I am now a full member of the Lake Worth Valley, having just transferred in from elsewhere.
Click here for the Scottish Rite Valley of Miami, Florida photo and information page. Like the Valley of Lake Worth, these fellows are a friendly and hospitable group of Brothers who enjoy receiving visitors. You will not be sorry you visited them. (Note: page still "under construction.")
This lodge is on the cutting edge of Freemasonry internationally and is a regularly constituted lodge by the United Grand Lodge of England. I have been a member since 1998 and served two years as one of the lodge Stewards some years back. Our membership is international in character and we utilize the internet to advance and promote Freemasonry worldwide.
Visit Internet Lodge’s website by clicking here: Internet Lodge 9659, Manchester, England Home Page.
Click here to see info on my NOW AVAILABLE book entitled "Naval Air Base Marpi at Saipan, Mariana Islands in 1945." This page has a table of contents of this work.
In this book, you will find the following: Recollections of Howard W. Hogg, as told by James W. Hogg;
Original WW II photos of the base, some personnel, planes, nose art, propaganda leaflets dropped on the Japanese by air;
Complete Cruise Book for ACORN 46, CASU (F) 47, and C.B.M.U. 616; Including a complete personnel roster (of over 1,800 names) of NAB Marpi;
Howard W. Hogg, my Dad, was a Seabee in the Navy (CBMU 616) during World War II.
I have acquired the unit's ORIGINAL emblem plaques. At the bottom of my NAB Marpi page, I reproduce the 1945 picture of them, along with the picture I took of them in my home today. Here, you will find out the story of how I came to possess these WW II artifacts.
This page was UPDATED on April 10, 2010 to reflect a NEW PHONE NUMBER.
I have a new page for investment information and links to some of my favorite places. I also have some economy stuff there as well. Created May 9, 2008. Click here to view special investments page.
BANK FAILURES: I have included at the bottom of Jim Hogg’s Investment Page a brief explanation of what happens when a bank is closed by the federal authorities when it becomes insolvent. Also included is a link to the FDIC web page where deposit insurance is fully explained, along with a reference to the pertinent US Code and Code of Federal Regulations citations. Also, updated on September 29, 2008, and April 10, 2010, I have added comments on CREDIT UNIONS to this page.
WARNING! I have comments added on September 22, 2009, concerning the new $250,000 FDIC and NCUA insurance levels. These levels are TEMPORARY!! Read my comments on these.
NOTE: My comments on the economy going forward, written on February 17, 2009 (and revised on September 22, 2009, and April 10, 2010, also appear here. Unfortunatly, they are NOT good, and I pray that they do NOT come true
I have two pages dedicated to how to identify them so that you will be able to make money on them when they eventually go public and sell their stock to the public in an IPO.
2] Click here for the continuation page with a second list from the Office of Thrift Supervision, Dep't. of the Treasury, with additional names not on the FDIC List and a few duplicate names. Updated on May 10, 2008. Also here is a list of conversion offerings done by Sandler O'Neill (a securities firm specializing in bank offerings) from 1994 to 2008, followed by a link to FDIC's list of banks page.
There are two pages because I reached the quota limit on the first page for text. Happy Hunting!!!
Click here to view a Photo Page of Suffield Academy.
This is my photo album of the grand EMA Alumni Reunion in July, 2008. This includes the grand banquet at Oheka. ENJOY!!! If you click on "visit this author's gallery," the little blue square just to the right of the EMA caption under the photos above, you can get a larger size slideshow with picture captions. It will open my gallery in a new tab. Just click on the EMA Album, wait for it to load, and off you go!!
Click here to visit the EMA Alumni Association home page. I have just been elected in August, 2008 to the office of Assistant Treasurer of The Alumni Association of Eastern Military Academy.
Click here to view a resume of my Masonic Background.
Click here for Legal Links. This is the page of links you want if you are interested in LAW. Note: This page needs updating and some of the links do not work (8/30/08)
Click here for extensive Computer anti-virus information.
Do you collect stamps and covers? If you do, you may want to write to the following:
George Washington Masonic Stamp Club
Ralph Kniseley, Past President
7400 Skyline Drive
Frederick, Md. 21702-3652
Masonic Study Unit
Robert Domingue
59 Greenwood Rd.
Andover, Mass. 01810
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Jim Hogg's Freemasonry & Law Homepage Click for the [ Next Page | Skip It | Next 5 | Random link] |
images from upstate New York in the Adirondacks taken 8/1/96.
To contact me, use this email address:
1] Master Mason Home Page - many links!
2] Masonic Info Home Page.
3] Freemasonry Home Page.
4] Grand Lodge of Florida Home Page.
5] Masonic Renewal Committee of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America.
6] Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, USA.
7] Valley of Lake Worth, Florida, Scottish Rite Bodies
8] Scottish Rite Northern Jurisdiction Home Page.
9] York Rite of Freemasonry Int'l Home Page
10] Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction Home Page.
11] Tropical Lodge No 56, Fort Myers, Florida
12] Cypress Lodge No. 295, F & AM, Naples, Florida Home Page.
13] Fort Myers Beach Lodge No. 362, F & AM Home Page
14] Visit Lodge Ireland 2000 - an Internet based lodge under the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
15] Paul Bessel's Website. Here you will find Masonic statistics, history, links, Masonic Research links, you name it!!
16] Grand York Rite Bodies of Florida.
17] Lehigh Acres Lodge No. 344, F & A M. Lehigh Acres, FL Home Page.