Horse Of The Year
O ne of the greats of the sport was awarded for his excellence in Bal Harbor, Florida on Tuesday night. Skip Away was named Horse Of The Year 1998.
If you've come to this site regularly you know how I felt about Skippy. He did what he was asked and for the most part, did it brilliantly. I'll never forget this past year. Mostly the memories of Skip Away blazing away all over the country setting records and racing while handicapped with 130 pounds. That might be the last time we ever see a horse in the States carry that kind of weight.
There are a couple of good articles below paying homage to the steel gray champion. I'm sure there will be more to follow in the coming days. I feel most fortunate to have followed Skip Away closely for these last few years. When I think back years from now I'm sure that Skippy's accomplishments will age like fine wine. Not Sonny Whine. Fine wine.
While Skip Away did not end his career with a win, he fulfilled the dreams of Carolyn and Sonny Hine who raced him, without an extended break for 4 straight years. He has now earned Eclipse awards 3 straight years. That's tough to top.
Before last year's Breeders' Cup at Churchill, I wrote on his final race. And while the race didn't turn out as I had hoped, Skip Away never disappointed. He deserves the Horse Of The Year. Now, finally, it's his.
Fame, The Cold Witch-Bill Handleman and USA Today
Skip Away Wins Horse Of The Year-Bill Finley and The New YorkDaily News
Funny How Time Skips Away-Vic Zeigel and The New York Daily News
Silver Or No, Skippy No. 1-Bill Finley and The New York Daily News
McGwire Pulling Down Piazza Money-Vic Zeigel and The New York Daily News
Everybody Runs Away From Skip-Bill Finley and The New York Daily News
A Granite Constitution-Sherry Ross and The New York Daily News
Withstanding The Test Of Time-Bill Finley and The New York Daily News
Hearts Skip A Beat-Bill Finley and The New York Daily News