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have you ever met a BSB? tell me about it and I will post it on my site. Stunning, fast, FREE!
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Hear about other people's *ENCOUNTERS*
Well Otay Here Goes...... On May 14, 1999, I was at a New York Knicks Playoff Game and the Backstreet Boys were there singing the national anthem. Unfortunatly I arrived to the game late and was unable to her them perform. When I had gotten there only Howie and Kevin were there, I guess Nick, Brian and AJ had left. Well through out the game I kept thinking to myself how I'll never get to see them up close, because I was sitting in the nose-bleed section and they were of course court-side. But then at the end of the game, my friend and I were waiting for her mother to pick us up, as we were waiting we saw the Backstreet van drive away. Behind the van were girls screaming "BYE HOWIE!". I thought Kevin was in there too, so I started screaming "Bye Kevin!". But little did I know that Kevin was not in there. Well her mother finallie arrived and we left, as we were leaving Madison Square Garden, we had to take some backstreets. Well we were at an intersection waiting for the light to change, and then out of no where Kevin walks up tto the corner with a bunch guys. When I saw him I went nuts because he is the last person I would ever expect to see. It was weird because I was also thinking about him at the momment, which freaked me out even more. When he heard me screaming, he looked me in the eye and probablie thought that I was going to jump out of the car and attack him. Which I wouldn't have I was just in sooo much shock to see him=) But he ran across the street and when he got across the street he looked back to see if I was behind him and he tripped=) But I never got out of the car because I know the last thing he probably wanted is to be bothered by an obsessed fan. But I'll never forget that day as long as I live=)

The pre-awards show for the Billboard Music Awards (not televised on tv) was the best day of my life. (and the day after that, but I'll get to that later!) Anyways... I had to practically beg my parents to take me to the hotel in Vegas where the awards where held, so me and my cousin got to go. We were hanging around the hotel rooms, meeting celebrities, until I heard a lot of people scream. I turn around and go "Oh my gosh, it's AJ McLean!!" I ran over to his side, and he autographed my book. My cousin brought a t-shirt, so it was hard to sign it, but he spent longer time with us! After everyone left, he went to go buy something in a little shop sort-of thing (not a gift shop). My cousin takes her camera and asked him "Will you take a picture with me?" and he said, "Yeah, sure" because he was in line. So, I take the camera and and take a pic of them together. I don't know WHY I didn't stay with him in line and talk to him more, but we left him alone. He was with his bodyguard! anyway, and probably didn't want us bothering him. But I wanted a pic with him too! So we went back to him and this time I ask him to take a pic with me. He said yes, and you know the rest. Then, since I was curious, I asked him "Do you know where Nick is?" and he said, "Um, he's at another hotel." That was because AJ was visiting hotels with this girl he was with. I had no idea who she was, and she was NOT Amanda Latona! Well, we left them alone and didn't follow them, because he'd think we would be stalking him. The next day I skipped school to go to the Billboard Music Awards early, and we waited near the entrance. Then after meeting more celebs, I was just staring off into space when I saw Kevin walking by us! I went to get an autograph, but then a big group of teenyboppers pushed me and got to him first. They were walking to the elevators when he left, and so I had no where to go. So behind him was Howie, and I went to him. His bodyguard was like "Everyone get out of the! way, they're late." (for rehearsals, or dressing) So then, Howie said "C'mon guys, just walk with me!" So I did, and got an autograph. My pen ran out of ink, so his smiley face he always does is messed up. (lol) Then AJ stopped and signed autographs for people, and I got really good pics of him! I don't know why I didn't get some of Howie though, I guess it was all going to fast. While I was with Howie, my cousin was with Nick. She goes, "Can I have an autograph?" and he just covers his face from everyone and goes straight to the elevator. I guess that's how he is. But while in the elevator, we took pics of him, and he was making funny faces at us! My camera ran out of batteries, and my pictures are so dark (flash didn't work) but you can tell it's him. My cousin has a picture of him sticking his finger in his mouth. But anyway... we were wondering where was Brian. 5 minutes later, he comes in holding Leighanne's hand (you all know who she is) with his bodyguard and goes in t! he elevator. I took a lot of pics, but damn! No Leighanne! She was nice, but I couldn't understand why she was wearing dark sunglasses inside the hotel. (You can see a little blonde hair in my pic though.) =)Brian was making funny faces to us just like Nick! He was crossing his eyes at the camera and then tourists were coming in his elevator too. (I should've done that!!) That was about it... but the Backstreet Band came and I have a nice pic of them too! I met Tim Berkebile and took pics with him. I also took pics with Fatima Robinson (their choreographer). She's REALLY nice. Those 2 days were the best days of my life! I hope to see them again!!




Well here's the story, it's rather long, so just chill back and enjoy our story!!! A few years ago, back when I (Angel) was a senior in high school. The Backstreet Boys were doing a concert. When they came on stage, the girls went crazy. They came out singing and then introduced themselves. I couldn't even decide who was the cutiest one, they all took my breathe away. I knew I had to meet them. I did get that chance later on in the day. I went to one of my teachers, who ran the school newspaper (which I was apart of) and told him how I wanted to meet them. He told me to get a picture w/ the group for the school newspaper. He also had it where I was behind stage doing their second show. It was great, I saw them practicing a Boyz II Men song. Then it was time for the show, the girls once again went crazy. They took the school by storm and left alot of girls wanting more, including me. They had to run out of school because every girl went after them. I thought they left but when I asked someone who was working for them, they told me they were right outside at the tour bus. So I went out in search of them, I found them signing autographs. I went in search of their manager because I still had to get a picture of them for the newspaper. I told her about it and she said no problem, just wait until they were ready to leave. I went around and got autographs and spoke to a few of them. They were the sweetest guys and cutiest I had ever seen and met. It was time they had to leave and before they did I got to get that picture I needed. We took the picture right in front of their tour bus. Nick looks so young, he's actually smaller than Brian. Anyway, they had to leave and get back on the road to go to another school. I was sad to see them go, but since that day they had a fan in me. Like a week later, I found out that they were doing a concert at the mall so I went. I took along my sisters, Brandy, Tracy, my mom, my niece Brittany, & my nephew Carmen. That's the concert when they fell in love with Brittany. At the time, Brittany was probably their youngest fan. Kevin took her on stage and danced with her. We had a blast that afternoon. Before we knew it, they had to get on a plane to Germany. They left and Brittany stood there crying because her new friends left her. We saw them a year later at a nightclub. It was great. We (my two sisters, my brother & me) were waiting in the club when their manager came out, we got her attention and then she realized it was us. She took us back onto the tour bus to see the guys. They were just sitting around waiting for their time to go on. We chatted for a few minutes and then we left so they could get ready. They did their show and when they were done they signed some autographs. Brian and Kevin went back to the tour bus before they went they asked if we wanted to come along so we did. Howie, A.J. and Nick stayed and danced a little. When we were on the tourbus we chatted a little more with Brian (who is the most sweetiest guy). Before we knew it the guys had to leave and move on to the next city. We said our goodbyes and saw them leave. We still kept in touch with each other through letters, telephone calls and I even got a birthday video from BSB on my 17th birthday!!! Which is the sweetiest tape and present I could ever get!!! The next time we would see them is two years later in 1997, and guess what they remembered us too!! That was the first time I got to see the guys after the whole world made them number one and it was great. We went back to the meet and greet where we saw the guys. They changed alittle, they got cutier. Their personalities were the same since the very first time I met them. We chatted and caught up on some things. I always hated it when we said goodbye. Six months later, we went to another concert, but the night before the concert my two sisters, my friend and I bumped into AJ and Howie at a local nightclub. AJ was great, he stayed and chatted with us about lots of things. We went to the concert and gave them the gifts we got them. We waited in line for half of the day but it was worth it. We got to see the guys do an interview and sign autographs. That night the concert rocked once again, the only thing that bothered me was all the pushing that the girls were doing, to get closer to the guys. All the guys looked great and Brian looked very cute, he's my (Angel's & my sister's Brandy) favorite one. I love his face expressions when he is talking to you. Kevin was wonderful and kind, he is very very cute in person. Pictures don't do justice for what he really looks like. Kevin is Brittany's favorite!! AJ was such a sweetie!! We can't begin to explain what these three guys do for us!!! They are all sweethearts! Don't get me wrong Nick (who is Michele's favorite) is a great guy too. We remember when he was smaller than Brian and now we can't believe how he grew up these past few years. What can we say about Howie, he's just a great guy? The band is great! The two women behind the BSB, who are the sweetest in the world, Donna & Denise. The saying go behind every great man you could find a great woman. You two are the greatest, you have always welcomed us with open arms!!! Thanks a bunch!!! All my encounters with the Backstreet Boys are memories I'll always keep close to the heart. I (Angel) always knew since the first time I met them, that one day they will become famous. Now here they are five of the most wanted men alive!!! We are more than fans we are Friends of theirs. We believed in them since the very beginning and we still believe.


It Happen Febuary 1998, Everyone was so crazed that the BSB were in town. Anyways I kept telling everyone that you not gonna see them so don't get in your car and search high and low. Anyways me and my friend Roxanne were driving around when she had to stop at a gas station to get gas (of course). I looked to my right and there was this big bus that had stop and parked in front of the gas station. Roxanne being stupid didn't see it. She asked me to go and pay for the gas. I took the money without thinking twice. I walked in the gas station fixing my hair and clothes thinking "Jenna get a hold of herself it's not the BSB, watch it be nuns or a church group. I looked around nothing. so my smile broke I paid the gas and bought my a strip of beef jerky. The clerk was handing me my change when behind me I heard "Nick you don't need all that food!" a froze! Then I heard "Shut up A.J.!" I dropped my change and beef jerky. And I didn't wanna just *BEND OVER* and pick it up. So I turned sideways and started picking up my change and it was really hard cause i knew they were watching me. Suddenly another hand had pick up my change too. I was A.J.! I thanked him and told him I was going to the concert. I felt more comfortable *BIG MISTAKE*(when I get comfortable I say the first thing that comes to mind). I looked at Nick's Food and I yelled HOLY SHIT! There was about 5 snicker bars, 3 20oz. bottles of Coke, 2 big bags of potato chips, and a bag of peanuts. A.J. laughed I covered my mouth I was so embrassed. Roxanne came busting in only to turn back around and bust out of the door. Nick asked what her name was so I told him. A.J. and I stood there and talk for a couple of minutes. Then Brian walks in now by this time my mouth is WIDE open. Roxanne ran back in with sheets of paper asking them for autographs, they gave them to us just to be nice. Frankly I think I made Nick mad when I screamed out HOLY SHIT!, but he gave me a autograph anyways. That was my must exciting & embrassing day of my life, and the concert was great!

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