These are pictures of their current girlfriends
This is Nick's gf, Mandi _____(i cant say her last name over the net)the first time i scanned these pics i did not stamp them w/ my email addy on them (stupid!) and i finally did it recently. I only sent these pics to a couple of people online and i told them not to send them to anyone and now i have seen my pics all over sites everywhere!!! i am getting so mad so please everyone do me the hugest favor in the world..if u see these pics on a web site or something, please tell the person whos web site it is to replace the nonstamped pics w/ the stamped ones, please guys i took these pics myself, and i deserve the credit. thanx!!back to Mandi...SHE IS NOT FROM INNOSENCE!!. She is 18, I met her at the Tampa,FL concert Dec 30th. She was really nice! She looks kinda bad here b/c her eyes were closed.
thanx to Jessica for taking these pics IN NYC of Leighanne and Mandy.
This is LeighAnne, Brian's GF, she seems reeally sweet! But personally, I am very glad for all of the BSB who have gfs, b/c they have obviously found someone who they can trust, and who they maybe even love. Its hard to find a trustworthy person these days who like you for who you are, and not what you are.
AJ and his gf,Amanda. I heard are not together anymore, but i really dont know, here is a picture of them together anyways.
This picture is of the girl Howie has been seeing, yes its true guys!! Fans have said they have talked to her and she is sooo sweet and very gracious. I am very happy for Howie, he deserves someone like this. I havent met her yet, but I hope I do. Her name is Supposedly Claudia and is Canadian.
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