thi was my concert review from tonight (7/2/99) in Ft Lauderdale at the National Car Rental Center....btw, it was asposed to be May 17th but it was postponed cuz Lance was sick and its goona be on pay per view! OK, my damn step sister Katie didnt end up taking us till about 6:00, we finally got there right at 7:30. They didnt let us in w/ our signs so we had to leave them on this bug cart and teh guys would get them later. that just sux!!! Innocence was the opening act, they were pretty cool! we had pretty good seats but i kinda wasnt satisfied, we were on the right, in section 101. so once the concert started i ran down to the floor level and i started walking around so then i finally sneaked my way from the security (which was everywhere) and i got to front row in the dead center!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like kinda in the isle. I had JC written on my arm too, so then he came over and looked towards me so i pointed to my arm and he pointed directly at me and smiled, i just smiled back. it was so great!:) i wish i took a picture of him while doing it, but i was too much into the moment, i took it like 5 seconds after. like 5 mins afterwards, joey came over and waved to me. i think i MAAAAAAAY have gotten a picture of that, if not- it was also 5 seconds afterwards, lol. then right after, a security guy (damn assholes) came over to me and knew i didnt belong there so he pushed me away. so i just walked around to the other side and found a spot right on the end of like the 10th row, and right there was these 2 fiiiine guys so i asked them if i could stand there w/ them so i could see better. i had a good conversation w/ them too, they like bsb and nsync! but they like nsync better, i got into this flirtatious fight w/ them about it, hehe. i forgot i left my friend Quinn back at our original seats cuz she didnt want to move (oooh she should have followed me), i went back and got her to bring her to the row where i was at. so we spent most of the rest of the concert staying there. and like everytime one of the NSYNCers came over near us i jumped on my chair and waved, and that reeeeeeally pissed this one guard off he finally told me after like the 5th time doing it, if i did that again id go home (yea right loser)! omg i got SUUUCH good pictures i cant wait till they come out!!!!! also, the concert was taped for pay per view so there were cameras allllll over the place, so i tried to get on tv!! it was soo funny too b/c like for the longest time the camera guy was shooting the camera at these 4 guys who were singing nsync along to nsyncs song, and they were fans (veeeeery hot!), cuz one of the guys like put some nsync shirt on top of his shirt and started dancing and he brought out his stuffed animal monkey!! lol dont ask! i kept telling the guy to get me on camera so i could show my arm that said JC on it. but he said he got it but i dunno but that guy better have!!!!!!!!!!!! and then i saw the camera guy go over to this girl in a couple rows behind us, and he was shooting her for like 5 minutes!!! she was singing to nsync and dancing, and let me tell you this NOW-i dont know why he wasted his time w/ her cuz she sucked, he should have came to me! i was shaking my ass and everything!! it was all just so fun! but i noticed sooo many things that they copied off of BSB! like the confetti, the chair dance, pyro work, flying, etc. On the song 'Sailing' they flew over us, and Lance came right over me and looked at us! They also flew again on the last song i believe, but i forgot what song, i think it was 'I want you back'. OH YEA----i thought it was sooo sweet, Justin was singing God must have spent a little more time on you to this little girl, he got on his knees and sang it right to her!! lucky bitch!! hehe:) It was soooooooo hilarious when they dressed up in the 60's outfits, Lance looked sooooooo cute and funny omg!! im starting to really like him now! I guess that was all of my concert. But oh yes......i gotta tell you this part, well the concert was today b/c it was sposed to be May 17th but it was postponed cuz Lance was sick, and so they decided to have this contest by picking 25 of the best signs welcoming Lance back and bringing the people onstage! so my friend Quinn and I worked sooo hard on our poster, it was 9 ft long! cuz we really wanted to get onstage! it said "YAY! you're back Lance, now lets see you DANCE!". we thought for sure we would get picked! buT the concert ended and we were so confused, ,we went over to the guest services desk and there was this huge crowd there about 100 of us, and we were pissed that they didnt do the contest! so i started bitching one of the ladies saying "why dont you radio them and tell the problem?!" blah blah blah, the people said they didnt know anything but that they took the all the signs down to the guys and thats all they knew. so finally they announced that the contest was like canceled, so then we got reeeally pissed cuz we all worked so hard on the signs and wasted our time and effort for something that didnt even happen!! this one girl behind me has been working on her sign since may 16th!!!lol! they said that the management made this decision about it so we all started chanting "posters, posters!" i just think it was sooooooooo wrong of what they did, and theyre managers are major assholes, it was not right at all, and i was very pissed, i was walking away w/ Quinn and i started screaming on and on about the managers being dickheads! saying like "i hate their fucking managers! this is bullshit! that is so wrong of them to do that to all those fans!" blah blah blah, i was screaming i was so pissed! Quinn was just laughing at me. :) we walked outside and the news was there, and this big circle was around the news lady, i put quinn on my shoulders, and pushed our way though. we finally left cuz it was boring. Then we finally found my step sister Katie, who picked us up in the front at about 10:45. ahhh, the concert was soooooo fun, i know my pictures are goona come out good!!!!!!!

and be sure to look for me if u plan on watching the pay per view special whenever it comes on! i was wearing a white tank top and i have brown hair tied back, and had jean shorts on, oh and look to see if he got my arm that said JC on it too!!!

i'll put the pictures up as soon as I get them back!!

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