December 29th 1998, I woke up early that morning all excited! Tomorrow i was to see the Backstreet Boys live in concert in Tampa! At about 9:00, my mom and step dad drover me over to my friend Andrea's house. I told my parents goodbye, and Andrea, her mom, and I were off to Tampa!!!It was about a 4 hour car ride. We drove through Kissimmie, and every McDonalds we saw, we kept thinking "hmm maybe AJ has been to that one"! We made a sign to put on the back of the car that said, "we're going to the Backstreet Boys concert!" It was a fun ride down there, b/c all these whenever we passed a car that had a girl about our age, she would get all jealous, it was funny!

We finally made it to Tampa, and arrived at Andrea's aunt's house (who we were staying w/). We got settled in, and were packing our things ready for tomorrow like cameras and things. We didnt know if you could bring cameras or not so we were also practicing hiding our cameras in our pants and stuff.LOL!

Finally teh next morning came, it was December 30th, and about 8:00am, we woke up so early b/c i guess we were so excited we couldnt sleep any longer! We were planning on getting there at 1:00, but Andrea's mom didnt want to take us that early so she decided 5:00, but we convinced her to taking us at 2:00!hehe. #We arrived at the arena at about 2:05, and while we were finding a parking spot behind the arena, we saw a bunch of girls (about 60), some w/ signs, behind a very short fence(about 4ft high, lol, thats pathetic). We finally found a parking spot very near, and Andrea and i started running,to get back to where that crown was. Everyone loved our signs-mine was yellow and said "Brian,your music heals my soul!" And Andrea's said "Nick you're heaven in my eyes". Mine had glow in teh dark glue outlining the lettering so the words would glow. We met a lot of new friends, and got a bunch of email addresses. Andrea and I and a couple other girls were talking to teh security guard, and he told us that the guys will be arriving at around 4:00. So we decided not to tell anyone. We kept that info secret. :) At around 4:10, I see this black 4-runner about to pull up into the driveway thing, and of course no one notices it, but i do!....It was Kevin! I screamed out "its kevin!!!" Everyone started screaming and yelling "Kevin, Kevin" and taking pictures of him waving to us as he drove by. From tehn on, every car that would drive up the street, we would all get so paranoyed and get our cameras ready for some action! It was so funny b/c while some cars were driving by, tehy would see us looking at them, and you know by the look on their faces they were like "what the hell!?!?!". At one point, a big trailer truck thing was driving by and he pulled in slowly then quickly turned out, JUST TO FREAK US OUT! he was laughing, and so were we. You should have seen us, as he was turning in, we were all like "oh yes its somebody!!". But it was funny so we were laughing too. Well anyways, about 20 mins later (around 4:30), we see a green Durango sitting there at a stop light which is at the end of the street. So everyone told me Nick had a green Durango, so we were all praying it would turn into this street. So it did, and as it was driving toward us, we were like "yes, yes, yes, its nick, i know it!" Well it was Nick, and he pulled in slowly, and he seemed to be hiding his face from all the cameras or something, he had his arm resting on the window seal thing of the window so you couldnt see his face. What an asshole! In the passenger seat of his car was a blond girl wearing a red tank top. She was talking on a cell phone. After they passed, and everyone was calm, everyone was confused to who that girl was. I knew it was his gf though. I mean ca mon, a rich, pretty cute guy like Nick Carter doesnt have a girlfriend??? DONT THINK SO! About 5 mins later, a tour bus comes driving up and stops in teh middle of the road, behind the bus was AJ in his silver Expedition! this was a chance of a lifetime- AJ sitting helpless in his car in the middle of the street! Andrea and I ran up to his car and took pictures of him waving to us! All the other fans were on the side of his car, but we were right in front! It was so cool! I was having the time of my life! well right after that, a blue mercedes pulled up w/ out us barely noticing b/c we were too distracted w/ AJ. We couldnt see through the windows, b/c they were tinted. But later we found out it was Howie's car and Brian was in there too. Well after that, it was all over, so we went to the front of the arena to hang out till they opened the doors to the arena at 7:00. It was then 5:00, what were we goona do for teh remaining time? well we just went over and sat on a bench somewhere in the courtyard thing. A bunch of people came up to us and looked at our signs, and they loved them! This one guy came up to Andrea and was like "oh I looove your sign! thats a good picture of Nick, he's my favorite. thats a great sign" stuff like that. Once he left, we looked at eachother and started laughing, "oh my god, that guy's gay" It was so funny. We were sitting there on the bench when we see this girl walk out of the arena w/ her dog (a pug) on a leash. She was also w/ a man in a suit-looked like a bodyguard-hmmm....we were the first to notice her and that she was the one in Nick's car! We went over to her and just asked her, "excuse me". and she turned around. "are you Nick's gf?", she started laughing a little, and said yea. So we were talking to her for about 5 minutes until some people started coming over-DARNIT! we asked her if she would get her picture taken, but she said she didnt like pictures, so we were like "o-k?!" But she let us hold her dog (Houston), he was soooooo cute!!! And she took a picture of each of us holding the dog. But yall know I had to get a picture of Mandy! no one would believe me I met her! so when she was turned around, i said "Mandy", when she faced us, I took the pic. she just laughed. hehe, im so bad. And the other pics i took of her i just took, i didnt ask her to turn around. so you cant see her face in the other ones. But over all, Mandy was really nice and pretty funny too. Even though I would have rather met Leighanne, she was still cool. oh yea, i forgot something, we asked mandy if Nick had AOL or something, she said "oh no, Nick never goes online". We gave the bodyguard (Nick's bodyguard) pieces of paper that had our name, address, email, #s etc on them. I asked the guy to pleease give mine to brian, and Andrea gave her note to Mandy to give to Nick (that was stupid, she propably threw it away, lol). The bodyguard said he's make sure that Brian got it. I was soo happy!:) Well Mandy said she had to go so she went back inside. By the way, she told us that the reason she was outside was b/c Nick has been visiting a little girl w/ cancer in the hospital and they were supposed to meet her there outside so Mandy could give her a ticket for the concert. But she couldnt find her so she went back inside.

After that, Andrea, her mom and I went across the street to a bar, where we saw a bunch of other girls going to the concert. We told them who we just met, and they were trying to fight w/ us-saying like "no Nick doesnt have a gf!" Whatever girls! When we went back to our seats, Andrea and I saw this girl at a table near us looking at a scrap book w/ BSB pictures inside of it. So we went up to the girl and we were looking at her scrap book, that girl has some AWSOME pictures that she took from concerts she has been to! well anyways, we went back to our table. And on the other table next to us, was sitting this guy who looked JUST LIKE Justin Timberlake!! it wasnt him though, just a look-a-like. We noticed him looking at us for a long time, like checking us out, so we finally went up to him and I said "has anyone ever told you, you look just like Justin Timberlake?" He was w/ his 2 younger cousins that were around 10 yrs old, and he was 15 or 16. he started laughing and said "yea, my cousins were just telling me that". It was pretty cool and funny too. We were talking to him for about 5 mins till his mom came over to the table. We were talking to her too, untill she asked us to get in teh picture. She took out HER camera and took a picture of Andrea, the kid, and I. It was soo wierd! But the guy was hot, so we didnt mind. I forget his name though :(

After we left that little bar, we went across the street, back over to the arena. We decided to buy some stuff from the stands people were selling at. I bought a red sweat shirt,& a red hat. Andrea bought a book, sweatshirt, shirt, hat, and postcards. She was goin crazy! I decided to save my money b/c everything was soo expensive! the sweatshirt was $40! and the hat was $25! We ended up seeing Mandy outside again, and she remembered us! We were talking to her again and she was saying she couldnt find the girl, so she said "Samantha, can you do me a favor?" I said sure. "Can you take this ticket and give it to anyone who needs one, just give it to them". So she left, and Andrea and I looked at the ticket, IT WAS 2ND ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg we were freaking out! all the people around us were like "keep it!" lol, i was planning on it, but Andrea wanted it, hell no i wasnt goona give that thing up-she handed the ticket to ME! hehe. well while we were fighting over it, Mandy came back and said she found the girl, and we saw her, she was in a wheelchair. I felt pretty bad, but I was happy she found her. It was now around 6:30, so we went up the stairs on the side where we followed many other people, getting in line to enter the arena at 7:00. We were talking to a lot of different people and it was soo fun! I bought a glow stick necklace thing too. FINALLY, they opened the doors to the arena and we were psyched! we got to our seats, and they were soooo much better than we expected. we were propably about 75 ft from the stage, and we were on the first level. (the only difference between the floor and the first level was 1 step, yep u had to walk down 1 step)The people sitting next to us were soo cool! they were 2 friends and they were 27 yrs old. One of them liked Kevin, and the other one like Brian I think.

Finally, the moment we've been waiting for, for 82 days. Yes we were counting down the days until the concert! The lights went dim, then turned off completely. Only the stage lights and the spot light was on. The spot light gleaming through the crowd, this was so cool! we were so excited. LFO was the opening act, they were really awsome, I liked theyre song 'sex you up', it was tight! Finally the announcer welcomed the BACKSTREET BOYS! they all ran out and introduced themselves. Brian looked soooo adorable!! He had this cute little hat on. I really think our concert was waaaaaaaay much better than the concert in Orlando which was the next day for New yrs. At our concert, they were soo much more energetic, specially Brian! Him and AJ picked Nick up! yes he was off the ground! And Nick kept running around and falling on purpose, he must have done that 5 times. Also, at one time, AJ and Nick jumped off the stage and ran right in front of the people in front row! My favorite part of the show was on 'Anywhere for You', when Brian came over to our side of teh stage, I held my sign up so he could see it, and he pointed at me and smiled!:) yes I know he was pointing at me, even the girl next to me said OMG BRIAN JUST POINTED AT YOU! During the show, Andrea and I kept moving down the rows to empty spots. Then i found a whole row empty that was about 30 ft from the stage! I told Andrea to follow me and we stayed at those seats for the rest of the concert. The whole day was just so unbelievable! I dont think anything could top this off!....well actually...If I met the BSB, that could top it off, but we'll wait and see if that happens next time. :)

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