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All About Paula

Hey, everyone, and welcome to my page! *L* Wow, I've never done this before, so I don't really know what to write!! Let's see....I'm 23 years old, and I'm from Ontario, Canada....Michelle is a VERY good friend of mine, even though we are about a 2 day flight away from each other!! We are e-mail pals and GREAT friends, as well as this page's owners! Any way, my favourite BSB is Howie D....he's so SWEET! *smile* I hope to meet him one day! I'm a singer, and I have been for about 21 years BIGGEST dream is to one day sing with the BSB!!! I've been very lucky to have seen the BSB in concert three times now, and I hope to go again when they come back!! I'd just like to say thanks to a few people while I'm at it....Thanks, of course, to Michelle, for wanting me to be a part of this page with're the best! *hug* Thanks to my two sisters, Renee & Laurie, also crazed by the BSB (Renee: AJ, Laurie: Nick), Paula Lerner & Jennifer Cox (my OTHER e-mail pals...THANKS! *hug*), Cheryl, Erin & Tammy from the old store, and of course to the BSB, for being the best group in the whole WORLD!!! Howie, I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks, and Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive In '99!

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