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Which Backstreet Boy Is For You???

Welcome to our BACKSTREET QUIZ!!!!! If you want to find out which babetastic Backstreet Babe is for you read on......... and complete our matchmaking quiz.


1. What is your bad habit?
a) Biting your nails
b) Losing your temper
c) Being too messy
d) Talking in your sleep
e) Taking too much time to think about your words

2. Which description fits YOU best?
a) A joker, rambunctious and rampaging.
b) Individual, rebellious and poetic.
c) Shy, prankster and down-to-earth.
d) Good listener, ambitious and loving.
e) Sensible, sporty and sensitive.

3. What is your idea of a perfect date?
a) A walk on the lake.
b) Going out clubbing.
c) A walk on the beach at night time.
d) A lovely home cooked meal.
e) A relaxed environment where you can be yourself.

4. On that perfect date, what food would you eat? a) Macaroni and cheese.
b) Hamburger and fries.
c) Pizza.
d) Chinese Food.
e) Mexican Food.

5. Who is your hero?
a) Luther Vandross.
b) Your uncle.
c) Ridley Scott.
d) Your parents.
e) Your father.

6. What is your favourite colour?
a) Royal Blue
b) Yellow
c) Green
d) Purple
e) Blue

7. How do you spend your spare time?
a) Playing basketball in the park
b) Going out dancing or writing poetry
c) Playing video games
d) Spending time with your family
e) Doing anything outdoors

8. What is your favourite Backstreet Boys song?
a) Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)
b) Lay Down Beside Me
c) Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
d) All I Have To Give
e) Nobody But You

9. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
a) a duck
b) a flamingo
c) a monkey
d) a chihuahua
e) a bird

10. What is the age of your ideal guy?
a) 23
b) 21
c) 19
d) 25
e) 27

Now click on RESULTS to find out your perfect Backstreet Boy...