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The Sabbats

Celebrate the Earth

Laurie Cabot and Jean Mills

With its practical suggestions for enjoying seasonal renewal, Celebrate The Earth blends all the richness and ancient lore of Witchcraft with how-to advice to create a modern-day celebration of nature. For each holiday, it offers instructions on Earth magic, holiday fare, and ancient activities.

Ancient Ways: Reclaiming Pagan Traditions

Pauline and Dan Campanelli

This is a wonderful guide to the eight Sabbats celebrated by witches and other pagans alike. It gives us detailed information on the origin of the holiday and traditions that accompanied that holiday.

Wheel of the Year

Pauline and Dan Campanelli

An excellent guide for beginners and others interested in learning more about seasonal pagan celebrations. Including their roots, customs, and modern celebrations. The Campanelli's present lots of reliable material, written in an easily readable, enjoyable book. Highly recommended as part of the neopagan bookshelf basics.

Eight Sabbats for Witches

Stewart Faar / Hardcover / Published 1988

The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Way

Edain McCoy / Paperback / Published 1994

This is a wonderful resource for information about the 8 Sabbats of the year. A chapter for each Sabbat includes history, practices, related crafts, recipes and activities. McCoy does an admirable job of including explanations of the pagan origins of current holiday practices: the Easter Bunny, Maypole, on and on.

Magical Rites from the Crystal Well

Ed Fitch / Paperback / Published 1989

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