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The Family Wicca Book : The Craft for Parents & Children

Ashleen O'Gaea

Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in America today. There are more and more children being born to pagan parents. This book gives information on bonding with your child and explaining Wicca as one possible religious avenue.

Faery Wicca

Kisma Stepanich

This is a sweet, large-type, teen-age book. It deals with the hard-core issues of the magical traditions. If you are in need of some soul searching quiet time, the meditations contained within are just right. It will pinch your interest in finding out more about the traditions of the faery, and it contains a firm grounding in truth and the art of magick.

The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft

Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Whether you are researching Witchcraft for scholarly or personal purposes, this is THE book to make your own. In it, you will find a who's who of historical and modern Witches, complete information on Sabbats, spells, amulets, persecution, modern Wicca, medieval Devil worship, and more. Everything imaginable that could be associated with Witches is here.

Complete Art of Witchcraft

Sybil Leek

Sybil Leek is one of the best known witches on earth. With witchcraft and psychic powers in her family heritage, Sybil Leek writes an excellent book on the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft.

21st Century Wicca: A Young Witch's Guide to Living the Magical Life

Jennifer Hunter

Written by a young witch in her mid-twenties, this book provides a refreshingly modern approach to Wicca craft and practice. Chapters cover spells, Sabbats, initiations, psychic abilities, everyday magic, the effects of Wicca on relationships with others, being a teenage witch, and much more. A series of exercises designed to both teach and accustom the reader to the ways of witchcraft is also included.

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

 Scott Cunningham

An excellent book for beginning Wiccans. It includes chapters on shamanism, reincarnation, the Sabbats, and a small Book of Shadows.

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

Scott Cunningham

This is a sequel to "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner." It talks about incorporating Wicca in your every day life. It includes chapters on prayer, choosing a magickal name, and creating a Book of Shadows.

The Truth About Witchcraft Today

Scott Cunningham

This book is a wonderful overview of what Wicca is and what Wicca isn't. This a very affordable book and is an excellent book for a quick reference or to loan out to people who are just curious about Wicca.

To Ride a Silver Broomstick

Silver Ravenwolf

This is also a great book for beginning witches. It gives an overview of not only Wicca but also many magickal applications. Silver writes with both a personal and humorous charm that makes this book fantastic. It has chapters on traditions, the Sabbats, divination, psychic development, and astral projection.

To Stir a Magick Cauldron

Silver Ravenwolf

This is the sequel to the popular "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" by Silver. This new book takes a more in-depth approach to such topics as conjuring sacred space, casting circles, calling quarters, minor and major applications, and thoughts on witchcraft in the future.

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft

Raymond Buckland

This is a wonderful reference book for beginners and advanced witches. It is organized as a textbook and takes you from the history of witchcraft to modern practices. There are exercises at the end of each section that will greatly assist your growth in the Craft.

Witchcraft from the Inside

Raymond Buckland

This book offers a complete history of the Craft. It takes you from its roots in prehistoric times, to its downfall during the Burning Times, and finally to its modern revival in today's society. The material in this book is well researched and documented. This is a valuable reference tool for all witches interested in the Craft's history.

Power of the Witch

Laurie Cabot and Tom Cowan

Laurie Cabot, founder of the Cabot Tradition for the Science of Witchcraft, writes a wonderful book full of useful information. The book focuses on witchcraft as more of a science. It also includes chapters on the history of the Craft and spell casting and working.

Of Witches: Celebrating the Goddess as a Solitary Pagan

 Janet Thompson

This is an extremely user-friendly book for the solitary pagan. Ms. Thompson uses personal experience and conventional mythology and tradition to guide the reader through the uses of The Craft in ritual, as well as in modern, everyday life. She has warm feeling and passion with which the book reaches out to the reader.

Drawing Down the Moon

Margot Adler

For nearly two decades, Drawing Down the Moon, the only detailed history of a little known and widely misunderstood movement, has provided the most authoritative look at the religious beliefs, experiences, and lifestyles of the neopagan culture.

The Witches' Bible

Janet and Stewart Farrar

Superb book by the foremost writers on Alexandrian Wicca. Easy to read and follow, this book provides information on all aspects of Wiccan ritual and practice. A must for anyone interested in Wicca, Witchcraft, or Neo- Paganism.

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