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Mr. Mullaney, your statements in the Florida Times Union 1 August article "Neighbors Ask Council To Remove Tower" are a cause for concern. Quote:

'I want for all the groups involved to be sensitive to the issues involved. We need to understand the residents' concerns when it comes to the aesthetics of the neighborhood,'' Mullaney said. ''. . . On the other hand, when you have a JEA right of way, that becomes a very logical location for power poles or telecommunications poles. There is a balancing of many issues.'' Unquote

Sir, the issue here is not what location is suitable for a cellular tower. JEA right of ways do not exist for corporations like SPRINT to place cellular towers at will. You are an attorney - this is a matter of law - the matter you need to decide is whether the sitting of the Mandarin tower is legal within the intent and letter of the 1996 ordinance which governs where a tower can be legally placed.

I was told by Mr. Fussell on Thursday 30 July that it was a matter of "timing and money" for SPRINT. That statement tells me SPRINT has had ample opportunity to present its side to the Administration, which I can say is more opportunity than the affected residents have been afforded. You will excuse me if I cannot feel sympathy for SPRINT's money problems.

Mr. Scanlan reported:
More residents pleaded with the city to remove the antenna added atop a taller power pole June 6 and berated the city for allowing Sprint PCS to replace an 80-foot Jacksonville Electric Authority power pole with a 97-foot pole, and then add the antenna behind the Autumn Glen Estates community.

We all know this is not what happened. The cellular tower, with antenna and ground equipment, was constructed over the weekend of 5-7 June. It was 1AM the morning of 19 June when we were awakened by heavy equipment involved with the attachment of the JEA power lines to the cellular tower, and the subsequent removal of the JEA power line pole.

SPRINT's PR statements do not change. " We are willing to speak with all involved.....good neighbors......Mandarin site critical to the entire network....."

This is certainly a change from a few weeks ago when I called SPRINT PCS and asked to speak to a PCS executive and was told by the secretary "I will connect you but it won't do you any good"

I dare say your study of how this happened is taking longer than it took SPRINT to have the tower designed, city approved and in place. Perception amongst affected citizens is that the City is delaying. We am prepared to meet with City officials at the earliest opportunity.

Sincerely, Jim Carr