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Cheerleading Constitution


It shall be the purpose of this organization to promote and uphold  school
spirit, to develop good sportsmanship among students, to support athletic
programs and to develop positive relationships in the community and between
schools during athletic events. The organization's goal is to work in harmony
with the administration, faculty, band, athletic teams and other school


A. A candidate must be rising sophmore, junior, or senior to tryout for the
Varsity squad.
B.A candidate must be a rising freshman or sophmore to try out for the Junior
Varsity squad.
C. A candidate must meet the egibility requirements set forth by the ________(your state)
High School Association by passing five out of six classes and remaining "on
D. Each candidate must turn in a written certification by a medical doctor
stating that she/he has passed a physical examination and is capable of
E. Each candidate must carry school insurance or present a waiver signed by
parents stting that they have adequate accident insurance.
F. Each candidate must turn in a parental permission form.


A. The Varsity cheerleading squad will consist of 16 members.
B. The entire squad will cheer at rallies, football games, and basketball
C. The JV squad will consist of 12 members.
D. The entire JV squad will cheer at home JV football fames, basketball
games, basketball games, and selected away games.
E. The competition squad will consist of cheerleaders selected by the coaches
on the basis of their skill, performance on the squad, attitude, commitment,
and other necessary qualities. Once selected, a cheerleader who fails to
participate in competition will not receive a varsity letter. Participation on the
varsity level does not gurantee a position on the competition squad.


A. Summer camp- All cheerleaders are required to attend summer camp as
most new material that is used durint the year is learned during this time.
Camp will be held in August, beginning on the 4th.
B. All cheerleaders will not be required to befin practice on August 4th and
will not be execused for vacation time or work.
C. One-day clinics- called as needed with mandatory attendance.
D. All cheerleaders are required to assist with fundraising activities.
E. Excessive absences will not be tolerated. Action taken will be at the
discretion of the coach.


The cheerleader is responsible for purchasinf pom pons, warm-up suits,
bloomers, white turtlenecks, and game day shirts. A cheerleader might have
occasional additional expenses such as candy for spirit bags, donations for
squad gifts, money for trips, etc. All supplies will be purchased by the school.
Uniforms must be returned at the end of the year. A deposit will be required
to ensure proper care and return of uniform.


A. The tryout scores will consist of 50% performing skills in front of a panel
of judges, 25% teacher evaluaations and 25% coaches' points. Teacher
evaluations will count twice for those without coaches' points. All teacher
recommendations and disciplinary records will remain confidential.
B. The judges will be chosen on the basis of their expertise in cheerleading.
Judges of mixed ethnic background will be selected.
C. ALl skills will be judged on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score
possible. Oonly the highest level of perfect execution will attain a score of 5.
D. Each candidate will be rated by their teachers on a basis attendance,
punctuality, attitude, respect, leadership skills, cooperation, and conduct in
E. Coaches' points will be determined by interview, attitudes and enthusiasm
during the clinic or attitudes and enthusiasm during the clinic or pergormance
evaluations from the previous year.
F. All skills necessaary to try out for varsity and JV will be taught at the tryout
clinic by the graduating senior cheerleaders. Attendance at the clinic is


A. The varsity and junior varsity squad may have captains. The coaches will
make the selection of the captains and co-captains on the basis of leadership
abilities, attitude, peer respect and general abilities, attitude, peer respect
and general knowledge of cheerleading. The captain must have a minimim of
one year experience on the squad that she is selected for. All seniors will be
expected to assume extra responsibilities and to provide leadership for other
squad members.


A. The captains will be responsible for the following:
1. Setting an example for the rest of squad by following all rules and
regulations for the cheerleaders. A captain will set an example by always
being willing to do her share.
2. Working closely with all senior squad members.
3. Being at practive earaly and starting practice on time.
4. Leading warm-up activities.
5. Being responsible for having all necessary supplies ready for practice (CD
player, music, etc.)
6. Being responsible for contacting all cheerleaders to notify them on practice
changes, changes in calendars, etc.
7. Selecting cheers and chants for games and pep rallies. The captain should
take suggestions from the squad but has the authority to make decisions.
8. Being responsible for gretting visiting cheerleaders before a game and
informing them of refreshment procedures and rotations during basketball
9. Acting as a peace maker.
10. Coordinationg painting and hanging of signs.
11. Selecting uniforms to be worn at all cheer events.
12. Organising pep rallies with coach, band director, and administration.
13. Coordinationg spirit-raising activities, with coach approval.
14. Keeping the crowd cheering positively during the games. Discouraging
booing and negative cheering by starging a positive cheer designed to get the
crowd involved.
15. Keeping the cheerleaders in proper formation during the games.
16. Showing no partiality within the squad.
17. Bringing problems that are not resolvable to the coach.

B. In the event that the captain is not able to perform her duties, another
cheerleader will take over until the captain is able to return.


A. Home games
1. Each cheerleader is responsible for securing transportation for all games.

B. Away games
1. The coach will arrange transportation on a school bus or van.
2. All cheerleaders will return from away games with the squad unless she
rides home with her parents and coach talks with and receives a signed note
from that parent before departing. No cheerleader will be allowed to ride
home with another student.
3. Cheerleaders will not be allowed to leave during halftime of a fame or
between basketball games.


A. The school will purchase all uniforms. All items purchased by the school
will remain the property of the school. A deposit will be required to receive
the uniform. The deposit will be returned at the end of uniform. The deposit
will be returned at the end of the year if uniform is turned in dry-cleaned and
B. Any damage done to the uniform must be paid for the cheerleader. Any
uniform damaged beyond repair must be replaced at today's cost.
C. The cheerleaer is responsible for purchasing white turtlenecks, bloomers,
socks, pom pons, and warm-up suits.
D. The cheerleader is responsible for any alternations and all upkeep of
E. Cheerleader jackets, T-shirts and warm-ups are the only part of the
uniform that may be worn when not cheering.
F. Cheerleading shoes are not to be worn as casual shoes and should be worn
for practices, games, pep rallies and competitions only.


A. Uniforms and shoes should be kept spotlessly clean at all times. Uniforms
should be neatly pressed and in good repair.
B. It is a state rule that no jewerly can be worn shile practicing or cheering.
This includes post earrings.
C. No excesive make-up is allowed. A natural wholesome look is desired.
Under no circumstances is make-up applied in front of a crowd.
D. All hairstyles must be neat off the neck and shoulders. Rules state that if
hair is long enough to tough the collar, it must be pulled back. Hairstyles
worn for a games should be simple and should not require adjusting during a
E. A cheerleader should look her best physically at all times. Maintaining
proper weight will keep a cheerleader's performance at its best.


A. All cheerleaders will participate in all fund raising projects during the year.
Ad sales for the football program are the main source of funds, so all
cheerleaders will be expected to sell ads, collect money, and contribute in
other various ways to the creation and sale of the program. Money earned is
used for miscellaneous expences throughout the year.
B. All funds raised must be turned in within three days of the activity.


A. Grades- any "F" on a report card may result in suspension
B. Suspenison from school- If a cheerleader is suspended from school for an
infraction of school rules, she/he will be dismissed.
C. Arrest- If a cheerleader is arrested by a law enforcement official for any
reason, she/he will be dismissed.
D. Miscellaneous reasons- A cheerleader may be suspeneded from
participating in games, pep rallies or any other activity for any of the following
1. Four absences from practices- There are no excused absences. When a
cheerleader misses 4 practices, she will be benched.
2.Excessive tardies to practice
3. Failure to complete assigned duties
4. Failure to abide by cheerleading rules
5. Failure to cooperate with squad, coach or administration
6. Blatant disrespect towards captain, coach or another teacher
7. Failure to turn in fund raising activity money


A. Offenses that result in dismissal.
1. Accumulation of disciplinary problems.
2. Conduct unbecoming of a cheerleader which reflects upon the reputation of
the school and squad.
3. The second "F" on report caard during the year.
4. Repeated insubordination toward coaches, captain or school personnel.

B. Tryout eligibility
1. A cheerleader that is dismissed or resigns during a year for reasons other
than health will not be eligible for tryouts the next or for receiving a varsity
C. School suspension of any kind
1. School suspension is defined in the Parent-Student Handbook.



Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness
1. Keep underarms and legs shaved
2. Have neat appearance at all times.
3. Keep uniform and shoes clean and repaired at all times.


1. Be an asset to the squad.
2. Don't talk negatively about fellow cheerleaders or behave in any manner to
promote disunity on the squad.
3.Be able to take constructive criticism from the squad and/or coaches.
4. Uniforms are to be worn for games, pep rallies and competitions only. No
uniform should be worn out in the community without a covering, and no one
other than cheerleaders should wear any part of a cheerleader's uniform,
warm-up, or other official clothing.
5. In case of cold weather, cheerleading jackets and warm-ups are the ONLY
covering for the uniforms


1. Arrive at home football games at least an hour before the game time and at
least thirty minutes before the game time. If a cheerleader is late for games,
the cheerleading coach will take appropriate action.
2. no jewerly or colored nail polish may be worn while cheering.
3. Nails must be kept short at length at all times. (fist should be able to made
4. No eataing, drinking, or gum chewing while cheering. No food sould be
brought to games.
5. No sitting in the student section duirng the half-time of a football game.
6. Cheer at all times when the team is on the field or the court.
7. Take care of all personal needs during half-times of football games or
between basketball games.
8. Be respectful to visiting cheerleaders and fans.
9. no conversations with crowd while cheering.
10. Show spirit all times(jump, smile)
11. Stand at attention when not cheering.
12. Be familiar with the rules of football or basketball.
13. Do not cheer while a quarterback is calling plays or while a player is
shooting a free throw.
14. Be responsible for the run-through on a rotational basis as assigned by the
15. Pay close attention to cheerleading calendars. Bring calendars to practice
to make any necessary changes. Cheerleaders must maintain constant contact
with coaches and other cheerleaders to remain informed of upcoming events
and/or meetings. Failure to attend a practice/game will not be excused just
because a cheerleader did not know it was scheduled.


These guidelines are in place to ensure that our squad will always be the best
in appearance, attitude, and performance. When one cheerleader ails to
abide by the guidelines, the entire squad suffers. Theregore consequences
will be administrated for behavior which doeos not comply with our guidelines.
Some of these consequences may include the following:

extra conditioning
taking the run-through off the poles at football games
painting extra signs
cleaning paint brushes
taping the run-through
being benched
being suspended
being dismissed

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