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Chess Ninjas Dojo

Aim As Black : Strive for Active Piece Play. Victory by Force of Momentum.

Black Repertoire

v/s c4
against the English - play The Bellon Gambit.
it begins 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 e4 4.Ng5 b5!?

v/s d4
Slav D43,D44
Fajarowicz Variation of the Budapest Defence. Super Sharp.
Nimzo Indian with ..b5 and Na6 ideas.
Queen's Indian with b5
also the Benko and other ...b5 Indians with similar ideas.
also the Catalan
and against 2.Nf3 -- The Dutch Stonewall

v/s e4
Modern B06 as played by Tiger Hillarp Persson.
Also study the Sicilian Dragon for transpositional ideas from B06.
Berlin Defence - Super Solid , Endgame based defence.
French Defence - Lputian's line v/s the Winawer.
Latvian Gambit - Super Sharp. Recent email games are here.

Click here to see My White Repertoire

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