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Sabrina Chevannes

  definitely a player to watch,

gets full support from GAMBIT

The Site Founder's


Searching for Donovan Fisher :

 Will the future Champion of Chess have a Jamaican Connection ?



Our interview with Markland Douglas

  How chess in Jamaica will improve ?

 Why he is known as "Kaspablanca" ?



John Tobisch and Ryan Palmer are scoring success in Shropshire.

 Report in the Voice.

 Report  in the Shropshire Star.

Jamaican Chess Masters Series continues.

Part 3 : Warren Elliott Revealed !

by John Tobisch.

Articles by Mark J. B. Bowen

How to build your opening repertoire

Lateral Thinking Applied to Chess.

How to beat any player in Jamaica

GM Ashley's Methods of Preparation

Investment Strategies of Chess

The Caribbean Tigers of Chess?

 by Daaim Shabazz, Ph.D.


Annotated games from MKO Chess Tourney.

in .pgn format by Ian Wilkinson.



Learn from Topalov's Success.



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