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Chess Ninjas Dojo

Download Area

Recommended Chess Game Viewers
David Fong's SLICS a shareware program available here.
or If you have Win95 ( or higher ) then we strongly recommend Chessbase Lite
which can also view .pgn files and the popular .cbh file format. ( It's free ! )

Note if you don't have a Chess Viewer you may also change the .pgn file extension to .txt or .wri
to view/print game text with Write,Word,Notepad etc.

Recent Games in each Major Opening

.pgn files available at La Régence Complete Opening List.
.cbh files available at 64 Ches Street. Rubén Casafús Site.

Jamaican Database Files ( in .pgn format ).

Olympiad Files

Jamaica - Chess Olympiad Games. 1998

.pgn format zipped 15K

Some of the links below may not yet work as this page is currently under construction.
Please enjoy the rest of the site and check back here again.
If you know of any software product of interest to chessplayers
then please let us know about it so a link can be placed here.

We're under construction.Sorry.

We hereby embark on a most ambitious and never ending project .
Introducing JAMBASE.
The most complete database of Chess Games played by Jamaicans.
This ongoing project needs your help.
If you have any games that are not included here played by Jamaicans let us know.

Computer Opening Books

Description : Fritzbooks may be used to teach your computer playing program ( if it's based on the Fritz engine ) to simulate a particular players style or simply imitate a specific repertoire. It's a useful way to prepare for specific opponents, prepare certain openings and learn about your computer and chess generally.
Jamaican Players - Fritzbooks.

Shane Matthews .fbk format zipped
FM Grantel Gibbs .fbk format zipped

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design and concept by Mark J. Bowen
