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Chess Ninjas Dojo

This document is known as the Thirty-Six Strategies
or sometimes called the Thirty Six Stratagems.
Traditionally these thirty six rules have been divided into six groups of six strategies each.
China is a large country with a history and culture rich with conflicts and martial arts.
Methods of winning do not attain legendary status there without being effective.
Despite the simple language used I can assure you that,
properly understood, these are not simplistic ideas.

The Thirty-Six Stratagems


    A. Strategies for when you are in a Superior Position.
    Cross the Sea under Camouflage.
    Besiege Wei to rescue Zhao
    Kill with a borrowed knife.
    Wait at ease for the fatigued enemy.
    Loot a burning house.
    Make a feint to the east while attacking in the west

    B. Strategies of Confrontation
    Create something out of nothing.
    Advance to Chencang by a hidden path.
    Watch the fire burning across the river.
    Conceal a dagger in a smile.
    Sacrifice the plum for the peach.
    Grab a goat in passing.

    C. Strategies for Gaining Ground.
    Replace the beams and pillars with rotten timber
    Point at the mulberry only to curse the locust
    Feigning foolishness
    Remove the ladder after the ascent
    Putting fake blossoms on the tree
    Host and guest reversed

    D. Strategies for Confused Situations.
    Remove the fire from under the cauldron
    Fish in troubled water
    Bolt the door to catch the thief
    Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbor
    Borrow a route to conquer Guo

    E. Strategies for Desperate Situations.
    Beauty trap
    Empty city ploy
    Sow discord in the enemy's camp
    Inflict injury on oneself to win the enemy's trust
    Interlocking stratagems
    Retreat is the best option

    F. Strategies of Attack
    Beat the grass to startle the snake
    Raise a corpse from the dead
    Lure the tiger out of the mountain
    Let the enemy off in order to snare him
    Cast a brick to attract a gem
    To catch rebels, nab their leader first


Written by Mark J. Bowen

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