Winterguard Chat:
Hope that everyone enjoys this newly - created
Winterguard chat room! This was created for fellow
winterguard / colorguard members to get to know each
other and trade ideas! It is open to all for chat about
the "Sport of the Arts"! There are just a few basic
1) Please consider what you say before you send it!
Somethings could be taken hurtfully!
2) Keep the language under control. The WGI - based
Chat was taken off of the page due to the language
and abuse by the members. Please don't let this one
have to be taken off also.
3) The comments made have no relation to the ideas or
thoughts of the Coast One Winterguard Program. The
program has no control
over what is said in the room. As webmaster, please
email me, , with problems that occur
and they'll be taken care of to the best of my
I hope everyone enjoys the chat and please
tell you friends about it!
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