What is WGI?
What is WGI? Winterguard International (WGI) is a non - profit corporation
devoted to promoting the pagentry arts. WGI coordinates contests for
Winterguards (a.k.a. Colorguards), Indoor Percussion Units, and Marching
Bands throughout the world. The WGI Winterguard and Percussion seasons
begin in late January and early February and cumilate at a World Championship
event in the second or third week in April. At this year's World Championsips,
there were over 400 competing units from all over the United States,
Canada as well as units from Great Britian and the Netherlands. There are
regional contests held throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe on
the seven or eight weekends leading up to the World Championships. In 1998,
there were 22 regional contests. WGI programs include the development and
implementation of the most comprehensive set of criteria for competition
to assure a positive experience for the young people that take part
in our events. All adjudicators are throughly versed in all aspects of the
judging process and they undergo training each year to make sure they all
fully understand the systems used.
WGI Philosophy
We exist to foster positive life experiences for all who participate,
by promoting education, creativity and freedom of expression
through the unification of Pageantry and the Performing Arts