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Test Your Compass Skills!

Choose the appropriate response for each question. Click on the radio button to indicate your answer, then press the Submit button to send your answers to your teacher. Return to the Menu when finished. Good luck!

1 - The circular symbol found on maps and geographic charts is called a:
-Degree Measurement -Compass Rose -Latitude

2 - How many Cardinal points are there on a compass?
-Four -Sixteen -Eight

3 - The Intercardinal points on a compass are given number values.
-True -False

4 - Degree number values increase counter-clockwise on the compass.
-True -False

5 - ____ _________ is the name of given to the compass point between Northeast and East.
-South Southeast -North Northeast -East Northeast

6 - The direction point Southeast is located between East and North.
-True -False

7 - East Southwest is the point located between East and West.
-True -False

8 - The Cardinal points of the compass are the most important points.
-True -False

9 - There are a total of sixteen Cardinal and Intercardinal points.
-True -False

10 - Secondary ____________ points measure direction between Cardinal and Intercardinal points.
-Compass -Cardinal -Intercardinal

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