Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

WELCOME! I have found that it's really a lot of fun to see little ways that God has left his signature in creation, and here are some of those thoughts.

Since God gives different insights to different people, your contributions to this page are also invited...just email me to have yours considered.

Of course, allowing God to speak to us through what he has made is only the beginning. As my pastor says, we have a very talkative God! There is so much he has to say to us, touching every aspect of our lives. He speaks to us through the Bible pages, and "in these last days [has] spoken unto us by his Son" (from Hebrews 1:2).

The following link has additional scientific information on creation: Institute for Creation Research

A SPANNER IN THE WORKS: If God is loving, why does evil in the world have such power? Certainly, God could have just "made us be good," but isn't the ultimate goodness when we serve and obey Him not because we had to, but because we chose to love Him?

Of course, all of us have blown it; we have failed to obey God as we should. For the way back to Him through Christ, follow the link below to my main page, or click directly to: Billy Graham

Sometimes I tend to think for myself; it may get me in trouble, but I do it anyway. One thought that popped into my mind recently was the question, "How do the hairs of our eyelashes and eyebrows know they are supposed to stop growing at a certain length, while the hairs of our scalp (for those of us who still have some) keep right on growing? And how did they all come to be so artistically arranged, or what function in the survival of the fittest do these details accomplish?" Though some may see only mechanistic or chance processes at work, I find it simpler to see the hand of the great Artist.

Have you ever wondered how our ability to see things in 3-D evolved? I mean, if it all just happened by the survival of the fittest, one would expect to find fossil evidence of many different combinations of numbers and positions of eyes in the skull, in evolution's "attempt to create" 3-dimensional sight, or even if it came about by blind chance, for that matter. Certainly, if there is such evidence, I would like to know. But have you ever considered just the miracle of sight itself?....

Through a complex process known only in the mind of God, a wide spectrum of waves or rays of various frequencies was created. A small portion of these are the ones we know as visible light. Interestingly, the retinas of our eyes just happen to be attuned to receive these frequencies, which, according to God's plan, are selectively reflected back to us from objects, in what we know as colors. In this way, we can better make our way through life without injury, as well as enjoy a fascinating concept known as beauty.

Perhaps, by a rather wild stretch of the imagination, we might say that those creatures which did not evolve the retinas to pick up these exact frequencies, were not able to distiguish their enemies (due to being blind!), and so got eaten alive, and that even though it took billions of years for the retinal cells to realize it, those who did evolve the proper retinas did not get eaten up as often, and so survived. It must be noted that the predators had to evolve the ability to see as well, and that those creatures which have the ability to adapt their colors to their background received it by a mindless process, since they also would have been eaten alive before the billions of years required to evolve such a wonderful mechanism had passed.

ALTERNATIVELY, one could simply believe that God, in his wisdom, created both the eye, 3-D vision, and the beautiful flowers and fascinating creatures we see all around us.

It takes less faith just to see the evidence of God's hand at work! The creation of our wonderful, life-saving blood-clotting mechanism is an example of a complex process that, during the billions of years if would have taken to evolve it, would not have performed its protective function during all that time, leaving the creature to bleed to death from a minor injury while waiting for the evolutionary process to finish.

In other words, 1/10 or 1/3 or 1/2-evolved organs and organ systems don't work very well.

Human reproduction and birth is a good example of that. Did we reproduce by breaking off a piece and growing a new person while waiting (again) billions fo years for this extremely complex and wonderful process to evolve? The fractionally evolved reproductive system simply isn't going to work, with the result that the individual simply doesn't reproduce.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was a British naturalist, and, evidently, a Christian man, who offered a theory commonly known as "evolution," dealing with variations that might occur in species through natural selection.

In his famous work, Origin of Species, he wrote, "There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one." That is to say, Darwin did not teach that organic chemicals just happened to coalesce over billions of years by a mindless process, with the result being life as we now see it.

Further, as any careful scientist, Darwin was careful to avoid being dogmatic. In the same work, he says, "For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I arrived."

Near the end of his earthly life, referring to his work and what people had made of it, he said, "I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them."

A final quote from Darwin helps to show where his heart was: "Christ Jesus and his salvation. Is not that the best theme?"

The above quotations from Charles Darwin are used by permission from America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, compiled by William J. Federer, FAME Publishing Inc, Coppell, TX.

As mentioned, your input for this page is invited. Please e-mail me with your insights; I would e-mail you back and let you know before actually adding your contribution to the page. Some of the best insights are from the grass roots, not just the scholars and experts. May God bless you!

Page updated 11/09/03. Thanks for visiting!

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