Lovers Recipe:

Set aside 2 hours for this sensual ritual.
An additional hour will be needed to create the set and setting.


You will need a few purchased items such as candles, flowers, sensual fruit
like mango, papaya, small juicy oranges, kiwi, possibly chocolates and a
sipping liqueur ( if you drink alcohol).
You may also wish to exchange gifts during the ritual.

Peel, slice and arrange the food on a plate.
This need not be a large amount as we are tempting the senses of smell and taste - not eating to be full.
Pour a small single glass of the liqueur or whatever drink you desire.
This glass will be shared by the two of you.

Arrange the bedroom with clean sheets and pillows.
Set the candles in areas of the room that appeal to you.
Place one or two candles in the bathroom.
Pick soft, sensual music to play.

If you've purchased flowers place them somewhere appealing, say, on a table next to the fruit and drink.

The Evening:

You may exchange gifts now or whenever it feels appropriate.

Take a sensual bath together.
Don't forget to light the candles.

Harmonize your energy by lying in the spoon position.
One person can lie on their side and the partner lies behind them and embraces the person in front.
Place the top hand on the heart center.
Breath slowly and deeply together for five minutes.

Exchange massages.
Begin, without using oil, to give a light, finger tip only massage and gradually explore the subtleties of touch on different areas of the body.
Apply a little oil and use a firmer touch making sure to keep it sensual.
The hands giving the touch should be feeling just as exquisite as the body receiving it.

Now face each other, eyes open, and gaze into the soul through the eyes.
Spend a few minutes with this, breathing slowly and deeply in to the belly.
Gently, begin your lovemaking.
There's no rush.
Take it slow and enjoy every moment.
Remember to breath into your belly,- full, slow breaths - and that orgasm is not the goal here.
Fill your senses with the sight, sound and smell of your beloved.

Use the food and drink that you've prepared to open the senses. Ask your partner to close their eyes and let them briefly smell what you are offering first.
Lightly brush the morsel across their lips allowing them to feel the smooth textures before slipping it into their mouth.

Voice any appreciations to your partner that you may be feeling.
Let them know how precious this time is to you.


VP Wedding Chapel @ Devonshire
The Art Of Conscious Loving
The Labyrinth Ceremony
Love Teachings of Kama Sutra
Sensual Sensations
The Lingam Massage

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