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Jayelle's Library of Links!

Jayelle's Library of Links! I love links! This is probably the one page on the Internet that will connect you to the Witches' Voice, the Orlando Sentinel, a Wu-Tang Clan homepage, and the Bisexual Option.

I have decided to classify these links by topic. There are tons of Witchcraft/Wicca/European-Paganism links here, because most of my online buddies are Pagan (some of these links are theirs!) and because, frankly, that's where I seem to point my mouse most often. However, there are also a few other sorts of links for your enjoyment, and I did NOT say I was through!

So if you want to get the hell out of here, here are some places to go...

Stuff I Can't Put Anywhere Else!

Witchcraft, Wicca, and European Paganism

Vodoun or however you spell it.