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What does life hold?

This is yet to be told

There is no explanation

And no inclination

As to why you and I exist

It's as strange as feeling the heartbeat on someone's wrist

Life in itself is a wonder

Very complicated and easy to blunder

Then there's the fact you know you'll someday die

This can tear you apart and make you cry and cry

Yet with this oh so amazing thing

No one knows the answer to this

For the world is not filled with bliss

People kill people for things very petty

Not caring if those people were Mike or Betty

So why is there life?

Why must there be this pain and strife?

No human knows, and not many care

This would be too much for them to bear

But this should not be, they should want to know

Why they are here, and why this is so

And this is very sad

How can something good be so bad?

By Jennifer
