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My Undeniable Dilema

There I am again. Thinking destroys me.

I’m annoying someone again, stupid kid.

I think I think to much...

I think of fields rising, but get humiliation.

No on is open, some people listen, some don’t I wish I could be alone

with my thoughts, maybe then I could

understand people. People hurt, I can’t stand people, people need to

say what they think. Maybe then could this

world could be honest... Some people confuse me. Some I love, some I

like. the people that I love are the

people I trust. I don’t trust myself. Feelings bundled up inside, I

can’t let them out, I can’t. I try to cry, but

can’t. I am feeling out at the moment, writing only shows my emptiness.

I don’t know what to do, I’ll think

about it... How do I think? no one taught me to think, maybe I am

thinking wrong. I wish I could read people’s

minds. Then I would know how to feel. Stones are good. They don’t love,

think, or have and worries. I wish I

was a stone. Who made up the word “think”? I am beginning to hate this

word. how do I not think?

could some one teach me that? People don’t really know me. sure, they

know what I look like, but no-one really

know’s me. I wish I knew someone. Stupid kid. People need breaks, some

people don’t understand this.

Thoughts plague my mind.

By Joshua Bahlman
