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More Friends!!!

Here are pictures of my Canadian friends. Ladies first! Tracy! She's on the east coast, and funny as all... watch out!!! Tracy can be HELL on the keyboard!!! Then is Jean-Claude.. a gentleman and smooth talker! He'll never say it, but I think he's quite an artist!!!

Now I have a pic of Anna!! You may remember, she was my first link on the "love page".... until some nasty individuals forced her to close up shop. Well, Anna is back in business, now. What to go, girl! Next to Anna, I will hunt down Dave's pic. After all, he introduced me to Anna!!! I found him, with his help!!! hahahha

Now my friend John is a great man, who always has a hug and a smile, no matter what trials he may be enduring! And bless his heart, I don't have to make a border for his pic... he did!!!!

These two men should stand together! Both very close to my heart. Randy on the left, from Ohio, and Paul on the right, from Netherlands. Both musicians and great loves! Good thing one is married and one so far away!!!!