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Faces of Help and Interest

(to say the least!!!)

First, I have a deep, dark secret to reveal:

AAA Webaholics

You'll find all the help you need, and more things to think about, too! Slowpoke has a well rounded tutorial for all to use, plus a "clear cache" without having to switch users (for webtv)!!!

Next is Tommy... When I first got Web tv, THEY sent me to n2play!!! He has a great surfNsound system, the first I saw... and another first... add YOUR link!!!His place is fun, and informative!!! Enjoy

Here is one he** (I was going to say heck!) of a lady! Barb has done so much in providing information on MS, medical information, disabilities, webtv, penpals, and a wide variety of information and help. She's done this despite many stumbling stones in her path of life ~ which she kicks out of her way and travels past! ^5, Barb!!!
B.J.'s World

This is Maia, the healing angel, created by channelled art! To learn of the Reiki and submit names of those who need healing prayers click on her! May you find peace and positive feelings from these pages...

Zoda's place is another world of information and fun! He has button clocks, and the coolest SurfBox you ever saw... you've GOT to check it out! There's also lots of javascript help, and of course, his famous color helpers!!!

Zoda Wraps Links

I love word games, and visit this site almost daily! You can do riddles, trivia, and my fav.. word angst, with a new test every day! I never won anything, but it IS fun!!!

De Jour

Like free stuff? Like to get snail mail with goodies inside??? Check this out! Comprehensive site of free stuff!!!

Your Daily Freebies

I love this one... it's one of the first things I send to people who know where I work! Do you want to know what Big Brother" says about you??? LISTEN CAREFULLY.... follow the directions. Do not turn off your computer. I have NOT sent you anywhere that will hurt you, or your computer!!! hahahaha

FBI Hacked

Anthony has compiled a clickable list of the webtv alt newsgroups. I have it in my favorites! Any question ~ you'll find a group to post it to! Many good ideas forming in these!!!! Thanx Anthony!!!

The alt.discuss Newsgroup List

You'll find a wide variety of fun at Georgene's! She has kids links, virus and hoax help, and a wav search. Coffee, comedy and cool wavs are her specialties! Sign up to be on her "wav of the day" mail list!!!

Georgene's All Night Cafe

"Booj" has a fun place! You can get gifs, fonts, and backgrounds in exchange for signing up for the free membership... He has tutorials and fun stuff with photos... Go to "The Warped Zone" and check out "Guess the Celebrity Contest"!!!!

I have SO many interesting and useful sites to add here! Please stop back by in a few days!!!

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