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Places of Love!

Places of Love
For a few moments of spiritual reflection, you will find it very rewarding to vist Spiritual Oneness... God's work, not mine... and the beautiful sound of the Neville Brothers! Click on the cross...

Here is Chris' set of rules for a loving male/female relationship... I personally agree fully!!!

Funny Farm - The Rules

Anna's back, after a brief "getaway" from a few crazed stalkers!!! Anna knows the scoop on men and has lots of things to make you think about and laugh about.... Welcome back, my friend!!!

Boy meets Girl

Angelblueyes original poem "Friends in Love" is beautiful!!! While on her site, PLEASE also check out "The Death of an Innocent". Sad, but necessary! She has alot of beautiful thoughts throughout!!!

Betty (and Jim!) have some interesting "tests" of love... I hear they met on the net!!! I have a story like that, myself!!! Try their tests!

The Love Test

I've recently been blessed with a perchance meeting of a wonderful woman named Kathy! She's sent me a poem and a true story. This page of love is the most appropriate place I can think to share it with you all!

By Kathyrn L.M. Reynolds

I sat on a hillside,
  with my head bent down,
my fears overcame me,
    and the tears poured out...

People passed by me,
    but they didn't care,
for they saw me crying,
    but just left me there...

If only ONE person,
    had stopped to be here,
maybe things would be different,
    and I'd still be here...

But as it was no one heard me,
    when I cried out for help,
so I was alone and scared,
    when my life gave out...

Signed - "I CARED!!"

I wrote this poem after having met a homeless woman at a bus stop... I smiled at her and said hello, like I would greet any chance met stranger - a gesture of curtesey...and the woman burst into tears...
I immediately sat down beside her and asked if there was anything I could do to help...And she began sobbing harder...but through her tears, she thanked me. When I asked "thank me for what?" her simple words were stark and shocking... "Thank-you. thank-you for treating me like a REAL person and not an invisible or nasty one..."
I missed my bus that day and all the ones following it, but I didn't care, for to me the MOST important thing in the world was sitting there talking with and listening to Sarah... And it is an encounter I will always cherish and keep close to my heart...and her haunting words of thanks echo in my mind whenever I see ANYONE in her position...
My meeting with Sarah changed my whole perspective on life and on the people around me... And though I never saw or heard from her again...I think of her everyday and bless her even while I say a prayer for her too...
And to this day I can never pass by ANYONE and not say hi, or see what I can do to help them out...

I just can't resist this!!! So slap me (easy!)!!! is an example of the quickest, cleanest, safest way to always be "satisfied"!!! Coming highly recommended... hahhahahaha

Hand Shower

I've just run into the most fun place! The Match Maker's Dating Domain!!! You can post or view Personal Ads and chat in rooms where I had a BLAST!! Andrew also has a message board and survey, and much more!!!

Char has a cute test with colors... Try it. I see she's added more tests, too! Then check out the rest of her pages... they are beautiful!!!

GA Girl's Fav Color & Sexuality

Guestbook by GuestWorld
