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I salute those men in blue

They stand and protect

both me and you

They are here for us

both day and night

They will not give in

They'll fight the fight

Some give alot

Some give all

It's tragic that

some have to fall

The price they paid

for our sake

does not compare

to the sacrafice they make

Without these men

what would we do

I salute

those men in blue

Dedicated to the three brave officers who were tragicly murdered in the Tampa Bay area on May 19, 1998. We will miss you.

Composed by: Randy Chapman

In Memory of Fallen Officers medal created by Ron Fleischer
Explanation of the construction:

Black ribbon: represents the death of an officer

Blue line: represents the worldwide Law Enforcement community (known as The Thin Blue Line)

Gold star: displayed upside down, to represent the grief and loneliness felt when one of ours is slain

The star causes a "break in the line", representing our need to pause in mourning

You can read the facts leading up to this tragedy in the Officers Down Memorial Pages...

Det. Childers and Det Bell:

Gold Shield Fund

P.O. Box 271791

Tampa FL 33688

Trooper Crookes Fund:

1st Bank of Clewiston

P.O. Box 1237

Clewiston FL 33440

Places of the Thin Blue Line