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Final Fantasy 2
Character Profiles

Name:  Cecil Penndragon
  • Class:  Dark Knight ---> ???????
  • Weapon:  Sword
  •      Behind the darkness of his armor, Cecil has a heart as white as snow.  He attempts to run from his home of Baron in defiance to create an army to battle against the powerful country.  What he gets in the end is more than what he bargained for...

    Name:  Rosa Mooncipher
  • Class:  White Wizard
  • Weapon:  Bow/Staff
  •      A wizard of good tries to reach out to her love, a knight of evil.  She will follow him anywhere because she loves him, and soon... the dark knight will come to know how much he loves her.

    Name:  Kain Ocelot
  • Class:  Dragoon
  • Weapon:  Spear
  •      A master of the wind, Kain the dragoon fights in the air.  He has chosen to help his best friend, Cecil, in the struggle, but just as their travels begin, Kain disappears.  What mysterious fate has befallen the dragoon?

    Name:  Rydia Page
  • Class:  Caller ---> ??????
  • Weapon:  Rod/Whip
  •      Her whole history... her entire past... destroyed right before her eyes... and the people who commited the crime asked her politely to come with them.  What would you do in Rydia's situation?

    Name:  Tellah Mesocite
  • Class:  Sage
  • Weapon:  Staff/Rod
  •      A mysterious old man is waiting for Cecil in a cave, and pleads for his help.  Tellah is a long forgetten master of the arts of magic.  He is in a desperate search for his daughter, Anna, who ran off with a bard to get married.  What he discovers... he cannot believe... and will not forgive...

    Name:  Prince Edward Damcyan
  • Class:  Bard
  • Weapon:  Harp
  •      His fiance jumped in front of arrows to save his life, and now Edward holds her limp body in his arms.  His guilt is overwhelming.  How will he ever muster the courage to move on?  How will he muster the courage... to get even...

    Name:  Yang Yulio
  • Class:  Karate Fighter
  • Weapon:  Fists/Claws
  •      He is the last trained karate fighter in his kingdom... and the best.  Yang is determined to protect his country's crystal of fire.  Can he alone hold off Baron's attack?

    Name:  Polam & Porom Mayj
  • Class:  White & Black Mages
  • Weapon:  Staff/Rod
  •      Though the twins look the same, their personalities are as night and day as they come.  And though they seem helpful and optimistic, Cecil notices the two keep an awfully close eye on him...

    Name:  Cid Highwind
  • Class:  Mechanic
  • Weapon:  Hammer
  •      No matter what conflict the party runs into, Cid can build their way out.  He sacrifices his time and skill for them... and eventually... he'll come to sacrifice more than that...

    Name:  Prince Edge Eblan
  • Class:  Ninja
  • Weapon:  Two Swords
  •      His rage is getting the best of him, and getting him in over his head, but he can't stop hunting his parents' murderer until they are avenged.  He acts like a tough guy and tries to put moves on Cecil's "booty" (Rosa), and then goes for Rydia.  Edge eventually shows his more caring side, and Rydia begins to fall for him...
