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Kaine's Review
Final Fantasy 6

     I know I used to have an old review on here, but I thought I'd screw with that since ratings are 'over-rated' anyway... ha... heh... ugh.

     Everyone always looks for graphics in a game, and if that's the case, go see a movie.  I hear they are life-like.  The point of a good RPG is to get to explore a world and make choices in that world that will effect the outcome.  Final Fantasy 6 allows this.  Half way through this game, you are given a select few characters after the destruction of the planet, and you can either go look for the others, or try and defeat the final boss with what you have.  Each character has their own specific INDEPTH storyline.  The keyword here is indepth.  You didn't just see a clip of the character and that's it... their story unfolded as the game progressed... not just the main character.  That's why I consider Final Fantasy 6 to have no main character at all.  I feel this was the first game to actually achieve this.

     I can't compare graphics and sound on any game because there is such a huge generation gap between all the games that it is impossible to compare an old to a new.  Along the lines of story and gameplay however, very fluid, no wait times.  There were even times of suspense.  I remember the first time Celes flipped that coin to see if she would marry Setzer to aquire the airship.  You had no idea what would happen.  That's the kinda' stuff they don't really make too much of in today's games.  Now they're voice acted (and kinda' shabby at that, but what can you expect from the Japanese... look at their anime) and it almost ruins the imagination of it.

     This is such an incredible game that I recommend it every chance I get.  I'd say the only console game that could possibly match it was Chrono Trigger, but that's an argument for another day.
