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Final Fantasy 8
Character Profiles

Name:  Squall Leonhart

Age:  17
Birthdate:  August, 23
Height:  5' 10"
Blood Type:  AB -
Weapon:  Gunblade
Squall Leonhart

     Using a large sword with a built in revolver, Squall is preparing for his SeeD test.  He is quiet and self-relying.  Little does he know that the choices he's about to make will effect his life greatly... and the lives around him.

Name:  Rinoa Heartilly

Age:  17
Birthdate:  Unknown
Height:  5' 4"
Blood Type:  Unknown
Weapon:  Blaster Edge
Rinoa Heartilly

     Behind a beautiful face, Rinoa holds fierce fighting abilities.  Rinoa specializes using a boomerang-like projectile weapon attached to her wrist.  She doesn't know that the man she meets at the celebration one evening would change her life forever.

Name:  Laguna Loire

Age:  27
Birthdate:  January, 3
Height:  5' 11"
Blood Type:  B
Weapon:  Machine Gun
Laguna Loire

     Laguna is a Galbaldia soldier who has more interest in being a journalist than fighting a war.  Squall keeps seeing this man in his dreams... as do the others.  What is the significance of this man?

Name:  Irvine Kinneas

Age:  18
Birthdate:  November, 24
Height:  6' 0"
Blood Type:  O
Weapon:  Shotgun
Irvine Kinneas

     Specializing as a sharp-shooter (sniper), Irvine is an out-going person with the ladies... especially with one in particular.  Irvine acts big, but when it comes down to it in the end, he's soft-hearted.

Name:  Seifer Almasy

Age:  18
Birthdate:  December, 22
Height:  6' 1"
Blood Type:  A
Weapon:  Gunblade
Seifer Almasy

     A student of the Balamb Garden who fails to enter SeeD because of his lack of responsibility.  Seifer, and his nemesis, Squall, enter battle in an out-of-hand training battle where they scar each other across the face.  Seifer mastered the Gunblade... just as Squall has, and they both become rivals.

Name:  Zell Dincht

Age:  17
Birthdate:  March, 17
Height:  5' 6"
Blood Type:  B
Weapon:  Gloves
Zell Dincht

     Master of physical attack, Zell is loud and very energetic.  Seifer and Zell seem to get into fights alot, mainly because of Seifer's mouth.  Zell takes up fighting in order to follow in his grandfather's footsteps... to have the ability to protect his family, and especially his mom.

Name:  Quitis Trepe

Age:  18
Birthdate:  October, 4
Height:  5' 6"
Blood Type:  A
Weapon:  Whip
Quitis Trepe

     Master of the whip, Quistis became a SeeD at the strikingly early age of 15 and got her instructor's license at 17.  Quistis tries her best to get to know Squall (her student), but Squall won't give in.  She considers herself a failure.
