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1)     Get to Chapter 4 and make sure you keep ahold of Mustadio once you have the chance to recruit him.

2)     Go to Zeltennia Castle and check out the bar.  There should be a rumour about a cursed island.  After hearing about the island, leave the bar.  There's now a path to the island.

3)     You now need to advance in the game until you reach Zarghidas Trade City.  You'll encounter a flower girl who wants to sell you a flower.  Buy it!  It's not like it's gonna' cost you anything... it's only a gil...

4)     Now... here's the part that Mustadio plays in this scene.  Go to Goug Machine City.  You, Mustadio, and Mustadio's father will inspect a steel ball.

5)     Next, go to Goland Coal City and visit the bar.  Read the rumor of the "Ghost of Colliery".

6)     Now for the interesting part.  Go to Lesalia Imperial Capital and listen to the people in the bar.  A knight named Beowulf will join your party.

7)     Stop by Goland Coal City and you'll fight 5 battles.  In the 5th one, you'll have to save Reis, the Holy Dragon.  Let her join your party.  You'll also get the Aquarius Zodiac Stone.

8)     Go back to Goug Machine City and have Mustadio's father activate the Steel Giant.  Comes in handy in battle.

9)     Travel up to Nelveska Temple and you'll have a battle with an evil Steel Giant.  After defeating him, he'll leave behind another Zodiac Stone.

10)     Once again, (this is getting old) return to Goug Machine City and watch the story unfold.

11)     Next, you need to make sure you're past the part in Igros Castle where you have a conflict with your brother, Dycedarg.  Now go to Zarghidas Trade City, where you met the flower girl.  You'll have to protect Cloud and the flower girl from the bandits.  Cloud has no weapon and can only defend... for now.

12)     Finally, go to Bervenia Volcano and make sure you have someone equipped with the "Move-Find Item" Ability.  Move that person up to the highest point on the mountain and you'll recieve Cloud's Materia Blade.  Now Cloud can use all his Limit Breaks from Final Fantasy VII.  (Note:  Cloud can equip other weapons, like the Rune Blade [also from FF7], but only the Materia Blade will let Cloud use his Limit Breaks.)
