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The first thing that's new to the Amish is this page, but if you have been following closely you would have known that. You should be paying more attention.

The second thing that is new to the Amish is our uniforms. We love our uniforms. We love our uniforms so much that we refuse to play in them for fear of getting them dirty. instead we play buck-ass naked.
Another thing that is new to the Amish is the Amish themselves. We have finally became an actual team. We owe our team's conception to one Cramer. He did not do everything necessary but from what I understand, he did damn near everything.
Here's another new thing us:

Tournament play.

We have only played in four tournaments so far and they were the 11th and 12th Annual Mardi Gras Tournment in Baton Rouge, La, the University of Florida's Icebreaker Tournament and Vandy's Ichfest.

Page News

Feb 17, 1999
Edited page for the first time in a year. Changed stats to team roster and added scoring record.

Feb 18, 1999
Made page uniform. Eliminated "Mortal Kombat" characters, put profile links to roster. Edited links page, fixed broken links on our page.