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Ensemble Flauto Nuovo * Dinie Goedhart * Thea Jaworski-Kuperus * Wiep Klaas Smits

Ensemble Flauto Nuovo was established on 19 Januari 1991 and stands under leadership of Dinie Goedhart. The other members are pupils of Flauto Nuovo, Institute for Recorder Education in Friesland (Netherlands).
Recorder quartet, Martin Agricola (1486-1556). From: 'Musica Instumentalis Deudsch' (1529/1545)

The ensemble Flauto Nuovo plays music of all ages on different kins of recorders: ranging from the small - 16 cm - (Gar) Klein Flötlein to the 2 meter long contrabass recorder.
The ensemble is besides the wellknown Renaissance- and Baroque music also interested in especially for recorder written composition by contemporary composers. The music is suitable for coffeeconcerts, schoolconcerts or evening filling concerts. Regularly Ensemble Flauto Nuovo performs to complement th eprogramm of concerts by choirs or instrumental ensembles.
During the few years Ensemble Flauto Nuovo performed amongst others in the Netherlands and France.

After the Foundation Flauto Nuovo Friesland ordered the Frisian composer Johan de With to write a work for the ensemble he composed 'FNsa'. In 1993 the composer Pieter Bakker wrote the composition 'Achter de Wolken' (Behind the Clouds) for the recorder quartet for the occasion of the memorial for the poet François Haverschmidt (Piet Paaltjens), who passed away in 1894. These compositions were made possible through financial support by the Province of Friesland.
In the spring of 1995 the ensemble together with carillon player Auke de Boer and a vocal ensemble performed in a series of concerts 'Music by Frisian composers within and outside the church'. Especially for this occasion Luut Klaver wrote the composition 'Toccata alla Danza'.
The composers Daan Manneke, Gerda Geertens and Bert Esser wrote especially for the ensemble the works 'The Seasons', 'Point of View' and 'Portrait of the painter'. In 1998 Wiep Klaas Smits wrote the compositie 'Quetzal, the conquest of Ancient America'. This work was performe for the first time on 11 October 1998 by Ensemble Flauto Nuovo uitgevoerd. A later work, The daffodils - Ode to William Wordsworth, had its premiere on 13 december 1998 in Sijbrandahuis, near Dokkum.

In the spring of 1996 the ensemble received a magnificent consort of Renaissance recorders, made by the Italian manufacturer Li Virghi, recommended by the Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet.

Since the establishment the ensemble has changed once: Untill the spring of 1998 the members of the ensemble were: Tiety Bakker, Anke Buursma, Dinie Goedhart and Peter van Houten. Nowadays Ensemble Flauto Nuovo consists of: Dinie Goedhart, Thea Jaworski-Kuperus en Wiep Klaas Smits, (Peter van Houten).

Dinie Goedhart

Logo van Dinie Goedhart
Dinie Goedhart

Dinie Goedhart (*28 september 1947, Dordrecht) worked as a recorder teacher at music schools in Dordrecht and Alkmaar. In 1988 she graduated with main subject recorder at the conservatory in Leeuwarden. For years she took lessons at Karel van Steenhoven, member of the wellknown 'Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet'. In 1990 she established 'Flauto Nuovo, Instituut for Recorder Education in Friesland (Netherlands)'. Since 1996 she works besides that as main teacher General Music Education/recorder at the regional school of music 'De Wâldsang' in Buitenpost. She is regularly asked as guest lecturer at the conservatory of Groningen for giving lectures on graphical notation or setting up a practice of one own. Besides that Dinie Goedhart direct regularly big ensembles, such as It Orkest. As external editor at music publisher 'De Haske' in Heerenveen she was ordered to write musicbooks with play along CD's. This resulted in the publication of the books 'Ik speel nu al solo' with illustrations by Sieger A.Zuidersma and accompaniment by Peter van de Zwaag in september 1998. In 1998 she was rewarded at the Open Nederlandse Blokfluitdagen (Open Dutch Recorder Competition) in Utrecht with the first price for the best arrangement for recorder. (Design image: Anke Buursma)

Thea Jaworski-Kuperus

Thea Jaworski-Kuperus

Thea Jaworski-Kuperus studied, after graduating from high school, for three years at the Muziek Pedagogische Academie in Leeuwarden, with as secondary subjects vocals, gitar and recorder. She was given the recorder lessons by Ina van der Mark. In 1986/87 she took lessons at Broer Giesing, with whom she organises several project, in coöperation with a lute ensemble, in which she also participated. From 1995 she takes lessons from Dinie Goedhart and since october 1997 she is a member of Ensemble Flauto Nuovo. Besides that she plays in the recorder orchestra 'It Orkest'. In june 1999 she will take the Flauto Nuovo Final Exam.

Wiep Klaas Smits

Wiep Klaas Smits

Wiep Klaas Smits (*6-4-1979, Dokkum) studied for about six years at Flauto Nuovo. In 1997 he was the first pupil of the Institute to receive the Flauto Nuovo Diploma. In the same year he won at the regional preliminary rounds of the Prinses Christina Concours the PCC Price for Modern Music with the performance of 'The Voice of the Crocodile', written by Benjamin Thorn. Wiep Klaas Smits played several years in an Huismuziek group (Early Music) and up till 1997 in 'It Orkest'. Recently he has developed a new interest in music: composing. The works 'Quetzal - The conquest of Ancient America' and The daffodils - Ode to William Wordsworth are part of the repertoire of the ensemble.

(Peter van Houten)
