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General conditions

'Recorder player' (circa 1705), anonymus painting.'
  1. The educational year starts 1 September and continues to 1 June of the next year
  2. The agreement is valid for at least one year. When cancelled within this period the full amount has to be payed, unless unforeseen circumstances make this not fair (moving, lengthy illness and other circumstances, to judgement of the teacher).
  3. In between cancellation is only possible in special circumstances. In between cancelation by the teacher is possible when it becomes evident that the pupil has to little talent to succesfully participate in the educational program and because of that on advice of the teacher no longer goes through taking lessons.
  4. Lessons that end in the summer holidays, must be said to end at least one week after the annual Pupil's concert in juli. This has to be done in writing. When the teacher concerned has not received a cancellation one week after the Pupil's concert, the teaching contract is autonatically prolonged untill the end of the next course year. Cancellation has to be sent to the teacher concerned or to: Flauto Nuovo, Kolkreed 1, 9154 AS, Foudgum, Netherlands.
  5. When the teacher is longer than two weeks ill a substitute teacher will be asked to take over the lessons.
  6. When lessons cannot be given due to illness or absency of the pupil or due to illness of the teacher they are not given at some other time. Lessons that cannot be given due to absency of the teacher, other than mentioned in 5) are given at another time.
  7. If a teacher for some reason is not able to give lessons, the pupils will be - if possible - informed in time.
  8. Genrally holidays coincide with the primary school holidays, with the exception of the summer holiday. The summer holiday begins for Flauto Nuovo one week after the annual Pupil's concert in juli en ends one week after the start of the schools.
  9. The fees have to be paid in advance.
  10. When the height of the fee is a problem, contact the teacher concerned.
  11. At the first lesson the following materials are purchased (payment to the teacher): a soprano recorder with baroque fingering, part one of the method 'Blokfluitfeest', a large drawing book (only for children) and part one of the series 'Ik speel nu al solo' with play along CD (De Haske Publications, Heerenveen).
  12. Flauto Nuovo only gives lessons on recorders with the so called baroque fingering. Recorders of bad quality are not suited for the lessons; therefor some Flauto Nuovo teachers have suitable recorders for rent.
  13. Pupils of Dinie Goedhart can - for there own lessons - make use of the recorder music library of Dinie Goedhart. Costs are f25,- a year

Picture on a cookie can, before 1987 Renting recorders
Flauto Nuovo Dokkum c.a. rents recorders to pupils (sopranino-, soprano-, alto-, tenor- and bassrecorder).
The costs are for one year.
  • Sopranino: f 6,-
  • Soprano: f 6,-
  • Alto: f 14,-
  • Tenor: f 38,-
  • Bass: f 100,-

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