The 1996 Press Conference

Okay I've been listening to a recording of Press Talk. I have transcribed what I can make out, but unfortunately I couldn't understand all of it. Well there's more than the papers put in anyway.
Key to persons speaking:
I = Introducer
- = Member of the press
J = John
S = Steve
Pa = Paul
G = Glen

I : All the way from Sheperds Bush, The Sex Pistols
I For those of you that don't know, Glen Matlock, Steve Jones, Paul Cook and Johnny Rotten. I know you're a civilised bunch of people, but we've got to keep a little bit of decorum here. I'm going to have to pass questions onto the chaps here. So whenever you're ready, fire away.
- : Johnny first. Are you on any prescribed medication we should know about?
Pa Prosac.
J The only thing I'm on is ego, and I've got more than enough to go around.
- : [scottish accent] This is sad isn't it?
J : Pardon. Can we have that in English?
[introducer repeats]
P : What is?
J : It's sad that an arsehole like you doesn't appreciate the effort we've gone to.
- : ...?... Radio 1, Cliff Richard gets played on Radio 2, where do you see yourself fitting in.
? : Radio 4.
J : ...?... This is the only thing that's come out of britain that's actually worked for money.
- : [Scot geezer again] Isn't this a complete about face of everything you ever stood for
P : We were doing what we want in the first place. We are doing what we want. We always have done. We don't give a shit what you think about it.
J : Listen we invented punk. We write the rules. YOU FOLLOW!!! It's not the other way around. YOU'RE JEALOUS!!!
- : [scot again] ...?... fucking cartoon.
- : When's your first gig?
- : ...?... Finland.

I will finish off at a later time. There's a lot to get through.

