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As promised on our myspace page, the Christmas EP is now posted on the sounds page for you to download and enjoy at your leisure. The order they're posted in is the order I intended them to go in on a CD or other recorded media but feel free to mix them up any way you'd like. This is our first official release since "The Story of the Kelly Gang" EP back in 2002 and this one is totally independent and d.i.y. All songs were written and recorded by us. So, thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the songs. Also, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. I won't lie and promise you that we'll be doing big things in the next year because the truth is I just don't know.


Sorry about the amount of time that has passed. Things are happening. This year will see the release of two new full-length albums and possibly even more music from us. You can hear four new, never heard before songs right now by going to There's two from Clichés are Correct and two from Hello Hospital. Check 'em out, download 'em, stream 'em...whatever. Let us know what you think. And keep a lookout. This is gonna happen, we swear.


Wow, it's been a while. Someone mentioned to me how the site hadn't been updated in a loooong time so I decided to take it upon myself to change that. So, how is everyone? We're good, thanks for asking. Our long gestating sixth album Cliches are Correct is still gestating. I really hope to release it this year and begin anew playing shows at venues around town and throughout the whole southeast. In the meantime, to tide us over, we've got several buns in the oven. I've been writing songs non-stop and recording a ton of new demos. We started a myspace page which you can view by clicking here. On it you will find a new song, "Young Republicans in Love," which isn't available anywhere else and also a new contribution from our longtime collaborators and friends The Military who make interesting music on their computers. Keep checking the myspace page as we will cycle in some new stuff from time to time and report on all sorts of interesting things.

In other very exciting news, I'm happy to announce that we have solidified a line-up now after months of sleepless nights and tossing and turning. Ben May, formerly of Twothirtyeight and recently Arkitekt has joined us to play some low-end bass and Gio Lugo, formerly of the excellent Simpleton, and currently of the excellent Mi Capitan will be taking over the drumming duties and keeping us all in line with precision, laser-guided metronoming. We have some big plans in store for the revamped lineup, one of which is to write an album's worth of new material and record it and release it. We have all talked it over and we basically are going to write some very whack, drop-D, straight up rock and roll, baby. The ideas are already flowing and hopefully in the near future, we can put all of them down and make something great.

But, before that can occur and in the meantime, recording continues unabated all over the map. As I mentioned above, Cliches are Correct is still in production. We are also simultaneously recording an concept EP titled How to Murder Your Wife which is a crazy little concept/story-telling record. The six song Welcome to Brookhollow Christmas EP is still kinda going on and I really hope to give it a proper release this Christmas with accompanying shows to celebrate it. As if that weren't enough, I have already written and recorded about 80% of yet another full-length album, tentatively titled Hello Hospital, which I'm now mulling over releasing for free on the website, with a CD version to follow. As of now, it's 11 songs and still needs some work but we will see what goes on. Want to see some song titles? I thought so....

Cliches are Correct
Maybe it was Too Soon
I'd Let You Do It
Local Ones
Pregnant Girlfriend
Sink and Drown
Left-Handed Guitar Player
One Hundred Million People
Evil Overlord
Gas Station Wine
Idea Machine
Please Tell Me You're Joking
Handsome Cuss

How to Murder Your Wife EP
Glass of Wine
That's You
Inside Your Heart
Tender is the Night
Wake Up Dead

Christmas EP
All Alone on Christmas Eve
Repeat the Sounding Joy
There's all the People
Get to Your House
This Little Life of MIne
Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Hello Hospital
Hello Hospital
Cops Can't Dance
Teenage Crime Wave
Arms of the Angle
You Sure Know How to Hurt a Guy's Feelings
The Instruments are Playing Themselves
Make Believe
Still at Home
Young Republicans in Love
You've Made a Friend
At the End of This Song I Will Explode

Whew. Keep checking back as all of this and even more will be happening ever so soon. Word Up.


Things are happening. We swear. A week of rehearsals for new album - phase 2 is coming soon.


Just a quick update. Work is progressing nicely on the new full-length and the EP at the Brookhollow Compound and we are also laying down some new demos at Wildflower Studios. No word yet on any release dates or shows or any of that kind of thing, but just keep checking back.


It's been almost four months since I've written anything down in here and that stinks. Sorry if we kept anyone waiting. But, now, the good news is we have good news: we will be heading into the Brookhollow Compound this coming week to start official recordings on our upcoming full-length album Clichés are Correct. We will also be recording songs for an EP to be released after the full-length that is, well, very different than our other work. It's a seven song cycle that tells a tragic tale; a concept EP, if you will. All in all we'll be tracking 19 songs with a hopeful release date of later this year or early 2005. No word yet if we'll be self-releasing this one totally DIY style or if there might be some sort of label support. Time shall tell and we shall see. So, in any event, keep an eye on this page and the diary page for updates and possibly a few mp3's popping up and we'll do our best to inform everyone of what is going on.


Long time no see! Hello everyone, this is Scott with the latest in Brookhollow news. Um...well, not much is happening but we are hoping to do some shows soon and show off our new material. So, if anyone wants us to play anywhere please contact us at the email address above. We've got a new song posted here. It is, as promised, the song "One Hundred Million People" which I happen to like quite a bit. We just completed a whole new round of demoing and I can now say that I feel really confident with what we have and am seriously ready to hit the studio sometime this summer. Another demo song may be appearing on a Gulf coast band compilation that I have about zero details on right now. We may have some more, really big news concerning all this and our band sometime soon and that's part of the reason we've been silent the last couple months. But anyhoots, thanks for checking up on us and keep checking back so we can keep you abreast of any developing situation. I hope you enjoy the song. Leave any feedback at the above email address.


Ok, we've got a confirmed release date for the Christmas Tuesday December 23! And not a moment too soon, huh? The EP sounds very nice and we'll be posting up an mp3 soon so all can hear it. I don't believe we'll get to do any special Christmas shows as planned but maybe next year. If we ever play a show again, we'll probably have these to hand out or sell or something.
Apart from the EP, work continues on new songs such as "Pregnant Girlfriend" and "Idea Machine." These are demos right now but may turn up somewhere in the future. Also, if you have a spare moment check out the all new sounds page where we have mp3's posted for your enjoyment and will soon be posting up mp3's old and new (spanning our entire 8 year career as a band). If you'd like to find out about getting your hands on a copy of the Christmas EP please feel free to email me at
Happy Holidays from WTB.


We will be taking a bit of a break on the Christmas EP for the remainder of this weekend to record some new demos. We already have big plans for one of these songs to be posted up here for your enjoyment sometime between now and when we get around to it. Which may be after we die. I believe we'll be doing demos for "Tender is the night," "Maybe it was too soon," "One Hundred Million People," and "Evil Overlord" which was previously recorded under the title "Cut the crane in half." Well we changed it up a bit and are much happier with it now, so we're gonna demo it again. The song we're gonna post is "One Hundred Million People" because we believe it's the best representation of the new material and would give the best idea of what the next album may sound like. It's not too fast and/or loud, not to slow and/or soft with lots of interesting blips and bleeps inbetweeen. So keep your eye out for that and we'll let everyone know when it becomes available. Have a fantastic weekend...


Tracking officially begins today on the Christmas EP. Recording shant take too long and we can hopefully have this puppy wrapped up and for sale by early December. Maybe that's being optimistic but I think it's a goal we can achieve. Keep an eye on the diary page for frequent recording updates.


Wow, it's been a long time with no update. I guess it's for a reason, we haven't been too busy doing much, just preparing to record "The Christmas EP." I'm really excited about this project, all the songs are really cool and different and I think this is something that everyone can like and relate to. But what do I know, right? Everyone will have to judge for themselves...we're hoping to set up a couple special Christmas themed shows in December at a couple places around town, and get everyone in the mood for the holidays. We will of course keep you updated on any news of shows that pops up...

Not long after finishing the Christmas EP, we will begin recording our next full-length album for release sometime next year. We've written about a ton of songs between the last album and this one, more than we've written between any two albums in our past. So there's alot of material to choose from and we're still continuing to write songs! Some of the newest additions to our song catalog include "One Hundred Million People," "Tender is the night," "Maybe it was too soon," "The Ghosts of You and I," "Inside your Heart," and "Make Believe." The songs are still all over the place, some are all out rock attacks while others are slower and more sensitive. Stuff the ladies really enjoy, you know. Some are crazier and weirder than anything we've ever done and are exciting to listen to. I think they make your heart beat faster. Ok, well, keep in touch, we'll soon be updating the diary page on a regular basis when we begin recording the EP. Stay tuned...


Hello all, we hope this update finds you well.

Recording of our new album has been only temporarily postponed so we can record a Christmas EP first and get it out in time for Christmas (of course). It will be titled "The Christmas EP" (very original there) and will contain six all new original songs. We had said before we might do some covers but since every Christmas song has been covered about a thousand times each anyways, why not add some new ones to the mix? Here's the current tracklisting:

All alone on Christmas Eve
Repeat the sounding joy
There's all the people
Get to your House
This little life of mine
Jesus is the reason for the season

The songs are a bit loungy and laid back, incorporating some horns and other fun sounds. I guess the best way to describe it is to say if you were alone on Christmas Eve/Christmas, feeling depressed and drinking at some lounge somewhere; this is the music that would be playing in the background.

In addition to this EP, we will also be recording our sixth full-length album with a slated release date of next summer. We were going to start in June but postponed to make the aforementioned Christmas EP. We will now be recording it at various times throughout the fall. And just to end the suspense of it all, the title of the new album is "Clichés are Correct."

Thanks for reading all that.

Oh, and one more thing..."Nobody likes Mike Brantley," one of the demos we recently recorded, is now up for playing at so check it out and enjoy.


Happy July 4th.

Records that we've been listening to alot lately...
Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I
The Jealous Sound - Kill them with kindness
Fountains of Wayne - Welcome Interstate Managers
Hot Hot Heat - Make up the breakdown
Starflyer 59 - Old
Pete Yorn - Day I Forgot
Spoon - Kill the moonlight

Don't forget about the show July 10.

Recording begins July 12.

Expect another "demo pleasure" song up here soon.

Go to to stream "Mexican Wine." Keep checking the site for the next "demo pleasures" song.


Recording hasn't begun yet for several reasons, one being scheduling conflicts and another being selecting which songs to try and record. Unlike our last attempt at making a record, this one will not be called off so don't fret about it. We will most likely get started after the July 10th show (see the shows page for some info on that).

I've been sorting thru the MANY demos I've recorded the last 2 years leading up to this record and I think I know what goes where's like a big puzzle...

And I believe you will soon be seeing the record's title so keep on checking back for that...(and it's not "Beeswax").


The first and possibly last of the "demo pleasures" songs for has been posted for your enjoyment here. So sit back and enjoy a glass of Mexican Wine (right click and "save target as..." or do it however you download mp3's).

We have a show July 10 at the Handlebar, check out the shows page for more info.


So we had to cancel our show last Wednesday with Second Saturday. Apologies to everyone who showed up expecting to see us maybe. It was just at too weird a time of day. Maybe next time.

We've pushed back the recording start date to June 20 in order to record more demos and nail down exactly what we're doing.


Well, we've added a show over in the shows section. Check it out and make it out if you can.

Recording of our new, currently untitled record will commence on June 6 @ the Brookhollow Compound and with an expected release date of early 2004. In keeping with current trends I will start a Recording/Studio diary on this site so you can read about our day to day activity. I believe we're going to track close to 20 songs and then put the best 12 or 13 on the new record.

I've decided I'm going to post up just a few of the better demos from the recent "demo pleasures" to this site and the site, whichever ones I feel are good enough which sadly, aren't many. (And no, "Grease Monkey" is not one of the better ones...)

I've been working on recording many new songs during this last week including "I swear it's true," "Accident" and "Handsome Cuss" and I'm pleased with what we've got to work with as far as the new record...there's alot of different directions the songs are heading in that I think could yield an unexpected but pleasant result. Well...I would buy it!

Oh, nothing. The show on May 10 at the American Legion was cancelled due to weird circumstances of some sort. That was gonna be such a good show too! Oh well...
The "demo pleasures" are completed but I'm debating whether to post them up or not. This is due to many things, one being that I can't post them all up here and another being that now limits how many songs you can post. We may just save them and give them away at shows. I think that would be the cooler thing to do anyways...
We will most likely start doing some recording in June for our next full-length record. With a little love and some tenderness, it could be out this winter. The new songs have taken on a bit of a different shape as of late, going in all sorts of weird and crazy directions, but I think everyone will be pleased with the final result. It is all at once heavy, poppy and weird.
Keep looking for more shows popping up this summer...we will keep you updated...

Happy Birthday to our very own Chris Strickland who turns 21 today! This 40oz malt liquor is for you Chris - *pours some on ground*

We have a confirmed upcoming show for May 10 - go here for some details!

Here is the first of the "Demo Pleasures" songs, this one is called "Grease Monkey." You can download it by clicking here. (Or right clicking and "save target as..." or whatever your preference is!). This particular song is a little bit more aggressive and has a hard, rock edge to it, fuzzy bass and all. You can read the lyrics to this song here.
The rest of the songs are on their way as soon as they receive a proper mixdown.

We hope you enjoy what you hear.

Why aren't the demo pleasures finished yet? Because I'm lazy, that's why! I need to get them done and post them up, I know it! They will be completed this weekend...that's a promise.

Sometime in the coming months we will also have a new website for your viewing pleasure full of pictures and colors and all sorts of fun things.

We are blocking out some time this coming summer to start working on a new full-length record. With any luck it will be out later this year. We got a lot of songs to sort through and a lot of stuff to figure out before we can start recording...

We've got a show March 29th at the Handlebar with the 8-track Players and more shows on the way. As soon as we can confirm some details, we will let everyone know...

thanks for dropping by...

Thanks to all who came to the benefit show Saturday night. It was a lot of fun and it was good to meet some new friendly faces plus we raised some money for the gcms so we're happy about that.

We've got another show coming up March 29th at the Handlebar with the 8-track Players. Time and cost are forthcoming soon...

We are now officially located at Pretty sweet, eh?

Here's a little something to get you pumped for the show tomorrow night! Right click here and "save target as..." to download "Pork Chip for You," a song written about my dog's favorite type of chew toy. Hope you enjoy it...see you at the show tomorrow!

Pork Chip for You

(A reminder: the show is at End of the Line Cafe on Wright Street...starts at 6:30 and costs $5)

It might could is!

We are pleased to announce that we will be playing the GCMS benefit show on February 22 at the End of the Line Cafe! The show starts at 6:30 PM and costs $5. We're playing with Skeptic, Gravity Keeps the Hours and Gash. It's our first show in seven months, our first of the new year and it should be a good one as we will be debuting some new songs and of course rolling out some old rockers as well. We're also happy to announce that Tim Very of Portside Drive will be hitting the skins for us on this occasion. Tim is a great guy and an awesome drummer and we are all looking forward to busting some ear drums! Stay tuned for more details on this one...

We are still working on the 5 new demo pleasures songs...they are very close to finished. I would say they will be posted up for your downloading pleasure in February.

We've got another 5 we're going to begin work on as soon as we get the current 5 done. No telling when they'll be done and up on the internet.

Ok, see you all February 22, or else.

Well, Christmas has come and gone but it's not too late for presents! So here's our present to you...a remix of our song "Lie Detector" (right click and "save target as..." to download the mp3). The remix was done by DJ Navy Seal and MC Marine Corps, also known as The Military. They call it the "robots of the future mix" and it's kinda creepy in a cool way. It's our gift to you this holiday season...enjoy!

The "demo pleasures" are coming along nicely. We've got 5 songs close to finished right now and we may possibly be working up more in the next few weeks. Expect to see at least a few completed and up for downloading by January.

A Christmas EP?
We are tossing around the idea of working up an EP chock full of Holiday cheer which would be released next Christmas. Since this Christmas hasn't even arrived yet, this project is far in the future and subject to change. We would most likely do a few covers of Christmas favorites and a few originals as well. A possible tracklist:

All Alone on Christmas Eve
Repeat the Sounding Joy
Santa's Beard*
Get to Your House
I Saw Three Ships*
Jesus is the Reason for the Season

The * indicate cover songs.

Well, have a happy Holiday everyone...a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

welcome to brookhollow

"Come Home Anna May" is now up and available for download or streaming at our site. Please check it out.

Want to hear some spankin' new Welcome to Brookhollow? Then click here (or click the right mouse button and "save target as...") to download "Come Home Anna May" in mp3 form. It will also be available at our site soon. It was recorded, mixed and mastered all in one day at the Brookhollow compound. A little different sound than our other songs but we couldn't be happier with it. We hope you enjoy it too! You can read the lyrics to the song here.

We are going to record "Come Home Anna May" this weekend at the Brookhollow Compound. It will be posted on the website and on our site as well. It should be up next week so check back for it.

The demos are coming along, drum parts are finished to 4 songs but nothing else has been done so far. I think we're waiting to feel really inspired to record and make them the best they can be.

We are still writing songs like madmen and hopefully we will record the new album sometime next year.

That is all, you may go.

We are officially back online! Demos will begin soon!

We are inching ever closer to begining demo recording of the many, many new songs. With some brand new equipment in tow, the songs will sound better and get to the public faster. The semi-final list of songs to be demoed looks like this

Grease Monkey
Nobody likes Mike Brantley
Ill fx
My Guitar
Saddest Songs
Mexican Wine
My Baboon Heart
Dance Party
Think About You
(Everybody Wants) The New Sound
None of your Beeswax

There may possibly be more or less than this and most of these are working titles only, not the final title.
We may also be recording a couple acoustic songs along with this. They are for a friend working on a student project but it depends on the feasibility of us getting it all underway. The songs are "Come home Anna May" and "All alone on Christmas Eve." If we dont record them now there is no telling if or when they'll ever show up again. That's all the news for now. Piece out.

Well, it appears that Welcome to Brookhollow has been officially "dumped" off the Computer Club Records roster. We are ok with this and we still will survive as independants! Currently we are without backup band as Charlie, Patrick and David have all gone to far away places for schooling! So, for the moment, only Chris and I survive. We are continuing to write songs and we are getting ever closer to recording a whole new batch of demos. With this move from Computer Club, it is very hard to say when a new album may be out so we won't speculate. In the meantime, we are writing and trying to reform our band enough to play a bit. Keep watching for more updates.

Time for a long overdue update! So much is going on...I got married on June 15th so life has been busy for the past month and a half and Brookhollow is lying in a sort of dormant state. We have no upcoming shows and our current bandmembers will soon be spread to the four corners of the earth! That's ok though. We will be using this time to write some new material and do alot of demoing. We haven't made anything truly official but I believe we will be recording our next album (whether it will be called "Beeswax" or not remains to be seen) in the summer of 2003 which puts it on pace for an early 2004 release. Of course this is all subject to change. If we can sufficiently reform the band fully enough we will continue to play shows throughout the rest of the year.

The next batch of demos will be recorded under the moniker "Demo Pleasures" and will feature anywhere between 5 to 10 songs, some brand new, some from the scrapped "Beeswax" sessions. The songs I've definitely decided to demo include:

Grease Monkey*
Nobody likes Mike Brantley*
Someone had to say it*
Dance Party*
Mexican Wine
None of your beeswax
(Everybody wants) The New Sound
My baboon heart

The songs with the * next to them are the brand new ones and the rest are from the "Beeswax" sessions. The new songs have a heavy/hard rock feel to them. I think the closest comparison is to that of "Former Miss Pennsylvania" off The Great American Freakout record. More songs will probably be added and recorded. I dont expect this project to be fully underway until October or even later. Meaning the songs will be available late this year or early the next. Nevertheless, it will happen. "Demo pleasures" in your hands. We'll keep you updated.

Ok, the official "Story of the Kelly Gang" release show is going down this Friday (June 7th) at the Point in Ft. Walton Beach with Postcard Audio, Kimberly Summer and Anything but Radio! Should be fun (I hope). The show starts at 8:00 PM sharp and costs only $4 to get into! Come and check it! For more info on it, check out computer club records or email Hope you're there!

"The Story of the Kelly Gang" EP out June 11 on Computer Club Records!

read on...

The show last night went really well, thanks to all who came out and stuck around to watch us play dead last, it was fun.

Our next show is May 20th at Van Gogh's in Pensacola with Failing as Heroes, The Dreamers and Rushmore. It starts at 8 and costs $2 to get into. Really cheap for a rocking show like that. We also have another show June 11th at the Chesapeake Cafe in Niceville, Florida with Postcard Audio, Kimberly Summer and one other band TBA. That show starts at 8:30 and costs $5 to see. This show will also mark the official release of "The Story of the Kelly Gang" EP so if I were you I'd come over to Niceville and get yourself a copy.

Also, we have added a new (old) member back into the band so we can finally give the kids the keyboard madness they've been waiting for! Patrick McBride (who played drums last summer) has rejoined to provide weird background sounds and stand around waiting for his next part. He is a master at keys and will make a very good addition to our little band.

Thanks for reading...see you next time...

The first one of these will be May 11 at the Point in Ft Walton Beach, Florida. We are playing with Legends of Rodeo (an amazing band on MCA Records), Postcard Audio (another amazing band and labelmates of ours), and Rushmore! The show starts at 8:00 and costs $5 to get into. Definitely worth it, hope you can make it out!

Also, we're shooting for this show to be the release of "The Story of the Kelly Gang" EP so come out for that if for no other reason! More on that coming soon...

And now some sad news...we've temporarily suspended the recording of our new full-length, "Beeswax" until further notice. We felt that conditions werent ideal and that we could make a much better record if we postponed it for a while. We are still going to make this album, just not at this moment. We've got a lot going on in our band life and personal lives and I didnt feel right making this record at this moment. We'll probably begin recording again in July or August and still shoot for an early 2003 release date. We'll keep you up to date on all the junk.

Until next time, my friends...

We have been recieving a gaggle of hits as of late at our mp3 site. At first I thought it might have been faked but little pieces of info keep trickling back that it is not fake, people are going and listening to the songs. So thank you! And keep it up!

By the way, the demo enslavement MP3's are now up at the MP3 site in all their glory. If you havent already, please check them out. All you have to do is click here.

We are hole up inside the confines of Brookhollow once again tracking our new full-length, "Beeswax." I had previously announced a June release date but that has been pushed back indefinitely. Charlie King of One Step Back and Simpleton fame is playing drums on the album so you know it will sound super sweet. We've tracked the basic skeletons for 14 songs so far (with 2 more to go) and as promised, here is a list of those titles:

Caught on Tape!
Can't get to sleep
I'd let you do it
My baboon heart
Local Ones
Mexican Wine
(Everybody wants) The New Sound
Driving under the influence of a diamond ring
In Jail
How to ruin everything in under one hour
Sleeping too long
Someone had to say it (working title).

That's all for now. Stay sweet and fun...
scott and WTB

Upside-down/Inside-out from the demo enslavement program is now available for download in mp3 form. To get it right click here and "save target as." ENJOY!!

Ok, we're rolling. All the demo enslavement songs have been submitted to our site so they should be actually up and available to download in a week or a little longer. Depends on's speed. We can assure you the songs are very good though. If you haven't already, click here to get a taste of one of the songs. I think we'll post another one up here soon to quell the hunger for rock.

"The Story of the Kelly Gang" EP is looking like it will most likely be released in March. No date is set but we will let you know and hopefully we will play a show or two to mark it's release. If you haven't already go to and you can download 3 songs from it. There is another song from it available here for download. You can get it by clicking here.

A piece of big news to share is that we will start recording our 6th full-length album in March for a June release. We are going to track 15-16 songs, 11-13 or which will be on the album and the rest will be unreleased goodies that will show up somewhere sometime. I guess now that recording the album is official, we might as well make the title official. And due to the overwhelming popularity of it on the poll, our 6th album is going to be titled "Beeswax." After "The Great American Freakout" and "The Story of the Kelly Gang", we decided it was time to trim the titles back a bit. We will post up the song titles for "Beeswax" soon.

Ok, well that's all for right now. If you're a brave soul and care to book us for your live event please contact us by emailing


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