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For the Love of Barbie
For the Love of Barbie
This web-site was created for fans of Barbie, her friends, and other collectibles.
Barbie is a registered Mattel trademark, this site and it's participants are in no way shape or form affiliated with Mattel. This site was founded by Debbie M. on, 3/10/98.

Updates/Changes made on 04/24/01

Some people will say," What's the point of having a Barbie website if you don't have any Barbie's to sell on it?" I say, that if you really enjoy spending your time collecting and talking to other collectors and sharing what you learn then that's all that matters! -Debbie

*Fav Links*

*List of My Barbies*

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*Tips, Tricks and Ideas*
Revamping your favorite Barbie. E-mail me with your tips and I will post them here and give you the credit.

Click here to see my Wonder Woman Page(Still under construction)

If this is your first time visiting please sign the Guest Book so I know you came !

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