
Drew's Virtual Photo Album

Tom and Heather have a baby boy. They adopted baby Drew Marshall Robinson on February 27. They named him Drew in honor of Heather's grandfather..."Grandpop"...Andrew Ocealis and Marshall will be his middle name like his grandfather's name...Evan Marshall Robinson

Heather learned about the baby through someone who works at her school. He was born prematurely on December 22.

They met with the baby's birth parents and learned he was not to be released from the hospital until March. Both of his birth parents wanted the baby to be adopted by Tom and Heather. They went together to the hospital to see the baby.

Here are the pictures they took when they went to see him:

Heather wrote:

Today Tom and I were able to go to Shands of Jacksonville to personally see and touch the baby we are praying about adopting. I took these pictures of him. We are continuing to pray that God's will is evident to us. The biological mother (Rose) was also adopted. Her adoptive father is making it rather difficult for Rose and has even filed custody papers to slow down the adoption. ...We are continuing to pray for Rose that God will lead her to do what is right for her baby.

After meeting with the adoption attorney - together with the baby's birth parents, Tom wrote:

Heather and I had our appointment with our adoption attorney with the birth parents this past Tuesday. There is NO question that they want us to adopt their baby. However...every adoption has complications. And this one does too.

We appreciate all the prayers, love and support from everyone!!!

Later, Tom wrote:

I am sad to say that it appears highly unlikely that Heather and I will be blessed with the opportunity to adopt baby Drew Marshall after all. It has been "on-again" and "off-again" multiple times over the past few weeks. It now seems to be "off".

...We know that God is in control and He has a master plan at work that is beyond our comprehension.

We are still in contact with the birth mother and are on good terms. If there are any "new" development you can believe I will ask for your prayer support again!!!


Heather and I officially adopted Drew Marshall this afternoon!!!

Thank you all so very, very much for your prayers, love and support!!! This came totally 100% out of the blue to us yesterday afternoon. We have remained on good terms with the biological mother and father. They called us and stated they believed that in the best interest of the baby he should be placed with us. We remained very skeptical (it has been on-again/off-again so much) and even our lawyer said "we will believe it when we see it"!!!

Let this be a testimony that God indeed answers all prayers!!! It may not be the answer we want, when we want it, but our Lord indeed answers all prayers. Our answer was obviously "not yet".

Praise the Lord!!!

More pictures:

Baby Drew looks happy to be home at last
Dad and Mom are happy too

He almost woke up for his picture - but no, he changed his mind.

Here are some pictures of Drew at work with Jean (you can see how much he grew in just a few weeks):

March 4
March 20
Thank you all for the continued prayers for Drew!!! He is progressing along wonderfully. Here are some pix of him getting prepared to go out hunting. Thanks to Jean for sending these to a very proud papa.

Reporter: Tom Robinson

E-mail: tmrobin2@hotmail.com

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The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection: Jean is a friend of Tom and Heather.