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Latest Borders Crossing News!


Well, we are in the lead up period to the June Collegia weekend that is to be held here at Borders Crossing - at our local Weir. We are all very excited to be having Prinepess Cornelius and the lovely Princepessa Morwynna join us before they finish their reign.

The news of Australia finally becoming a kingdom is well around the circuit now and we at Borders Croosing are very thrilled about the news.

Also - congratulations to all who made the Rowany festival in Sydney a successful event... the few people of Borders Crossing that could make it were very sad they had to go home as they had a WONDERFUL TIME!!!!


M’lords and ladies,
Well, Borders Crossing had it’s second Border War 26 & 27 February) and I am sure everyone there would agree that it was most successful.
Most arrived on the Friday evening to set up camp and "do the rounds". The men started their fighting on the Saturday at around 1pm I am told and the younger (and newer) fighters got many tips from the more experienced. Although I was not there to see the Saturday fights, I was told that everyone fought very well even in the extreme heat. (we nearly had roasted fighters!!) Our fighters looked WONDERFUL in their new tabbards that were made feverishly Thursday night by both Rhiannon and Cairistiona!
The Saturday evening was wonderful, as the entire encampment went to the "Oasis of Suffering" and relaxed in the water - it was much needed! Some of us were sold for virgin camels and or given away numerous times ( L ) during the swim time…( I hear that Lord Hanbal now has quite a heard of not so virgin camels!!!) Then afterwards we went back for our sumptuous feast, the Tournament Auction and entertainment (which unfortunately did not go on for long enough due to our having to obide by quiet time and the fact that we started so late - but it was wonderful anyway!!!). All the fighters were bidded upon quite lavishly (some by other fighters!!!!) in the auction and some were a little suprised at the amount they went for - mind you, they had no reason to be suprised - all of our fighters were worthy of large sums of gold coin!!!!
The entertainment arrived after the auction and we had recorder music from one of the lovely ladies from Stormhold, some drummers from Stormhold also gave us a little taste of their talents, then came the belly dancers. We had two from Stormhold give us a demonstration, and four from Borders Crossing (Amanda - who is still in mundane name unfortunately - but dances up a storm - so we will forgive her - Cairistiona Jaronde, Rhiannon daughter of Shaun and Ellen.) All the ladies gave us quite a show for the brief amount of time they could dance. Then came on the fire dancer from Stormhld - who is also an expert craftsman with Chainmail. He had everyone talking! (How does he stand those burning candles on his hands ??!??! )
The Sunday started early for some in the Oasis of Suffering, for others (Namely our own Connol Argyle - to us that morn he was dubbed back to his original name - John the reluctant - due to his hate of getting up in the morning hours!) it was a late morning, they only rose once they heard the Duke’s call for the fast depleating breakfast menu….they realised that there was plenty for all once they got there though!!! (J thankyou Amanda !!!)
The tournament got underway pretty much on time - at around the 11 am mark. Our inexperienced fighters were given three lives, while the more experienced were given two. Some of the younger fighters were innundated with the knights very early on in the tournament and were knocked out in the first three rounds, however they fought extremely well, and did not die with ease! - although some did die in an extremely excellent manner - ie our own Bowin Drumheller who has been practicing his death on the field feverishly according to his wife and consort Tomasina J.
The winner of the tournament was Sir Brennan of Stormhold. My very own Ulrik Eriksson won the most Chivalric fighter, and Lord Sui won the prize for Best Unbelted fighter.
All in all it was a brilliant weekend thanks to all the help of the Borders Crossing team! A very special thankyou to Lady Katrine du Payen our chef who ended up missing out on most of the weekend due to being in the kitchen cooking all the wonderful food we gobbled up. Also a thanks to Tomasina and Bowin Drumheller and Amanda for their help in the kitchen. The Seneschal, Cairistiona Jaronde did a marvellous job of organising us all!
We hope to see all of those who attended this year back again, same time and place next year with a few more people too. Next year we will have this castle we said we would have!!! We will make sure of that!

Lady Brighid Johnston
