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Some different Typrs of Magic Circles

Please pop back later for updates... e-mail me if you have any different types of circles to cast for everyone to see!!!


I like to start by doing a chant by Starhawk called - Green Bud Leaf... Green Bud Leaf / Bud Leaf Bright / Leaf Bright Flower / Bright Flower Grow/ Flower Grow Fruit / Grow Fruit Ripe / Fruit Ripe Seed / Ripe Seed Die / Seed Die Earth / Die Earth Dark / Earth Dark Waken / Dark Waken Green / Waken Green Bud / Green Bud Leaf...... Ground and center.... stand in the center of your area and feel the energies of the earth gather into a pool at you feet...

I conjure thee, O circle of Power
I call Air for speed
Fire to cleanse
Watre to bless
Earth to manifest
Spirit to seal

Imagine that energy growing into a plant full of vines... curlling and spiralling up to form a large perfect circle that is totally enclosed by vines.

As above so below
The circle is sealed!

To take down:-

Imagine the vines being pulled back into the earth - slowly the energy is being absorbed back into the earth for healing.

The circle is open
But never broken

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