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Lady Cairistiona Jaronde

Alias: Joy Walker
Historical Interests:
Favourite Activities: Watching fighters fight, sewing, stitching, socialising, feasting.
Dreams: To one day be Baroness when Borders Crossing becomes a barony!
Habits: To sew and sew and sew and sew….
Not so favourite activities: Not having her belt finished!

Duke Erik Thorinsson
Alias: Clay Carnegie
Historical Interests: Vikings
Favourite activities: Stick Jock fighting, marshalling, making the Borders Crossing castle.
Dreams: To own a special block of land and finish the castle.
Habits: Has a habit of winning ALL the tournaments he enters!!!
Not so favourite activities:

Lord Connol Argyle
AKA: John the reluctant or Oak
Alias: John Courtis
Historical Interests:
Favourite activities: Fighting,sleeping in
Habits: Sleeping in untill all hours of the day
Not so favourite activities:

Lady Katrine du Payen
Alias: Karen Phillips
Historical Interests:
Favourite activities:
Habits: Like Connol - she loves to sleep in!
Not so favourite activities:

Lord Rohan Cernunnos
Alias: Patrick Ronald
Historical Interests:
Favourite activities:
Not so favourite activities:

Alias: Sasha Mathews
Historical Interests:
Favourite Activities: Stitching, costume design and making.
Habits: Making everyone jealous with her speed and grace in the stitching arena!
Not so Favourite Activities:

Ulrik Eriksson
Alias: Adam Sargent
Historical Interests: Vikings, templar knights, ancient Egypt.
Favourite Actvities: Heavy fighting, rapier, feasting, socialising, leatherwork, making armour, learning Old Norse.
Dreams: To build his dream home/castle.
Habits: Falling asleep at feasts, loosing his legs first in fights.
Not so favourite activities: Sewing, designing his crest of arms.

Brighid Johnson
Alias: Toni Sargent
Historical Interests: Paganism, costuming, stitching.
Favourite Activities: Socialising, feasting, costuming.
Habits: Forgetting the ever important SEAM ALLOWANCE! Not finishing costumes and wearing them anyway!!!
Not so favourite activities:
