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A lot of the spells and information on this page comes from Silver RavenWolf, and Starhawk some other info comes from assorted other people (sorry - but I forgot to write their names down!!! - but i figured the info was to important to miss it....)


Whatever magick you do, you will recieve it back threefold. Thus if you do spells to help people, you recieve help and good karma back threefold. This also works the same way if you do a spell to harm someone - but you won't be recieving good karma back!!!.


Before one decides that you wish to practice magick, you must know that it can be very dangerous for you to do so. The state you may place yourself in can drain your energy so much so that if you do not take proper precautions and care of yourself, you may become very ill. Therefore it is important to remember to ground your energies and to also eat some energy foods like fruit or cake after casting a spell - especially one which you have used a lot of time and energy on. Concentration and the power of the will is far underestimated. The eating of food and the drinking of wine or juice is also a way of celebrating the wonders we have been given and to share them with the deities.

Some of the ingredients in spells are hard to come by and aren't the most pleasant things to work with... but usually it is these spells that will work the best .... so stick with it and you will get the results you will...
It is also important to remember that if you are unable to get the right ingredients - do not give up... most of spell work is with your mind and will... if you have to replace or omit an ingredient - it is not the end of your spell!!!...Keep at it!


TOOLS - Smooth, small, rounded stone; Soothing Music

Sit somewhere where you can be relaxed and undisturbed - outside in the shade, or in your favourite room. Put on the music and relax holding the stone. Begin to breathe rythmically and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each exhalation - visualise all your negative energies draining from you to the stone. With each breath, exhale longer and concentrate on placing the negatives into the stone more.

When you feel calm and relaxed, place the stone on the ground and let your circl fade. Walk away leaving the stone on the ground. The negative energy will seep into the Earth and in a day or two (some prefer to wait three days) you can pick the stone back up for later use.


From - Doreen Valiente - Witchcraft for Tomorrow

TOOLS - Small mirror, Joss stick, 2 candles of appropriate color

Make sure you are going to have peace and quiet. Pull your curtains shut (so there will be just enough light to see your face in the mirror by candlelight). Cast your circle and light the incense and candles.

Gaze into the mirror, concentrating on the wish that you want (making sure that it will harm none). Cast your concentration upon the reflection of your eyes, then close them and sit calmly and relaxingly. Concentrate on your wish and visualise is strongly until it is very clear in your mind. Open your eyes and look beyond the reflection of them, into "space". Whisper the wish 3 times. Light some more incense and contemplate for a moment on what you have just done. Close your ritual and allow the circle to fade.


From - Starhawk - The Spiral Dance

TOOLS - Flowing water (a creek is better - but a tap will suffice), a black stone. Create your circle. Cup a black stone in your hands and raise it to your forehead. Concentrate and send all your anger into the stone. Do this for as long as you can, untill you can do it no longer. Then hurl the stone with all your might into the water and say:

With this stone
Anger be gone
Water bind it
No-one find it

Place your palms to the ground for a few moments to earth the power and allow your circle to fade. Now go home and take care of yourself, for you may feel depleted for a while, but you will feel much better later. Alternatively, you may feel great straight away!!!

Here is a strange (and a little gross) spell i recently heard on JJJ - an australian broadcasting radio station...


You need to get the urine of a pure white wolf... place it in a bowl and insert a red ribbon that is long enough to go around the person who you are doing the spell for's neck. Concentrate on this person finding their true love, being happy and with their true love. Take the ribbon out of the urine and allow it to dry...
Once the ribbon is dry, the person you are doing the spell for must wear the ribbon (perhaps you had better not tell them what the spell's ingredients are) around their neck. They must keep thier mind open to all possibilities, as their true love may be someone they already know but have overlooked all that time.

A Silver Spell
(This ritual takes a week to perform)

Situate a small bowl of any material in a place of promincence in your home, somewhere you pass by every day. Each day for seven days put one dime in the bowl. Next, obtain a green candle, any shape or kind. Before you begin, fix in your mind the idead that you are a prosperous person. See money as being no problem. Imagine money coming to you, as you need it. Place the bowl of dimes, the candle and a candle holder on a flat surface. Hold the candles in yourhands and feel the power of money. Feel the avenues that open to you when you have it. Sense the energy within money which we as human beings have given to it. Place the candle in the holder. Pour the seven dimes into your left hand. You will create a circle surrounding the candles with the dimes. Place the first dime directly before the candle. As you place it say there or similiar words:

"Money flow, money shine
Money grow, Money's mine."

Repeat this 6 more times until you've created a circle around the candle with seven gleaming dimes. As you say the words and place the dimes, know that you're not just reciting and fooling around with pieces of metal. You're working with power - that which we've given money as well as that which is within yourself. Words too have energy, as does the breathe on which they ride.
When you've completed this, light the candle. Strike a match and touch its tip to the wick. As it puts up the fire, sputters, to a shining flames, see money burning these. See the power of money flowing out from the seven dimes up to the candle's flames and then out to the atmosphere.
Blow out the match and settle down before the glowing candle and money. Sense the feeling of money in your life. Visualize a life with money to spare - a life in which bills are quickly paid and money will never again be a problem.
See yourself wisely spending money, investing it for your future needs. See money as an unavoidable and beautiful adpect of your life.
Kill off any thoughts of debt, of taxes, of doubt yhat you can achieve this change. Simply see what will be. After ten minutes or so, leave the area. Let eh candle burn itself out in the holder. Afterward, collect the dimes, place them back in the bowl, & "feed" it a few coins every day from then on. Money will come to you.

A Spell To Break The Powers of a Spell

If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in the cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candles must be tall enough to extend a few inches above the cauldron's rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over.
Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two should remain above the water. Deeply breathe, meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle's flame. (Yes, the power against you) As the candle burns down, it's flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed.
Break your visualization of the spell's power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent.
Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. It is done.

A Wishing Box

from - The Witches' Almanac (1976-1977)
The Quest -
Find a tight-lidded wooden box that is small enough to hold in your hand.
Attics, barns, antique shops, second-hand stores, garage sales, or even a swap-meet may provide the very box you seek. Let instinct guide your choice and don't settle until you've found exactly the right one.

The Skill -
Lift the finish from the box with paint-remover if necessary and carefully sand away any surface roughness inside and out. If you're blessed with artistic ability you might decorate the virgin wood with an occult design. If not, then merely stain to enhance the wood grain itself. Apply a protective coat of paste-wax to the outside surface and rub to a high finish. Line the interior (inside lid and base) with bright colore felt to match the personality of the recipient.

The Spell -
Leaves of the bay laurel tree have potent magickal power and have been used for thousands of years to bring forth a heart's desire. Boxes of dried bay leaves are easily obtainable in the herb section of grocery atores and supermarkets. Choose three whole leaves and place them inside the box. Let the box remain open in a harmonious atmosphere - one where kind words are spoken and tension is at a minimum - for the interval of a waxing moon. After moonrise each day hold the box in your hand, raise it to the heavens, and say: Upon this box, Let blessings fall, For (insert name), Its gifts enthrall.

Using a Wishing Box -
Write three wishes on seperate pieces of paper. Fold each over a bay leaf and place inside the box. The lid must remain closed until a wish comes true. Replace it then with another wish.

To Bind a Trouble Maker

BEST TIME: Waning Moon
Situate the cauldron between 2 black candles, with a third black candle opposite you on the far side of the altar. Burn a protection or binding incense. Have the names of your enemies writtenon a smallpeice of parchment. If the names are unknown, merely write all my enemies. Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron. Say:

Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble Burn the evil, destroy the trouble.

Ignite the parchment from the central candle and drop into the cauldron. Take up the wand and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting:

Darkness ended, control is done.
Light has come. My battle's won.

Take the ashes and herbs outside. Throw them up to the winds and the Moon.

By Adam Butterfield

This spell will make it so there are no cars to wait for. I have found that this works best if you are alone and not in a car with people. Just think to yourself before you cross an intersection "no cars, no cars, no cars, no cars, walk through, walk through, walk through, walk through" a few times. If this backfires it should be having to wait for lots of cars. This isn't harmful to others, just buying you some time.

Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall,
By the moonlight most of all,
These eyes of mine are opened wide,
But help me see the Other Side.
My third Eye is opened, but
My Third Eye is shy.
Air of Neptune, I ask you, why?
By Cancer,
By Scorpio,
By Pisces times three,
The sixth sense is my will,
So Mote It Be.


The Pillar of Light is a special defense system which is capable of protecting the caster from attacks, danger, atmospheric pollutants, and much more. It is one of the many defense systems available. The Pillar of Light is similar to the Night Pillar from night magic in both principle and method of casting except that the Pillar of Light is more powerful and more complex to cast than the Night Pillar. I am tired of retyping and resending this spell over and over again to many of my students so I am posting this so that it will be easier for my part and to the many others who may need protection against negative attacks.
To cast the Pillar of Light, there are several things needed : a quiet place where no one can disturb you, comfortable clothes, knowledge about meditation, visualization and concentration. I also wish to clarify that when I say visualize, all the five senses should also work so that it would be almost realistic and so that the spell will have its full effect. Example: when you touch something cold with your right hand, you should feel that same sensation in your right hand.
Change into the most comfortable clothes you have so that you will be at your best during the process. Go to the place where there is no noise and no one can disturb you. Start by meditating for a few minutes to relax yourself. Your mind and body should be completely relaxed. Next visualize a place where there are lots of trees, animals; in other words, visualize paradise in your own perspective. From this point on, visualization will play a big role in the process. In order for this to have its full effect, all the five senses should work. If you see water and drink it, your tongue should sense the taste. If it tastes sweet and cold, you should really feel it.
Walk in to a large clearing with a very large symbol in the center. It can be a pentacle, hexagram, whatever (to my students, I recommend using a hexagram which is also the same as a six pointed star). The symbol should be almost the size of the clearing. Walk to the center of the symbol and face north and stand naturally with good posture. If you are using a pentacle, the center point of the star should be pointing towards north. If you are using a hexagram, one of the center points should be pointing to the north while the other is pointing to the south. If you don't know where north is, just use your intuition. Now, visualize white light coming from the heavens above shining down in you. This is the cleansing phase, which will remove all negative energies and heal your ailments. Feel the light renewing you from head to toe. The white light should be continuously pouring down on you throughout the cleansing and the formation of the Pillar of Light itself. All negative energies should be taken out by visualizing all negative energies in your body going out and forming into one ball. Once all the negative energies are out of you, visualize another white light shining on the ball of negative energies. Visualize the ball becoming smaller and smaller until it is no more. then the energy should go down to the earth. Next, visualize the earth's energy flowing upward from your feet to your head. The energy should not contradict or counter the energy coming from the white light coming from the heavens. Next, feel the air energizing you from head to toe. After acquiring the energy of the air, next is fire. Envelope yourself in fire and let the energy into your body. Lastly is the energy of water. Visualize a blast of water coming out of the ground where you are standing, like a geyser and let yourself be submerged in the center of the geyser. Feel the energy of the water and let it inside your body. Once this is done, you will have enough energy to create the Pillar of Light.
Now you are in the final stage of completing the Pillar of Light. I must warn you that there should be no interruptions. Any interruptions will cause the energies you have collected in you to instantly escape and will drain your energy. In other words, you might end up as a vegetable for several days or weeks, depending on the level of energy drain. At this point, the white light should still be continuously pouring at you until I say stop.
Now, concentrate all the energies you collected into your hands. You are now ready to create the Pillar of Light. Release this energy into the ground in between your feet. Now, visualize a pillar coming out of the ground and the pillar should enclose you. Thus, you are now inside the pillar itself. The pillar's diameter should just be enough to cover your entire body and it will adjust its size depending on your needs. Now, feel the pillar energizing to full strength using the power of the white light. Once the pillar is completely energized, visualize the light becoming smaller and smaller until the light is gone. Now, to remove the excess energy from the process, visualize the excess energy coming out of you and returning to the ground. Once this is complete, wait for a few seconds to feel the presence of the pillar then slowly walk away from the clearing and walk out into the real world. Once you return from the meditative state, you will feel the presence of the pillar surrounding you.
The Pillar has many features. There are too many to mention. One of the things it can do is to amplify the caster's energy. Experiment with the Pillar's features. If you have any questions about the other features of the pillar and its capabilities or if you have other problems about this spell, email me but please don't ask me to enumerate all the features for the list is too many. I haven't even used all and there may be even more.


Select a stone, crystal or any other, to empower and store energy in. To "store" the energy, hold the stone in your right hand while you are feeling the emotion that you want to store and send into the stone. Each stone should have a specific purpose and each purpose should have a specific stone. E.g.: Happiness stone, love stone, courage stone, spirituality stone, peace stone, etc.
When you are feeling the emotion of happiness, love, courage, spirituality, etc., get the stone and hold it in the right hand to store the energy. This is a more powerful method than just holding the stone and visualizing, because it is to be done "while you are feeling the emotion" that you want to store.
Visualization may also be used, but is not necessary. When you need to "collect" some of the energy you have stored in the stone, get the stone and hold it in your left hand. You can then draw upon the energy you have previously stored in the stone/crystal.
The possibilities are endless as to what you can store some examples are: Happiness, love, peace, sleep (when you are feeling sleepy hold the stone, then when there is a time that you are having trouble sleeping, collect the energy). Creativity, energy (when you are feeling energetic store some of that energy, then it can be collected when you are not feeling so energetic). Luck (if you are having a lucky day, store some of that energy to be collected later). As I said, the possibilities are endless. Come up with some of your own.
A note here about anger, when you are feeling angry hold a stone but program/charge the stone to transform the anger into protective energy that can be drawn upon when you need it.

By Spellzrus
This is a quick-fix spell to make someone get in touch with you. All you need is : a piece of paper, concentration, a match Write the name of the person you want to hear from on a piece of paper. Write all your wishes on it. Concentrate on it for 20 minutes. Light it on fire and send it to wherever it would go.
The most powerful part of this is the concentration on that person. Write all the things you wish for, and their name. Trace over and over all the words while concentrating, putting more energy into it by doing that. I think this emphasizes the power more.

A BLESSING OF UNION (a gift for engaged friends)

Recite the following over a mixture of clover, rye, skullcap, yerba mate and chili peppers, then bury it somewhere appropriate or special. Near the church, under the threshold of the first house, where they first met, where they spend most of their time, etc.

Mighty Freya, Protect this pair,
By your necklace, and by my hair,
Pattinidevi, Juno, Vara,
Xochiquetzal, Bhaga,
May they have peace, and eternal bliss,
Blessed by love and faithfulness,
By the power of the Law of Three,
So mote it be.

By Ben Colburn

Prepare the space which you use as an altar by placing a white candle, a piece of paper, an ink pen, a quartz crystal, something which could represent a cauldron (I used a mortar from a pestle and mortar in the kitchen) and some oil - I used frankincense but that is horribly expensive, I got it as a present and only use it very occasionally.
Cast the circle in whichever way you see fit. I normally start at the east and use the visualization techniques suggested by Starhawk in The Spiral Dance- tracing a pentacle of blue fire in the air at each corner and visualizing its element - so at the east visualize a wide open plain with wind rushing across it, at the south feel the sun beat down on you and fill you with great warmth, at the west imagine yourself standing atop a cliff overlooking a wide, deep ocean, and at the north picture yourself standing at the foot of great mountains cloaked in dark forests. Then collect yourself, focus your mind and go back to your altar.
At the altar, set your mind clearly to what you intend to do. Then light the candle, saying "I dedicate this candle to thee, Lord Apollo the Physician, and ask your aiding in fighting this illness."
Breathe deeply for a while, feeling the power within the circle pool inside you, and when you feel ready, find a word which most typifies the illness for you - it could be its name (I chose "meningitis"), it could be the way it makes you feel ("misery" for example) - either way it has to represent the illness for you. Now, write the word on the piece of paper, and as you do it say "I imbue thee, paper, with the essence of this illness - thou shalt represent it for me in this ritual." Put the paper down, and then douse it with the oil, saying "With this oil I prepare thee, ."
Hold the paper to the flame and set light to it. Be careful! Oil soaked paper burns A LOT faster than you expect it to. Drop it into the cauldron, saying "With fire I vanquish thee, , in the name of Apollo the Physician I destroy thee, " Repeat this phrase three times.
Finally, centre yourself again and hold the quartz crystal to your third eye. Breathe deeply and use the crystal as a resonator for the energy around you. If you are healing yourself, let the energy from the ritual which is inside the circle focus in the crystal and enter you, healing you and making you healthy and strong. If you are healing someone else, use the crystal to focus the energy of the ritual again but this time use it like a transmitter, sending the energy out along a shining path to heal your loved one.
When this is done, thank Apollo for his presence - I said "I thank thee, Lord Apollo, for your presence here tonight - farewell, Lord!". Then close the circle by thanking each of the directions, starting at north and ending at east, and ground the energy - I always do this by reciting "Circle open but unbroken, power down to the ground," and pound my staff or stamp on the floor three times to let the energy flow out of me back into the earth. You can leave the candle burning as long as you like - perhaps until you get a sign that you or the sufferer is improving might be a nice idea :-)

Fiery Love

Create or find a charred stick. You will also need a few dried rose petals & a piece of paper.
Using the charred part of the stick as you would a pencil, draw two inter-linked hearts on paper as you visualize yourself enjoying a satisfying relationship. Draw with power.
Hold the rose petals in your projective hand & send fiery, loving energies into them. Sprinkle the petals over the linked hearts. Do this with power.
Wrap the package around the petals. Still visualizing, throw the package into a fire. (Or, light it in the flame of a red candle & throw into a heat proof container.)
As it burns, the power is released.

A Purification

If you wish to be free from a habit, thought, idea; if you wish to be rid of past associations, guilt or blockages; take the symbols of that problem - whatever they may be - & throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the symbols & so shall it consume the power they had over you.
For the symbols think a moment - if you overeat, take a portion of your favorite food & throw it onto the fire. Smoking, drinking the same. For problems which utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image & burn.

A Spell of Protection

Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame, if using a candle). Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimering sphere around you. If you wish, say the following or similar words:

"Craft the spell in the fire;
Craft it well; Weave it higher.
Weave it now of shining flame;
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall;
None shall pass No, none at all."

Repeat this simple yet effective ritual every day when in need.

An Anti-Fire Charm

To protect your home from the ravages of a devastating fire, place some mistletoein a blue drawstring bag, douse it thoroughly with cold, clear water, & then immediately hang it in the "heart" of the house - where you & your family spend most of your time.
Or, light a piece of wood & burn to ash. Wet the ashes, let them dry, & hang in a blue drawstring bag. It is done.

Another Fire Divination

Once the fire has died to a glowing reddish-white mass of coals, stare into its heart. If you wish, throw some Fire of Azrael incense onto the coals (equal parts cedar, juniper & sandalwood). This will flare up & burn, but will quickly die down.
With the scented smoke rising from the divination incense scry in the coals. See what shapes the charred wood seem to form, & determine their meaning through the language of symbolism.

Bark Divination

Take a broad, thin piece of bark. put it into a bright fire until it catches flame then quickly set it a little distance from the fire.
When it has stopped burning, carefully stare at the symbols visible in the charred ash-laden wood.

To Communicate With Others

Write a letter to a distant friend as if you were going to mail it. Next, light a blazingly hot fire & throw the letter into it, firmly visualizing the person's face.
You should receive a reply.

To Cure
Light a fire of oak wood, if possible. When much of the wood has been reduced to glowing pieces of charcoal, pick up one carefully with a pair of tongs or shovel & throw it immediately into a stream or pot of cold water. It will sizzle & pop. As it does visualize the disease leaving the body of the afflicted person. Repeat this operation three more times.

To Attract a Lover

This is when you have a lover but he or she is not as attentive as you would wish. You know they love you but...
Sit before a dying fire and gaze into it, clearing your mind of all but thoughts of your lover. Have a small basket of laurel leaves between your knees. Keeping your gaze fixed on the fire, dip your left hand into the basket, take out a handful of leaves, and toss them onto the fire. As they burst into flames, chant out loud the following: "Laurel leaves that burn in the fire, Draw unto me my heart's desire." Wait until the flames have died down, then repeat the action. Do it a third time. Within 24 hours your lover will come to visit you. ***************************************************************************** The Revealing Peel To find if the one you love will become your spouse, do the following. In the morning, as soon as you arise, peel a small lemon. Keep two equal pices of the peel, each about the size of a half-dollar. Place the pieces with the insides together and the peel sides out, and put them in your right-hand pocket or in your purse. Leave them there all day. At night, when you undress for bed, take the peel from your pocket or purse and rub the legs of the bed with it. Then place both pieces of the peel under your pillow and lay down to sleep. If you dream of your love, then you will surely marry him/her. ***************************************************************************** To Make Yourself Known to Another If you love another and they don't seem to notice, then this can bring you to their attention. You need to find their footprints in the earth. You then dig up this footprint (more correctly, the earth in which it is impressed). Take the earth to the nearest willow tree and, making a hole in the ground at its base, put the footprint earth into the hole, filling it over with the original dirt. As you are burying the footprint this way, say: "Many earths on earth there be, I make my love know unto thee. For He is the flower and I the stem; He the cock and I the hen. Grow, grow willow tree! Sorrow not for the likes of me." From then on you will find that the person you yearn for will indeed start to notice you. Where it goes from there, of course, is up to you. **************************************************************************** To Rid Yourself of an Unwanted Lover< Some people are wooed by persistent would-be lovers, those who won't take no for an answer and who won't leave them alone. This is the ideal spell for such a situation. It should be done during the waning cycle of the Moon - that is, after the Full Moon and before the New Moon. Have a roaring fire going, then go outside and pick up two handfuls of dry vervain leaves (you can place them on the ground ahead of time, if necessary.) As you pick them up, shout out the name of the one you wish to be rid of. Turn and go into the house (or cross to the fire if this is all done out in the open) and fling leaves onto the fire with the words: "Here is my pain; Take it and soar. Depart from me now And offend me no more." Do this for three nights in a row. You will hear no more from the unwanted ones. ********************************************************************************** Healing Flames Draw a picture of yourself with the disease, wound or condition. Clearly point out the problem in the picture: a large hammer against the head to represent a headache; black worms for a virus; a broken limb; a sore. Charge a red candle with healing energy. light the candle's flame. Hold the tip of the picture in the flame. After it's lit, drop it into a heat proof container. Now, with the red candle still burning, draw another picture of yourself without the headache, free of the virus or sore, or with a healed limb. Place this picture under the red candle & let it burn out. You are done. ************************************************** Herb and Crystal Spell The following mixture can be used to bring prosperity and gain money in unexpected ways. 4 to 5 Tonka Beans 1 Goldenseal Root 1 Teaspoon Mustard seeds 3 Cups of Sea Salt 1 Clear Quartz Crystal Cover the crystal in sea salt for 12 days, then runit under tap water to recharge its electraical force. Place it with the other ingredients in a bowl and holdit in your left hand. Go into alpha and charge the crystal and the herbs to bring you money or wealth in a way that is for the good of all. Then place the ingredients in a gold lame bag. *********************************************** PSI CANDLE POWER By Witchdoctor All you need is a white candle (or any color that appeals to you). I have found that fire is very easily affected by psychic energy. First practice this: look at the flame and concentrate on giving it power. As you do this it grows taller and thinner. Concentrate on making it grow even taller and thinner, and it should. Next hold your hands around it and imagine taking power from its flame. Take your hands and place them on your chest and imagine the power going into you. This is very helpful for psychic power: imagine the power going through you, into the area were your third eye is, and to where you need it to work. You can also touch someone and transfer the power to them, say for healing or to transfer emotions. You can also take the power from one candle to another, but once you have taken power from a candle it is hard to return its flame to the tall thin stage. This power can do heaps of things. You can ask questions of it. If the candle grows dim, the answer is bad; if it grows brighter the answer is good. You can also dip its wax into water and the different shapes mean things. ******************************************************************8 POWER SING By liondance eternal bring... the peace of gratitude... the power of nature is the eternal spring of power..... but to mix with the power of nature is not controlling the power of nature.... it is the process of learning to blow with the wind... to sing with the trees.... to talk with the earth.... that is the power of nature.... ************************************************8 LET IT LIE By Lillandra This spell is designed to keep people from meddling in your affairs: May your lips be sealed and let it lie Mind your business and do not pry May you never speak of those thoughts again The thought be gone It shall come to an end ****************************************************************** LIGHTNING VANQUISHING By Brandon McCarey Use this spell during a storm to get rid of any evil energy present around you, your family, home or friends. Make sure you cast this spell during the storm and MAKE SURE that it is thundering and lightning outside. Black Clouds of thunder Rain thou pours I call upon a bolt of lighting to strike down this evil ending your darkness for ever more. ******************************************************************** Spell to help in court cases When the moon is in the signs of either Libra or Sagittarius, brew a magickal tea from a lovage root, and strain the liquid into a glass container. Seal it tightly with a lid after the tea has cooled down; bless it in the divine name of the Goddess; and then store it in the refridgerator until the night before you are to appear in court. When the time is ready, light a new black candle and add the lovage root tea to your bathwater. As you bathe in it and visualize yourself winning the court case, your body and spirit will absorb the beneficial energies. After bathing, place the Justice card from a Tarot deck under your pillow. Go to bed and recite the following magickal rhyme over and over (either to yourslef, or out loud) until you fall asleep: SCALES OF JUSTICE, HARKEN AND QUAVER; LET THE JUDGE RULE IN MY FAVOUR. To make the power of this spell even MORE POTENT, also brew a magickal tea from some dried Californian buckthorn bark, and sprinkle it around the courthouse premises at midnight on the night prior to your court appearance. Be sure to do this without anyone seeing you. ***************************************************** Prophecy BEST TIME: Full Moon Fill the cauldron half-full of fresh water. Stir the caudlron gently three times with your fingers. With a lighted candle, slowly drip spots of wax into the swirling water. The Prophecy is read by interpreting the images seenin the wax, much like reading tea leaves. Boats, clouds and horses usually signigy journeys or movement. The Sun, Moon and stars indicate spiritual growth and/or life's successes. Develop your own interpretations for the images. *********************************************** Protective Chant Visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting: I am protected by your might O gracious Goddess, day and night. Another version of the same spell says to say: Thrice around the circle's bound. Evil sink into the ground. **************************************** RUNIC SPELL FOR NEARLY ANYTHING By platkovich Needed: A flat stone at least 4' wide with a pentacle marked upon it A small bowl of some natural material (stone, metal, clay, etc) 24 small, smooth stones marked with the 24 runes Paper A pen Working knowledge of runes 1) Write your intentions upon the paper in runes 2) Cast a magic circle, then read what you have written aloud four times, first facing east, then south, then west, then north 3) Fold the paper and place it in the bowl, place the bowl upn the flat rock, directly in the center of the pentacle 4) Place the small stones in a circle around the flat rock, saying the name of each rune aloud as you set it down 5) Leave this arrangement in place until the spell has been fulfilled *******************************************************************8 CIRCLE CLOSING By Tom Scoggins Hail to thee, gods and goddesses of land and sea, I thank you for being with me, I ask you to join me again in all good time, Merry Meet is to Merry Part but to Merry Meet again. With your help, I pray to never lose sight, On why we live and fight, I ask you all to guide and protect me, And always be beside me for the rest of my days. I make this the word, That comes into being, For ever and a day, So mote it be, Blessed be. *************************************************8 To Attract a Lover By Lady Earth This is for when you have a lover but he or she is not as attentive as you would wish. You know they love you but... Sit before a dying fire and gaze into it, clearing your mind of all but thoughts of your lover. Have a small basket of laurel leaves between your knees. Keeping your gaze fixed on the fire, dip your left hand into the basket, take out a handful of leaves, and toss them onto the fire. As they burst into flames, chant out loud the following: "Laurel leaves that burn in the fire, Draw unto me my heart's desire." Wait until the flames have died down, then repeat the action. Do it a third time. Within 24 hours your lover will come to visit you. ************************************************************************* PROTECTION FOR THE NEWLY DECEASED Osiris, god of life after death protect thine dead those of lost breath cherish them as I cherish thee let them bathe in the Nile I will it be, let it be and with my words it shall come into being ***************************************************** INCANTATION FOR LOVE Oh Isis mother of all let love come to me as love comes to thee oh let it be I will it be, let it be and with my words it shall come into being *************************************************************** SPELL TO CONJOIN ALL THE POWERS By Michael Bigelow First of all you have to have four witches in your circle. Then at exactly 9:00 pm you and your fellow witches must light a red candle, a blue candle, a green candle and a white candle all representing the four elements. Then you and you fellow witches say aloud: I call upon the four elements that we control. Fire, Water, Earth and Air and I conjoin the powers of the universe. I conjoin the powers so we open the door then we'll have the powers of for times four. Repeat the spell once more, then blow out your color candle. ********************************************************************************* FIRE SPELL . Make an image that represents the disease, injury, condition or problem. This could be a poppet, an ugly thing labeled cancer, lupus, diabetes, or whatever. It could also be a piece of paper with alcoholism, HIV, asthma or drug abuse written on it. Make the image something that represents the problem, something that will burn. Burn this image with Error! Bookmark not defined. inside a circle of white candles, invoking any Error! Bookmark not defined. who appeal to you. If you are making this spell on behalf of someone else, place their photograph or something else that evokes them inside the circle. Say: . "By __________ I destroy you. By __________ I am healed." . *Caution: I have not found magic to be effective in treating addictions of any kind unless the person is out of denial and asking for help. Great selfishness often underlies addiction, so many people never reach the stage where you can help them. Move on. . ********************************************************** ISHTAR SPELL . This is a spell of great antiquity. Offer Ishtar a lapis lazuli vulva and a golden star, saying: . "Deliver the sick man/woman (name)." . ************************************************ THE BEAUTY WAY . In her book Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art and Tarot, Vicki Noble suggests the Navajo Beauty Way ritual for treating rape victims: . "The world before me is restored in beauty. The world behind me is restored in beauty. The world below me is restored in beauty. The world above me is restored in beauty. All things around me are restored in beauty. My voice is restored in beauty. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty." . I think this is a great idea. The Beauty Way ritual could also be used to treat people who are working out issues of incest or child abuse, emerging from domestic abuse, war, or any other violent situation. The Beauty Way is about survival, about healing and wholeness. The full Navajo ceremony takes several days to complete, including a sand painting made by the shaman who performs it. This prayer, which is part of a much longer one, could be used with purification rites to form a Wiccan healing ritual. . ***************************************************************** COLD FIRE Use the Cornish invocation to St. Brigit to bring down fevers: . "Three ladies came from the East One with fire and two with frost Out with thee, fire, and in with thee, frost." . This can be used in conjunction with a laying on of hands. To remove fever from someone, summon an energy like cold fire from your body. I usually do this by invoking the Snow Queen, who was always a Goddess to me. Direct the energy into your hands, then lay them on the person's neck or forehead. Make the cold fire flow into the person, until you feel it confront the fever. When you feel the fever, set up a second channel to draw it into your own body. Do this until you feel the cold fire has overcome the fever. If the person is shivering with fever, direct the heat out of their body and onto their skin while you fight the fever. It may help to wrap your arms around them. This technique is not a substitute for aspirin or other fever-reducers, but something you do while the medicine kicks in. It can also be used in emergencies, when there is no medication. You may feel a bit flushed for a while afterwards, but you will not actually take the fever. Fevers are cyclical, so you may need to repeat it whenever the fever spikes. A doctor discovered that I could bring fevers down. It takes a little practices, but I'll bet that most natural witches can do it. ****************************************************************8 PLANET PROTECTION SHIELD By Nokio Chan This is protection spell that actually calls upon the all the great celestial bodies in a solar system so this is pretty powerful spell. Items needed: 11 small jars - Permanent marker Barley, Sage, Garlic, Parsley, Rosemary, Ailanthus, Rose petals, Seaweed or any water plant, Silverweed, Weeping Willow, Moonwort It doesn't matter if these herbs are dried, powdered or fresh. First take your eleven jars and label each one with the name of a planet, including the Earth, Moon and Sun. Then draw the symbols of each planet on the jars as well making sure your symbol matches the planet. Next fill each jar about half way with warm water. Then find the jar labeled Sun and add your rosemary; take your Mercury jar and add parsley; take your Venus jar and add the rose petals; take your Earth jar and add your barley; take your Mars jar and add your garlic; take your Jupiter jar and add your sage; take your Saturn jar and add your weeping willow; take your Uranus jar and add your ailanthus; take your Neptune jar and add your water plant and take your Pluto jar and add the silverweed and take your Moon jar and add your moonwort. Close the jars very tightly the put the jars in straight row and chant: I invoke the god of these planets: Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Gaia, Diana, Aries, Zeus, Uranus, Saturn, Poseidon, Hades lend me your power of your world for protection. Visualize that each planet is in those jars and giving off positive protecting energy. After that let them sit out for a night. The next day find a place either in your back yard or garden to bury them. Keep close to your house. If you live in an apartment or just don't have a place to bury them, store the jars in the back of closet or in cabinet that is not used often. The jars will begin to collect the energy of the planets each nightfall. Give it some to time to work. Don't try to rush it, the longer the jars are not disturbed the stronger the protection shield will be around your home and your family. ********************************************************** LOVE By Michael Leong You need three stones and to be in a place with running water. Hold each stone to your lips and think of your special word which will enhance the power of the spell. Throw each stone into the running water, calling out for each one: Stone Cast, Aim be true, Open mind, Thinking only of you. When you throw each stone, it has to be within 10 cm of the exact spot of the last one you threw: e.g., if the first one is near a rock, the others have to be within 10 cm of that spot. If they are not, gather another three stones and begin again. Note: you can only do this spell three times each full moon, so if you don't get it right the first time, you can only do it twice more. At the end say; The luck of threes, be with me, Open soul, heart and mind Then ____( person's name) will be mine. So mote it be! Clap your hands to finish the spell. Note: they do not have to be crystals, though this will enhance the power of the spell. They can be pebbles if you want, but you must believe in this for it to work. PS, I think this works, I did it and it worked, but my friends say it was just me. ****************************************************************** SEALING NEGATIVE GAPS By Brandon McCarey Negative gaps are points of unseen dark energy that can appear almost anywhere, They can be formed by a spell being cast or they can appear naturally from a place where there is a lot of negativity, such a home where fighting or violence are present. Dark gaps cannot be seen or heard but but you can tell when a gap is present. A dark gap feels like a small cold drafty wind that seems to be concentrated in one spot. These gaps can effect everyone and everything around them or in them; they can grow by feeding off the negative you or people put out. So it is important that you seal them right away. The following is spell that can seal these dark gaps for good in your home or any where else. Take a 14 by 5 sized sheet of paper and draw a pentacle on it about the same size as the paper. Place the paper on the gap. Make SURE! that the top point of the pentacle is facing up. If a gap in present on the wall, tack or tape it up as best as possible. Then take a white candle and light it. Set the candle in the middle of the pentacle and chant Gateway of dark energy your evil I shall deny. If the gap is on the wall then just set the candle under the paper on the wall. Let the candle sit there for a minute then place the candle on the top point of the pentacle and chant Evil, I seal your passageway Repeat with the other four points as well. Again if the gap is on a wall visualize your self placing the candle on each point and chanting. Once you have completed this blow out the candle and remove it but keep the paper there for at least three minutes. You can cast this as many times as you please until you feel satisfied with your results. You will know your gap has been sealed when you do not feel that cold drafty area. ************************************************************ A SPELL TO CHANGE THINGS FOR THE BETTER By White Mist-Lady of Dance I cast this spell for the world to see, A change in you forever it be, A change for the better and not for worse, A change forever but never a curse, By the power of 3 I conjure thee, To change forever so mote it be. ************************************************** A SPELL TO HELP LIFT HARD FEELINGS AND HEAL EMOTIONAL RIFTS By DrowVa Items need: 1 Quartz crystal Find a nice quiet place where you can lay down, then place the quartz crystal on you third eye and say, "I call upon Gula, great goddess of Healing, Guide the help to direct any bad feelings, See this dark specters reeling. By the grace of your power I ask you to heal them. Teach each to feel what the other feels, By the power of three, I wish it to be." If you focus on one person the spell while affect that person a little better then just doing in general. ***************************************************************************** HEKATE THOU MOTHER OF MIGHT ŠJeanne Riegler (HecateNyx) Hekate, Thou Mother of Might... Goddess of Magick, of Storms, of Night... Moon Maiden, Mother and Crone... Dispensing Justice from Thy Lofty Throne... Watching now with piercing Eye, As Thy Moon Palace doth glide the Sky, All of Life on this Planet Earth... Selecting, weighing and measuring It's worth... Grant us of Thy Wisdom Sublime... Reveal to us the Secrets of Time... Help us winnow Truth from Lies... Harken now, please hear our cries! Hekate, Thou Mother of Might... Goddess of Crossroads, Bearer of Light... Moon Maiden, Mother and Crone... Descend unto us from Thy Lofty Throne... Walk amongst us and reveal now... The Mysteries of Thy Shining Brow... Past, Present and Future merge... Let us feel Thy Power surge! Bestow healing upon this Planet.. Release the Songs of Thy Stones of Granite... Help us; Strengthen us in our resolve... To banish all hate; let it dissolve! Hekate, Thou Mother of Might... Goddess of Love, Giver of Sight... Moon Maiden, Mother and Crone... Ensconced upon Thy Lofty Throne... Acknowledge us, who, by our own choice... Have chosen to listen to Thy Voice... Help us spread Wisdom, Truth, Love and Light... To save Earth from her desperate plight! We bide the Wiccan Reed to fulfill... "And ye harm none, do what thou will..." Help us grow in serving Thee! As we will, so mote it be! Hekate, Thou Mother of Might... Robed in Splendour; Beauteous; Bright... Moon Maiden, Mother and Crone... Shine upon us from Thy Lofty Throne... *************************************************************************** A SPELL FOR EVERYTHING BY Error! Bookmark not defined. Put a rose in front of you. Light 2 red candles and 2 white candles, then pick up a red rose in both hands. Go to the North point and say: Spirit of the North, Grant me this wish of beauty and strength. Pick a petal from the bottom of the rose and leave it there. Then go to the East and say: Spirit of the East, Grant me this wish of friends and affection. Leave a petal (pick it from the bottom). Then go to the South and say: Spirit of the South, Grant me the love of (name). Leave a petal then go to the West and say: Spirit of the West, Grant me this wish of power, to protect us and everyone else. Leave a petal. *********************************************8 HAND PROTECTION SYMBOL SPELL By Error! Bookmark not defined. This spell was created not long ago, I think I have adjusted the spell well enough for it to work. This protection spell will protect you from people who are trying to harm you, who threaten or are really bothering you. This spell really makes me feel that I'm protected especially whenever I look at the pentacle symbol on my hand. I prefer to cast a circle when doing this spell because the spell works more effectively for me. However, I sometimes use the protection spell without casting a circle and I still find it effective. All you need is a pen (I prefer colour black) to do the spell. SPELL: Hold the pen with your weak hand (mine is left), and start drawing the pentacle symbol on your strong hand (on your palm). When you start drawing say these words, and concentrate on the symbol you are drawing: "I draw the pentacle on my hand, To be protected From harm from anyone and all negative energies, With the pentacle on my hand, I will be at full strength, And full power So mote it be." Make sure you finish drawing the pentacle before you say the words "so mote it be". When the symbol fades away from your hand, so will the protection spell. So don't use an ink pen that smudges easily and don't try to not to get sweaty hands. This protection spell mostly lasts me a whole day. ******************************************** BUDDHIST CHANT TO ERADICATE NEGATIVE KARMA By Howe Liang Tan This is the best, easiest and safest "spell" to solve your personal problem, be it mental, physical or emotional. All you need to do is find a place (it can be anywhere) where you can be at ease and chant this "Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo" three times prolonged than start chanting as long as you like. By chanting this, you are not "begging" helps from any deities, god or goddess but to the Universal forces around you. You chant to eradicate your negative KARMA and not give in to your so-called "fate". How strong your prayer(s) or desire(s) is/are answered depends on how long you chant. As there is no time limit, you can chant for 1 minute, an hour or even more. Remember, this "spell" can bless other people, yourself, fulfilling your desire(s), develop the goodness, compassion and wisdom in you and more but not CURSE. To know more about this diamond (Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo), visit these web sites, or From these web sites you can find out more of the true meaning of this chant and the superiority of TRUE Buddhism compare to the kind of "buddhism" most people know. True Buddhism does not believe in the existence of hell, heaven and in the existence of a Supernatural buddha. Just chant "Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo" and you will find peace within yourself and your environment. No monkish rule and regulation or irritating commandments, just chant and develop the wisdom, compassion and good causes for yourself. You may ask, without any "law" for the people who use this "spell", wouldn't it be dangerous? Nay, because I can guarantee after chanting for half an hour, you will be shocked and surprised like I did with the inner peacefulness, compassion and happiness within yourself and the changes in your environment which only YOU - the unique individual can experience. So, chant "Nam-myo -ho-renge-kyo" and experience this perfect "spell" yourself. ******************************************** MAGICAL FEEL BETTER TOKEN By Error! Bookmark not defined. This is a spell you can do extremely quickly, and it is surprisingly effective. Use it when a friend is feeling down, or sick. There are no special ingredients except : A small piece of paper (post it note size, torn from a piece of loose-leaf is fine) 3 or 4 different colored pens ( I use purple, red, blue and black. Purple seems to be the key. I didn't discover this spell, it discovered me.) This is called a a "Magical Feel better Token" I know its corny, but trust me, it works. On the paper write, you guess it, Magical Feel Better token in the different colored inks. Then outline the words in the pens, curving around the letters. Around the words put interesting symbols, hearts, swirls, stars, etc. While you are doing this, the good intentions you have will flow into the paper. When you are done, add a little boost by envisioning your healing power flowing into the paper. It thereby becomes a charm. I first did this as a joke, but soon after discovered it worked each and every time. My friends always came to me telling me how much better they felt. It only takes about 5 minutes. ************************************************* THE TRUE LOVE/FRIENDSHIP SPELL (A spell to find true love or friendship) By Error! Bookmark not defined. You will need: A pink candle/red candle (Pink for friendship or red for love, depending on what you want ) A piece of paper (Either red or pink as I said, depending on the intent. If both can't be found, just use a white sheet of paper ) A pen (Any colour ink is fine but it is advisable to use pink for friendship, red for love) Some rose incense The spell: This spell must take three days to perform and is best if done at night. You may wish to wear something red or pink depending on what you want, love or friendship. The first part of the spell is to find a room that is dimly lit and begin the spell by first lighting the candle and incense. Close your eyes and meditate, inhale the sweet smell of the rose incense, feeling as if you are totally surrounded by roses. Totally relax yourself and free yourself from tension. After feeling totally relaxed, take the piece of paper and the pen and write down what you want your friend or dream lover to be, whether you want him to be handsome or you want him to be the quiet type, write everything down. Think about what you want his character to be and write everything down. Concentrate hard on these characteristics and tell yourself that there is such a perfect person in the world. You may even wish to write a love poem to strengthen the spell but please make sure your poem is original as in you wrote it yourself. Once you think that you have listed everything, look deep into the candle flame of the pink candle and meditate hard on this person you wish to conjure up. Then before you end the spell, repeat this incantation: ''I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I am the queen, you are the bee, as I desire, so mote it be!" Perform this spell for three consecutive nights to see if you have any more things you wish to add to that list. On the third night repeat the same procedure, only that at the end of the spell you use the flame from the pink candle and burn the whole paper and leave the paper in a bowl to cool. Then drop three drops of wax on the ashes and spiritually cleanse the ash by waving rose incense over it. Right after, take a small pouch and empty the ash into the pouch. Then fill the pouch with a mixture of white and red rose petals and leaves. Carry the small pouch with you wherever you are to attract this friend or lover you conjured into your life. Note: This effectiveness of the spell varies from person to person and the soulmate of yours may take some time before coming into your life. Never give up hope. A lot of patience is needed if you want to find true love or friendship. ************************************************ HEALING CHANT By Tose Gula, great goddess of healing, Heal my body, heal my soul, Make me one, Make me whole. ************************************************ SMUDGE STICK FOR PURIFICATION/PROTECTION/BANISHING By Error! Bookmark not defined. Let me share with you my experience: There was one occasion where I ran out of smudge sticks and I rushed out just to get a few more . To my disappointment the new age shop had run out. So what should I do. I intended to perform a purification ritual for the whole apartment but I could not do it with just one small stick of incense. And what's more, the day after would be the time in which I would have to perform a purification ritual as well for my grandmother. So what should I do? Then, at the moment of my anxiety, my guardian goddess said, '' Use whatever you have to create one! '' I said to myself, why not! I rushed to my grandma's house and searched Error! Bookmark not defined. , followed by moving to my garden to see what I have. After a while, I had some inspiration about how to create a smudge and I came up with a smudge stick that is my creation. Here's what I did: Gather: Many stalks of basil (a handful) Many sprigs of rosemary (a handful) Many stalks of mint (a handful) Gather everything together and sun them dry for at least a week and while it is drying, sprinkle a pinch of salt on the herbs every day. At the end of the seven days, tie them up with white thread on the three sides. The two ends and the middle. Then say a simple prayer to the great goddess and god and it would be all ready to be used. Although I could not perform the rituals I intended to perform on time, still I manage to come up with a home made smudge stick which seems just as effective as sage sticks. And what's more, it saves a lot of money. You may wish to add it somewhere to your web site because i know that it may come in very useful to other witches. I find smudge sticks very dirty because the leaves drops all over when it is burning and hence, I only use them for out door rituals. ********************************************************* A Magick Wish List To make a magick wish list sit back and think about the material things you need for about 15 minutes. Really evaluate them, discarding what is not truly necessary, selecting only those that you must have. Then write out a spell, asking in the name of a higher source for the items you need. List them and read the list over out loud. By reciting the list you are charging your intentions with vocal vibrations and the projection is fortified with magickal energy. Burn the list or carry it with you or keep it in a place that holds magick for you. ********************************************************* A Mirror Spell of Protection for the Home Compose an altar: place a censer in the center before an image of the Goddess. Have a 12-inch (or so) round mirror there as well. RIng the altar with 9 white candles. Burn a protective incense (such as frankincense, sandalwood, copal or rosemary) in the censer. Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess image, say these or similiar words: "Lunar Light, protect me!" Repeat as you light each candle until all are glowing. Now, holding the mirror, invoke the Goddess in Her Lunar aspect with these or similiar words: "Great Goddess of the Lunar Light And Mistress of the Seas; Great Goddess of the Mystic night And of the Mysteries; Within this place of candles bright And with your mirror nigh; Protect me with your awesome night Whilte ill vibrations fly!" Standing before the altar, hold the mirror facing the candles so that it reflects their flames. Keeping the mirror toward the candles, move slowly, clockwise around the altar, watching the reflected firelight bouncing off your surroundings. Gradually increase your speed, mentally invoking the Goddess to protect you. More faster and faster, watch the light shattering the air, cleansing it, burning away all negativity and all lines along which the ill energies have traveled into your house. Charge your home with the protective light of the Goddess. Race around the candles until you've felt the atmosphere change, until you feel that your home has been cleansed and guarded by the Great Goddess. When finished, stand once again before the image. Thank the Goddess in any words you wish. Pinch out the candles one by one, bind them together with white cors and store them in safe place until ( & if) you need to use them again for the same purpose. ********************************************************* A Money Philter Used to attract wealth, food, clothing and all necessary goods. 1 tbsp Yellow Mustard Seeds 1 tbsp Mistletoe 1 tbsp Safflowers 1 tbsp Clovers 10 Drops Sweet Orange Oil 10 Drops Sandalwood Oil 10 Drops Jasmine Oil Bind the ingrdients together with: 1 tsp Myrrh 1 tbsp Frankincense Mix all the ingredients together and focus your intentions on the purpose of the spell. Cup your hands around the ingredients and charge the mixture by stating whatever you want it to accomplish. Say: I charge these herbs to bring (state what you need) This spell assures that changes will bring gain and benefit. I ask that this spell be correct and for the good of all. So Mote it be! It is done. Pour the herbs into the earth. ************************************************************** INVOCATION OF ISIS ŠJeanne Riegler (HecateNyx) ISIS ISIS, Avatar of Sirius... Patronness of all Mysterious... Uraeus' Diadem upon Thy Brow... Please answer as we call You now... ISIS, Mother of Nile reign... Goddess of Magick, Giver of Grain... We gather here to honor You... Pay You homage as is Your due! ISIS, of Sun and Moon both... Daughter of the Adept Thoth... Return to us; Show us Your Glory! That the World may know Your story! ISIS, let down your Raven Hair... To You our Hearts and Souls laid bare... Enfold us in Thine Ebon Wings... Whispers of Feathers Wisdom brings... ISIS, Keeper of The Breath of Life... Dedicated as Osiris' wife... Shine upon us with Thy Light.... May we find Grace in Thy sight... ISIS, Vulture's Wings out-spread... Queen of The Land Of The Dead... Standing at Thy Kingdom's Gate... We bow to You, our Ultimate Fate... ********************************************8 HEALING STONE By FANTOMX360 What you will need: any stone , a green candle and a white one To make the healing stone: take an average stone from your yard or anywhere else (if you have no yard or they all really really suck) or you can purchase one like a tiger's eye. I managed to find a really cool piece of amber in my yard, but I'm getting off the subject aren't I ???... Once youve got one cast your circle, call your quarters. Do an alter devotion then cleanse consecrate, and empower it. Instill the flame of a green candle and a white one to empower it with healing magick and purifiy it. While doing this hold your pentacle over it and say as many healing spells as you know. Then pour holy water on it and you're done. **************************************************************** SPELL TO REVERSE A CURSE by Lord Alaric This spell on me I return to thee, To thee who hast so ill-wished me. So mote it be (x2) ************************************************* HAPPINESS SPELL By ToCool015 I know of a wonderful spell of happiness. All you need to do is to first make the area of your working pure. Then you need to take Chamomile (oil or tea, doesn't matter) and breathe in the scent. Relax. Breathe in through your nose. Imagine the light of good flowing into you. Breath out through your mouth. Imagine the darkness of evil leaving. Now when you are very comfortable ask any God of your choice to remove your depression. You may say this any way you like. Now try to remember the times that you were the happiest, and the god that you asked for help will make you as happy as you were in that moment. If that doesn't work just try to make yourself happy and forget about what's making you sad ********************************************************************* CHANGE FOR THE BETTER By GilTC You will need for this spell: A chalice of water - A pile of white stones A white candle - A pink candle - A blue candle - A violet candle - A yellow candle A poppet - A picture of someone you wish to transform into a better person For this spell I suggest you use an actual circle of earth, stones or anything else instead of using an athame or incense to inscribe one in the air. Place the white candle in the center of the circle with the blue candle at the North, the yellow candle at the South, pink to West, and violet to East. Place the pile of white stones in the center of the circle around the base of the candle. To get maximum power into the spell, place your pentacle at the base of the blue candle, your athame at the base of the pink, wand at the yellow, and chalice at the violet. Call corners, saluting each direction with your sword, invoking Hapy (N), Imset (S), Duamutef (E), and Quebehsenuf (W), saying each time: Hail _____, Lord of the watchtower of the ______, let your strength be one with mine. Place the poppet, with the picture tied in place onto to the head, into the white candle and say: Let the flame of white burn into thee purity. Move on to each of the other candles, in this order - NWSE, saying: Let the flame of blue burn into thee peace and truth Let the flame of pink burn into thee happiness Let the flame of yellow burn into thee joy Let the flame of violet burn into thee insight and intuition Ground power by jabbing your sword into the earth at the center, North and South, saying: Circle open But unbroken Then jab at the West and East, saying: Power down To the ground Smother the flames of each candle with the tip of your sword in this order - Center, N, S, W, E. ************************************************************** SPELL TO EMPOWER A HEALING CHARM OR AMULET By L. Hail Uriel guardian of the North. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine. Hail Raphael guardian of the East. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine. Hail Michael guardian of the South. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine. Hail Gabriel guardian of the West. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine. I invoke Achelois, she who drives away pain. Oh please great Achelois protect ______ from the pain of _____. And keep her safe in our hearts. Let her be flourished in love of greatest powers. Bless this _____ with protection from pain and let her feel comforted by it. With all the power in me I free her from pain. Circle open / be unbroken Power down / to the ground ******************************************** A SPELL TO INITIATE ONE INTO A COVEN OR CIRCLE By Gymswim Please be advised that this spell is very strong and hard to undo. The spell will not work if the person is being initiated against his/her will. Stand in a circle with the newcomer in the middle, and chant these words over a fire, by a lake/ocean/etc., standing barefoot in mud or sand, on a windy night: Earth, I summon thee Air, I summon thee Water, I summon thee Fire, I summon thee Air and sea, keep harm from we. Earth and fire, bring our desire. By dark of moon and light of sun, let power bring us into one. With blood and sinew, flesh and bone, let _________ now become our own. ****************************************** DRAGONS' PROTECTION SPELL By Error! Bookmark not defined. This spell is used for double purposes: for defense and counterattack. This is normally used to counter attacks from a single person. Please use this spell sparingly and as a LAST RESORT as its power is tremendous. Earth-bound dragons, come to my aid, From everyone's sight make me fade. Earth, air, fire, and water, Show me all the unseen power. Earth-bound dragons, major or minor, Increase the ability of my physical sensor. Scales of the dragons, so strong, so durable, Cover me for protection and make me able To withstand any attack, To return them back. Earth-bound dragons, let us go, Return the attacks back to my foe. After everything is done, Earthbound dragons, come, Return to your homes, return back to your kingdom. Let everything be done accordingly, Let nothing fail, so mote it be! ***************************************************** The Bottle Spell Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security. You Will need: 4 tbsps Frankincense or Myrrh 4 tbsps Black powdered Iron 4 tbsps Sea Salt 4 tbsps Orris-root Powder (or oak moss) 1 white candle 1 bottle with a cork or lid Mortar and pestle Parchment Paper Black Ink or black ballpointpen Black thread Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink: I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm. I ask that this be correct and for the good of all. So mote it be! Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animals or people will dig it up. This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost. ******************************************************************** To Gain Love BEST TIME: Waxing Moon The cauldron should be on your altar between 2 pink candles. Inside the cauldron itself, place a magenta candle. Light a love incense and the Pink candles. Tap the cauldron three times with your wand. Say: One to seek him, one to find him. One to bring him, one to bind him. Heart to heart, Forever one So say I, this spell is done. Tap the cauldron three more times. Light the magenta candle to speed the spell on its way. ************************************************** To Gain Money BEST TIME: Full Moon Fill the cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the Moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's Silver. While doing this, say: Lovely Lady of the Moon Bring to me your wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you can give, my purse can hold. Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth. It is done. ****************************************************** To Gain Prophecies BEST TIME: Waxing Moon Fill the cauldron half-full of water and place it on a table where you can see comfortably into it while seated. Light 2 purple candles and a good divination incense; a combination of mugwort and wormwood work well. Arrange the candles so their light does not shine into the water in your eyes. Focus your attention on the bottom of the cauldron, your hands placed lightly on either side. Breathe gently into the water and say: Cauldron, reveal to me that which I seek Great Mother, open my inner eye that I may truly see. Empty your mind as much as possible; remian relaxed while looking deep into the cauldron waters. The answer may come in images in the water, picture in your mind and strong bursts of "knowing". ************************************************************** To Keep Evil From Your House Make a magickal tea from any of the following herbs and then sprinkle some of it in the corners and doorways of your home to purify, defeat all wicked conjuring, and prevent evil forces from entering: ˇ angelica root ˇ broom tops ˇ curry powder ˇ holy thistle ˇ poke root (which can also be added to your bath or cleaning water) ˇ tormentil From The Wiccan Spellbook by Gerina Dunwich *************************************************************** To Protect an Object With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over theobject to beprotected. Visualize electric-blue orpurple flamestreaming from your fingers to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace: With this pentagram I lay Protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch Let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three: This is my will, so mote it be! ******************************************************************** To Rid Yourself of Negatives BEST TIME: Waning Moon Set an empty cauldron or goblet on your altar between 2 lit white candles. Burn a good protection or blessings incense. Robe yourself, preferably in white, and stand or sit before the altar. Breathe slowly and evenly until you are calm and centered. Take the cauldron or goblet in both hands; hold high over the altar in salute to the gods. Lower to chest level and slowly breathe into the cauldron, silently naming each habit, person or experience you wish removed from your life. When finished, turn the cauldron or goblet upside down on the altar, saying: The Contents of this vessel, I give to thee, Great Ones. Exchange these experiences for better. PLace an offering of herbs and milk outside. Or at least burn the herbs in your censer. ***************************************************** UNTWISTING SPELL ŠEileen Holland - . . This is a spell for straightening out someone who is all screwed up - yourself, or someone else. You'll need: ˇ an onion ˇ a knife ˇ a spiral candle (try a housewares shop) ˇ an essential oil (or other concentrated, liquid form of an herb or flower - these are usually sold in small bottles with eye droppers) ˇ incense or music Dress the candle at least one day before you do the spell. You will be naming this candle for the person to be untwisted, so choose whatever color seems right to you. Turn the candle wick-down over a paper towel. Fill the eye dropper with the essential oil or whatever you are using. This should also be appropriate, such ginseng for a male, rose hips for a female, or a plant that you associate with the person or their problem. Say, "I name this candle for _____". Slowly turn the candle LEFTWARD as you drip the oil on it, allowing it to spiral downward. As you do this, concentrate on the person and exactly how and why they are screwed up. It will drip, so be sure to have a cloth or paper towel beneath it. Leave the candle there to dry overnight. It should have flecks of dried oil all over it. Put the candle in a holder once dry. You can do the spell immediately, or leave the dressed candle on your altar or in a windowsill until you are ready for it. Put the candle, knife and onion on your altar or working surface. Light incense or play some music to make sacred space. Say, "Onion, I name you for _____. As I cut away this skin, I may you ready for transformation. I remove your resistance to it." Cut the top layer off the onion, then light the candle. Begin to cut into the onion, peeling away layer after layer until you come to the bulb at its center. Concentrate on the person as you do this, naming your purpose aloud as you go. Say whatever feels right, things like "I cut away your negativity" or "I remove those who have bad influence over you". If the onion bulb is a double one, cut the smaller one away. Remove all these parts of the onion from the altar, wash your hands and the knife, clean the surface where you worked. The candle should still be burning, with the onion bulb in front of it. Focus on the candle, make it the person you are trying to help. Imagine that it untwists them as it burns. Raise power and command, "Do not resist me as I untwist thee, do not resist me as I untwist thee." Repeat this as many times as feels necessary, allowing the candle to burn down completely. Think about exactly what you mean by untwisting, what changes you want to see the person make in themself and their life. The onion peelings represent all that was wrong with the person so get them out of your house immediately, burn or otherwise destroy them. (I'm a city witch, so the garbage chute works for me.) When the candle has finished burning, set the onion bulb on a windowsill or in some other place where the morning sun will reach it. I use an eastern window for this. Tell it (the person) that they will be reborn in the morning with the sun, that everything is going to be all right. The last time I did this spell I left the onion overnight in in a circle of rock crystals and dried red roses, atop my pentacle. You can arrange whatever feels right to you for the onion, or just leave it there alone. Plant the bulb the next day, doing so indoors if the earth is too cold outside for this. This act will serve to ground the power you raised. If the onion happens to take root and bloom, that is a wonderful sign the spell has worked. This spell should work within a few days even if the onion simply withers. If the person is extremely screwed up, you will have to do other things to further empower the spell. Some suggestions: ˇ cast it at midnight when the moon is full ˇ cast a circle before performing the spell ˇ take a symbolic shower afterward, imagining you are washing the person's problems away - then dress in white or in new clothes ˇ make a bonfire for the person, into which you throw heads of garlic and everything that symbolizes their problems, destructive behaviors, negativity or whatever ˇ administer a potion or sprinkle a powder where they will walk through it, something charged for positive improvements ˇ arrange for other witches to also work on this person, each witch in his or her own way

DISCLAIMER: Unless stated under the title of the spell, I have not written these spells, i have found them on internet sites and in several books... If you see one of your spells here that does not have either you email address or you name listed under the title of the spell, please email me with the title and your name/email... or if you want it removed, please let me know.... Also - please excuse the lack of non HTML on most of it - i used cut and paste and it takes a LONG time to convert back to HTML!!!!!!! Thanx!
