HOMEOPATHIC NOSODES. At Furry Boots, I use these for prophylaxis, for treatment of illness and for eliminating adverse reactions to conventional vaccines. Most nosodes are supplied in pill form, but the form is immaterial. I consider 1 pill or ten drops of liquid about equivalent, as dosage amount in homeopathy is not critical for these nosodes (though it is relevant) - the number of doses and frequency of dose is more important. Nosodes I use: *Feline URI 30C: For *symptoms* (or prevention of these) of the kind which you would expect if the cat had any of the following: Herpes, Calici, Feline Infectious Enteritis/Panleucopenia, and Chlamydia. I have used this all three ways - prophylactically, to treat symptoms of illness (from mild to severe, in newborns to adult), and to prevent reactions to conventional vaccine where those vaccines are required. Lyssin 30C: For *symptoms* (or prevention of these) of the kind which you would expect if the cat had rabies. I have only used this prophylactically, and to prevent adverse reactions to conventional vaccines. HOW TO MAKE A DOSAGE BOTTLE from the purchased remedy: Put 1 tablet or ten drops of liquid into a 8 oz glass container, and fill 3/4 with spring water or any good unchlorinated water. Shake HARD up and down 100 times. Rest one hour. WHAT CONSTITUTES A DOSE: I use a syringe and give a dose in proportion to size of kitten. For example 2 or 3 drops for newborns; 1/4 ml for small kittens, ranging to 0.5 or 1 ml for large cats. DOSAGE for Prophylaxis/Vaccination: This is the protocol suggested by homeopathic vet Dr Suzanne Hayes DVM, and some letters regarding homeopathy belong there too: 1st vaccination (Kittens of 6 to 12 weeks is usual, but any age is OK): One dose am and pm for 6 days. One dose per week for 4 weeks. One dose per month for 6 months. Wait 6 months. Booster after each 6 months: One dose am and pm for five days. Wait 6 months. DOSAGE for PREVENTION OF REACTION from conventional vaccination: One dose am and pm for 5 days, starting 2 days before vaccination. USe Lyssin if conventional rabies to be given. Use Feline URI if upper respiratory vaccination to be given. DOSAGE FOR TREATMENT OF DISEASE: The ideal dose is the least dose that will cure, given as few times as needed. I do the following: If a cat shows a symptom eg a sneeze and there is no obvious cause, one dose. Another sneeze, another dose but not sooner than 5 minutes. Thereafter dose in proportion with symptoms. You soon get a feel in an acute case for when the remedy wears off and the next does is needed. Always you doses frequently to start, even every 5 mins in an acute situation, and gradually lower the frequency as symptoms come under control. A very severe case may take 2 or 3 days to respond if it well established before starting the remedy. The best is to start the remedy as soon as you think something is wrong. As the illness gets better, slack to twice a day, then once a day, then follow the same tapering off as for vaccination. MAKING A NOSODE (If you can't buy one or have undiagnosed illness): Don't unless you have to, it's a lot of work. Take one drop of body fluid (saliva, blood, whatever represents the symptom set of the illness.) Add 99 drops water. Never touch a remedy with your fingers by the way. Shake hard. Mark down - potency 0. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 1C. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 2C. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 3C. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 4C. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 5C. Take one drop and add 99 water (discard the rest) and shake hard 100 times. Mark 6C. etc. When you get to 29C, you can use more to make a bigger volume of 30C. So take 2 ml for example, and make up with 198 ml water, shake hard 100 times. Rest one hour. Now you have a dosage bottle of 30C Nosode. IMPORTANT: WHEN using nosodes for cure - one needs to be sure the selected nosode (unless it is one you make) matches the SYMPTOMS of the patient. If a patient has unusual symptoms in a sickness, then I rather repertorize a proper homeopathic remedy to match the symptoms, and a really good homeopath is necessary to do this. DISCLAIMER: The above is my idea of how to use Nosodes except where noted. It is not medical advice, it is how Nosodes are used at Furry Boots - to serve as an example of what Nosodes are about. Copyright 2000 Irene de Villiers
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