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New and Improved 100% Stone Cold IRC


A One in a Life Time Chance

You could have a chance at making this IRC yours. All you have to is answer the questions below. Put the answers in the order of the questions. Just send your answer to and if you get the answer right I will send you the password to my Angelfire account. The frist person to get it right will receive the password. All of the questions are about Stone Cold Steve Austin.
(1)What is the fourth and fifth letter of Stone Cold Steve Austin's real name?
(2)What is the third,fourth,and ninth letter in Steve Austin's first name at the WWF in alphabetical order?
(3)What is the year Stone Cold was born subtracted by th mouth he was born then added to th day he was born, backwards?
(Year-Mounth+Day=? then flip it backwards example:if the answer was 32 then the answer you send me should be 23.)
(4)What is the first letter of Stone Cold Steve Austin's wife's last name before they were married?

In all you should have 6 letters and 2 numbers. Good luck.

E-mail Me