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Stay Gold, Ponyboy

This is the closest to this friend that I've been. I hope you find it on greener ground and bluer skies. I hope you don't think less of me if I'm cold, I don't want to watch you go. I'll cry until I can't see the whites of your eyes for two more years. We'll be old enough to know better, young enough to pretend. This is the last of my letters... I hope I find my home and I hope you're the first one in it. I know it won't be the same. I'll be there if you need anything at all you want to be. Run around the world with me. State your distance but it's not a million miles away. If this is what will really make you happy... then I'll say that we'll be old enough to know better, young enough to pretend. This is the last of my letters until I see you again.

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