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Some keywords for Aries are:
Proud, Courageous, Determined, Fearless, Ambitious, Confident, Expressive, Energetic, Intuitive, Impulsive, Persistent, Inspiring, Intense, Resourceful and Constructive. They can also be Vain, Egotistical, Overbearing, Impatient, Foolhardy, Jealous, Resentful, Selfish, Argumentative, Combative, and Headstrong.

Take this guy with you on a trip through the woods, it is like having your own personal scout. In fact let them plan the whole darn trip, they will think it out and organize every detail. Hope you can keep up with this active person. As independent as they are you'll be very lucky if he even lets you go along. They would just as quickly go mountain climbing or skydiving but let them think it was their idea. Don't let them wear you out, they are full of energy. They need to learn to relax and conserve.

These folks are very proud and do not like supervision or domination. They make good executives and are self-starters. They are the one to get a new project going. They like the good life and will do whatever is necessary to attain it. He must be careful of bring self-centered and self-directed.

In love they are very passionate and will never stand for being number two. They are very social and popular. Make them the center of attention and you'll never know such devotion. Don't ever try and boss them around unless you want to see their temper (and I doubt it). Back them into a corner they'll come out fighting everytime.

They do like a good arguement it gives them the chance to show everyone who can be first unless you are talking about the last word. They would be well advised to learn to listen and give others the opportunity to express their point of view.

Aries rules the first house.