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Some keywords for Gemini are:

Versitile, Adaptable, Changeable, Active, Restless, Resourceful, Sensitive, Expressive, Alert, Curious, Informed, Intuitive, Social, Literary, Open-Minded, Affectionate, Sympathetic and Dexterous. They can also be Nervous, Talkative, Impatient, Indecisive, Fussy, Worrisome, Superficial, Unemotional, Impersonal and Manipulative.

"Look Who's Talkin", well take a guess. These people love a party or just about any social function. Your problem may be just trying to keep up. One minute they are there and the next they are off talking to someone else if not a whole group. They bore easily so keep the conversation interesting. The more active and exciting things are the better they like it. They may be full of bull but you will have felt priviliged to have heard it. To make things really interesting they really do have a split personality so if you like versitility, chum up. They are born flirts but it's harmless, this is just part of their make-up.

They make great writers, lecturers, entertainers, newspersons and of course do well in public relations. They are the jack of all trade and the master of none.

Watch him as he flutters by, poor thing is always in search of himself. They made great hippies in the sixties for they loved the freedom, the rebellion and breaking all the rules. He can finally settle down when he feels he has found his true self and realizes all is as it should be.

Gemini rules the third house.
